New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Legendary Pokemon Guide: List of All Legendaries and Locations

New Pokemon Snap All Legendary Pokemon

This is a guide to finding all Legendary Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Learn where to find all legendaries to help you with collecting Research Titles and filling out your Photodex!

Legendary Pokemon Are Unlocked Post Game

New Pokemon Snap - How to Find Legendary Pokemon.png

With the exception of Shaymin's appearance in the Park Illumina Spot, Legendary Pokemon will only show up after clearing the main story. After clearing the final Illumina Spot and viewing the credits roll, you can revisit older levels to begin finding Legendaries!

Progression Guide and Complete Story Walkthrough

List of All Legendary Pokemon

Tap to Jump to a section
New Pokemon Snap - MewMew New Pokemon Snap - CelebiCelebi New Pokemon Snap - Ho-OhHo-Oh
New Pokemon Snap - JirachiJirachi New Pokemon Snap - ManaphyManaphy New Pokemon Snap - ShayminShaymin
New Pokemon Snap - DiancieDiancie New Pokemon Snap - LugiaLugia New Pokemon Snap - SuicuneSuicune
New Pokemon Snap - ZeraoraZeraora

Legendary Pokemon Locations


Location Jungle (Day) and Jungle (Night)

Mew Locations and How to Get Each Star

You can find Mew on Jungle (Night) at the beginning of the course. The Pokemon can also be found at Jungle (Day), although you need to take a photo of it at Jungle (Night) first for it to appear.

See the table below to learn how to find Mew!

How to Take a Photo of Mew

1 As soon as you start the course, press the Down arrow on the D-Pad to quickly turn around and play the Melody.
2 Throw a Fluffruit at the pink orb that appears.
3 If done correctly, the pink orb will transform into Mew for a split-second before disappearing.


Location Forest

Celebi Locations and How to Get Each Star

Celebi appears in the last part of the Forest. There are no particular steps required for it to appear, so you can take its photo once you head to this area.


Location Volcano

Ho-Oh Locations and How to Get Each Star

Ho-Oh sometimes appears at the Volcano in four spots, although it seems to be somewhat random. See the table below to learn Ho-Oh's four possible locations!

1st Area
Start Volcano at Research Level 3. From the starting point, look to your right to find a Charmander. Ho-Oh briefly passes by in this area.
2nd Area
After passing by the jumping Monferno, look to your top left to find Ho-Oh flying near the area.
3rd Area
If you found Ho-Oh in the second area, you can find it flying in between the second Crystabloom and the nearby rocks.
4th Area
At Research Level 3, you may find Ho-Oh flying above the ceiling in the alternate route before the blue lava room.

If Ho-Oh doesn't appear in these spots, restart the course and try again.


Location Ruins

Jirachi Locations and How to Get Each Star

Jirachi appears near the starting point of the course, as well as inside the ruins. There are no particular steps required for it to appear, so you can take its photo once you head to these areas.

Flying near the Ancient Ruins

New Pokemon Snap - Jirachi Ancient Ruings

At the beginning of the course, look above the Ancient Ruins to find Jirachi flying with a group of Eldegoss. Jirachi's placement may be different depending on the Research Level.

Sleeping on a Steelix Statue

New Pokemon Snap - Jirachi Steelix Statue
Inside the ruins, you can find Jirachi sleeping on a Steelix statue. Throwing a Fluffruit or an Illumina Orb at it causes the legendary Pokemon to wake up and fly around the area.

Jirachi Map Location 1

Jirachi Map Location 2

Ruins Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock


Location Reef (Evening)

Manaphy Locations and How to Get Each Star

Manaphy appears in two areas in Reef (Evening) and requires following a few steps for the Pokemon to appear. See the table below to learn how to find Manaphy!

How to Take a Photo of Manaphy

1 Head to the Alternate Route.
2 Throw an Illumina Orb at the two Lapras and play the Melody to let the Pokemon sing.
3 Look below Lapras and take a photo of Manaphy!


Location Park (Day), Park (Night), and Park (Illumina Spot)

Shaymin Locations and How to Get Each Star

Shaymin appears in the flower garden area of Park (Day) and Park (Night). This Pokemon may be difficult to find as it blends in with the flowers, so be sure to look closely and you might spot this Legendary Pokemon!

You can also find this Pokemon at Park (Illumina Spot) although it requires a few steps for it to appear in the area.


Location Cave

Diancie Locations and How to Get Each Star

Diancie appears in an alternate route in Cave and requires following some steps for the Pokemon to appear. See the table below to learn how to find Diancie!

How to Take a Photo of Diancie

1 Head to the first Alternate Route leading further underground in the cave.
2 Throw an Illumina Orb at the two Carbink and the Mawile.
3 Look at the righthand side of the area to find Diancie on a rock.

Diancie Map Location


Location Undersea

Lugia Locations and How to Get All Stars

Lugia appears in an alternate route in Undersea and requires following some steps for the Pokemon to appear. See the table below to learn how to find Lugia!

How to Take a Photo of Lugia

1 Head to the first Alternate Route towards the cave.
2 Throw an Illumina Orb at the Lanturn after passing through the cave where Starmie is.
3 Turn towards the two Frillish and wait until Wailord appears.
4 Throw an Illumina Orb at the Lanturn to rescue it from the two Frillish.
5 Follow the Lanturn as it leads you to another Alternate Route.
6 Take a photo of Lugia sleeping at the end of the route.

Lugia Map Location


Location Snowfields (Night)

Suicune Locations and How to Get All Stars

Suicune appears after entering the two alternate routes in Snowfields (Night) and requires following some steps for the Pokemon to appear. See the table below to learn how to find Suicune!

How to Take a Photo of Suicune

1 Go beyond the snow wall at the first Alternate Route.
Note: You need to unlock this Alternate Route on Snowfields (Day) to head through the snow wall.
2 Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crabominable and have it wake up the Abomasnow.
3 Take a photo of Froslass as it appears in the snowstorm.
4 Take the Alternate Route that Froslass passes through.
5 Throw an Illumina Orb at the Jynx found above the Avalugg.
6 Take a photo of Suicune as soon as it appears.


New Pokemon Snap - Zeraora

Location Badlands (Day) and Badlands (Night)

Zeraora Locations and How to Get All Stars

Zeraora appears in two of the new courses that was added as part of the free content update. One can be found sleeping on the left side at the beginning of Badlands (Night) at Research Level 2 and higher.

Another is sleeping on a cliff on your right at the start of Badlands (Day) after reaching Research Level 3. Both instances of Zeraora can be woken up by throwing a Fluffruit at them.

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