New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Park (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap -  Park (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock
This guide will cover all of the Pokemon that can be found in Park (Day) of Florio Nature Park in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as how to unlock the level. Locations for all Pokemon in Park (Day), as well as alternate routes, requests, crystabloom and ancient ruins locations can be found here!

Park (Day) Map and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Unlocked by default.

Expedition Points Per Level

Lv. 1→Lv. 2 40,000
Lv. 2→Lv. 3 70,000
Lv. 3→Max Lv. 90,000

Park (Day) List of Pokemon

List of Pokemon

Minimum Research Level
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PichuPichu
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap GrookeyGrookey
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap BouffalantBouffalant
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap EmolgaEmolga
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap WurmpleWurmple
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap DodrioDodrio
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SwannaSwanna
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap BidoofBidoof
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap TaillowTaillow
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap HoothootHoothoot
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ComfeyComfey
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap FlorgesFlorges
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SylveonSylveon
Lv. 1**
New Pokemon Snap ShayminShaymin
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ShroomishShroomish
Lv. 1**
New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
Lv. 1**
New Pokemon Snap TangrowthTangrowth
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap DucklettDucklett
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap ScorbunnyScorbunny
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap PidgeotPidgeot
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap HeracrossHeracross
Lv. 3

How to Raise Your Research Level

Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Where to Find
Minimum Research Level 1
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
  • Several Meadow-Pattern Vivillon will be flying about as soon as the course starts.

  • A Meadow-Pattern Vivillon appears in front of the sign just before the flower field.

  • More Meadow-Pattern Vivillon can be found past the flower field beyond the end of the course.

  • From Research Level 3, a Garden-Pattern Vivillon will appear in the flower field if you light up all three Crystabloom.
New Pokemon Snap DodrioDodrio
  • In the clearing at the start of the course.

  • Past the first Crystabloom, a Dodrio will show up on your left.
  • From Side Path (Day), after you return to normal size.
New Pokemon Snap GrookeyGrookey
  • Near the sign at the beginning of the course.

  • Past the first Crystabloom, you'll find Grookey hidden in the bushes to your left. The Bidoof dam can be found opposite these bushes to the right.

  • From Research Level 2, Grookey may be found in the flower field playing with other Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap PichuPichu
  • Near the sign at the beginning of the course.

  • Past the first Crystabloom, you'll find Pichu hidden in the bushes to your left. The Bidoof dam can be found opposite these bushes to the right.

  • From Research Level 2, Pichu may be found in the flower field playing with other Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap BouffalantBouffalant
  • You can spot a herd of Bouffalant far in the distance to the right once the course starts.

  • From Research Level 2, Bouffalant will now appear much closer at the start of the course.

  • From Research Level 2 Bouffalant will also be found in the flower field at the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap BidoofBidoof
  • Past the first stone bridge.

  • Past the second stone bridge running past the tree with the Hoothoot.

  • From Research Level 2 Bidoof can be found actively working on their dam in the lake.

  • From Research Level 3 Bidoof can be found to your left in the beginning of the course
New Pokemon Snap WurmpleWurmple
  • Among the grass, trees, and fallen logs past the first stone bridge.

  • Among the grass past the tree with the Hoothoot.
New Pokemon Snap EmolgaEmolga
  • Gliding around in the area past the first stone bridge. May sometimes rest atop trees and cliffs.
New Pokemon Snap SwannaSwanna
  • In the large lake. May also fly overhead.
New Pokemon Snap TaillowTaillow
  • Along the path past the first Crystabloom.

  • From Research Level 3, Taillow can be spotted near the second stone bridge.

  • Resting on the path just past the tree with the Hoothoot.

  • On top of the sign just before the flower field.
New Pokemon Snap ComfeyComfey
  • Several can be found in the flower field near the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap FlorgesFlorges
  • In the flower field near the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap HoothootHoothoot
  • In a tree just past the second stone bridge.
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
  • Past the first Crystabloom, you may start throwing Fluffruit into the lake to your right. Every once in a while, a Magikarp will splash out of the water.

  • A Magikarp out of water can be found along the shore of the lake.
New Pokemon Snap ShayminShaymin
Postgame Only
  • Past the first Crystabloom, you'll find Shaymin hidden in the bushes to your left. The Bidoof dam can be found opposite these bushes to the right.

  • Can be found resting next to the Crystabloom closest to the Florges in the flower field.
Minimum Research Level 2
New Pokemon Snap DucklettDucklett
  • In the large lake.
New Pokemon Snap TangrowthTangrowth
  • As you cross the first stone bridge, look far into the distance atop the rocky cliffs. A Tangrowth can be spotted walking around.

  • Past the second stone bridge, a Tangrowth can be found in an alcove to the left.
Minimum Research Level 3
New Pokemon Snap ScorbunnyScorbunny
  • Can be found running around just before the first stone bridge.

