New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap - Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock
This guide will cover all of the Pokemon that can be found in Illumina Spot of Lental Seafloor in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as how to unlock the level. Locations for all Pokemon in Undersea (Illumina Spot), as well as alternate routes, requests, crystabloom and ancient ruins locations can be found here!

Lental Seafloor Illumina Spot Map and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Unlocked after discovering the secret route in Undersea (Day).

Expedition Points Per Level

Lv. 1→Lv. 2 1
Lv. 2→Max Lv 40,000

Lental Seafloor Illumina Spot List of Pokemon

List of Pokemon

Minimum Research Level
New Pokemon Snap WishiwashiWishiwashi
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap FinneonFinneon
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap WailordWailord
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap LuvdiscLuvdisc
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap WailmerWailmer
Lv. 2

How to Raise Your Research Level

Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Where to Find
New Pokemon Snap WishiwashiWishiwashi
  • Wishiwashi is the Illumina Pokemon found in this course. You can find it in its Solo Form at the beginning of the course or alongside a group of Luvdisc and Finneon. For its School Form to appear, you need to throw Illumina Orbs at the group found alongside some Finneon.
New Pokemon Snap WailmerWailmer
  • Two Wailmers appear right at the beginning of the course.
New Pokemon Snap FinneonFinneon
  • You can find a group of Finneon swimming in the area after the Wailmers scare away the Wishiwashi.
  • The second group can be found in the exit point. As you reach the two rock pillars, look to your left and throw Illumina Orbs at the Wishiwashi. Wait for it to transform and swallow the Neo-One. Look to your left or right to find some Finneon swimming alongside Luvdisc.
New Pokemon Snap LuvdiscLuvdisc
  • You can find a group of Luvdisc along with some Wishiwashi in the middle of the course as you head near the two rock pillars.
  • The second group of Luvdisc also appears alongside with some Finneon if the Wishiwashi (School Form) swallows the Neo-One.
New Pokemon Snap WailordWailord
  • Wailord appears at the end of the course by following some steps. You need to throw Illumina Orbs at the group of Wishwashi once they swim to the right side of the Neo-One. Wait for them to swim away and find the Wailord chasing after them.

Lental Seafloor Illumina Spot Alternate Routes

There doesn't appear to be any branching paths in this area.

Lental Seafloor Illumina Spot Requests

Request Name How to Clear
Swirling EnergySwirling Energy
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Trigger Wishiwashi (School Form)'s Illumina Phenomenon right at the start to get it to create an underwater vortex.
Professor Mirror (Heart-Eyes)
Swirling Energy Walkthrough

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Lental Seafloor Illumina Spot Crystablooms

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Look to your left and below to find this Crystabloom on the rock pillar near where the group of Finneon and Wishiwashi are swimming around.
Crystabloom 2 You can find this Crystabloom further from the first one after the group of Luvdisc and Wishiwashi appear. Look to your right and below on a rock pillar to spot this flower.

All Crystabloom Locations

New Pokemon Snap Levels

Levels Banner.png

List of All Levels

Florio Nature Park
Park (Day) Park (Night) Illumina Spot
Founja Jungle
Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
Sweltering Sands
Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
Blushing Beach
Beach (Day) Beach (Night)
Maricopia Reef
Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)
Lental Seafloor
Undersea Illumina Spot
Fireflow Volcano
Volcano Illumina Spot
Elsewhere Forest
Forest Illumina Spot
Research Camp
Research Camp
Shiver Snowfields
Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
Outaway Cave
Cave Illumina Spot
Ruins of Remembrance
Ruins Illumina Spot
Secret Side Path
Side Path (Day) Side Path (Night)
Mightywide River
River (Day) River (Night)
Barren Badlands
Badlands (Day) Badlands (Night)


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