  • Past the first Crystabloom, you'll find Scorbunny hidden in the bushes to your left. The Bidoof dam can be found opposite these bushes to the right.

  • Scorbunny may be found in the flower field playing with other Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap HeracrossHeracross
  • Can be found on a tree next to the first Crystabloom. If you knock it down it will reappear later in the course.

  • When taking the alternate path through the Bidoof's Dam, Heracross can be spotted flying towards a lone tree in the lake.
New Pokemon Snap PidgeotPidgeot
  • Can be found along the path past the first Crystabloom.
Accessed through Side Path (Day)
New Pokemon Snap ShroomishShroomish
  • From Side Path (Day), after you return to normal size.
New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
  • From Side Path (Day), Take the alternate path, a Snorlax can be found sleeping in the trunk of a tree. Feed it fluffruit when it mouth opens, then play the Melody to wake it up. If you wake it up, it will reappear in the flower field of Park (Day) after you return to normal size.
New Pokemon Snap SylveonSylveon
  • From Side Path (Day), after you return to normal size.

Park (Day) Alternate Routes

Park (Day) Alternate Route 1 - Bidoof Dam

Research Level Lv. 3

The alternate route for Park (Day) is unlocked upon reaching Research Level 3. Press and Hold the Scan button as you approach the Bidoof's dam.

Park (Day) Alternate Route 2 - Shrink Spot: Shrink to access the Secret Side Path

Research Level Lv. 2

As part of the free content update, a new alternate route can be found after crossing the first bridge. Scan the tree on your left in the grassy area where the Grookey sleeps. A cutscene will play, showing the Neo-One shrinking down to enter the hole in the tree.

Discovering the alternate route to the shrink spot unlocks the Side Path (Day) course.

Side Path (Day) Walkthrough

Park (Day) Requests

Request Name How to Clear
Hide-and-Seek in the FlowersHide-and-Seek in the Flowers
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb at the hiding Pichu and take a photo.
Hide-and-Seek in the Flowers Walkthrough
One-Hand FreezeOne-Hand Freeze
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Grookey when it does a one armed handstand.
Professor Mirror's Goggles
One-Hand Freeze Walkthrough
Three Friends among FlowersThree Friends among Flowers
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit near Pichu and take a photo of Scorbunny at the Crystalbloom while it is laughing.
Three Friends among Flowers Walkthrough
Head-to-Head CompetitionHead-to-Head Competition
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of two Bouffalant butting heads.
Head-to-Head Competition Walkthrough
Shockingly Well-DoneShockingly Well-Done
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a fluffruit near an Emolga and take a photo while it zaps the fruit.
Effect 4
Shockingly Well-Done Walkthrough
WhatWhat's Up with Wurmple?
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb at Wurmple while it is fighting a Taillow and take a photo.
What's Up with Wurmple? Walkthrough
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Ducklett mid-flight.
Swanna-be Walkthrough
Dam  Sweet DamDam, Sweet Dam
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit into the Bidoof dam and take a photo of the Bidoof that pops up on top.
Dam, Sweet Dam Walkthrough
Off to a Flying StartleOff to a Flying Startle
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Taillow mid-flight.
Off to a Flying Startle Walkthrough
Flopping by the WaterFlopping by the Water
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Pigeot as it swoops down into the water to catch a Magikarp.
Eye 7
Flopping by the Water Walkthrough
DonDon't Be Scared!
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Toss an Illumina Orb on the Crystabloom and feed Comfey a fluffruit.
Don't Be Scared! Walkthrough
Livening Up the FlowersLivening Up the Flowers
Research Lv. 3
As you enter the flower field, capture a photo of Florges as it emits a green glow.
Livening Up the Flowers Walkthrough
Myth of the Nature ParkMyth of the Nature Park
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a photo of Shaymin as it dances with other Pokemon near the Crystabloom in the flower field.
Myth of the Nature Park Walkthrough

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Park (Day) Crystablooms

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Next to a mound of dirt to your left just before the lake area.
Crystabloom 2 To your right as soon as you enter the flower field.
Crystabloom 3 Near the Florges in the flower field.
Crystabloom 4 To your left past the flower pile in the flower field.

New Pokemon Snap Levels

Levels Banner.png

List of All Levels

Florio Nature Park
Park (Day) Park (Night) Illumina Spot
Founja Jungle
Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
Sweltering Sands
Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
Blushing Beach
Beach (Day) Beach (Night)
Maricopia Reef
Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)
Lental Seafloor
Undersea Illumina Spot
Fireflow Volcano
Volcano Illumina Spot
Elsewhere Forest
Forest Illumina Spot
Research Camp
Research Camp
Shiver Snowfields
Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
Outaway Cave
Cave Illumina Spot
Ruins of Remembrance
Ruins Illumina Spot
Secret Side Path
Side Path (Day) Side Path (Night)
Mightywide River
River (Day) River (Night)
Barren Badlands
Badlands (Day) Badlands (Night)


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