New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

River (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap - River (Day) Walkthrough
This guide will cover all of the Pokemon that can be found in River (Day) of Mightywide River in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as how to unlock the level. Locations for all Pokemon in River (Day), as well as alternate routes, requests, crystabloom and ancient ruins locations can be found here!

River (Day) Map and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Unlocked after completing the game.

Expedition Points Per Level

Lv. 1→Lv. 2 45,000
Lv. 2→Lv. 3 55,000
Lv. 3→Max Lv. 60,000

River (Day) List of Pokemon

Minimum Research Level
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap GrookeyGrookey
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap AipomAipom
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap MetapodMetapod
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap BeautiflyBeautifly
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ToucannonToucannon
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SwampertSwampert
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SobbleSobble
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap FeraligatrFeraligatr
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap TropiusTropius
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PsyduckPsyduck
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ArbokArbok
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap WooperWooper
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap QuagsireQuagsire
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap GyaradosGyarados
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap VenusaurVenusaur
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap UrsaringUrsaring
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap DrilburDrilbur
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap CleffaCleffa
Lv. 3

How to Raise Your Research Level

Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Where to Find
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
  • As you reach the first waterfall, look to the right corner to find a Vivillon clinging on the side of the rock wall.
  • A Vivillon appears only at the end of the course after throwing an Illumina Orb at the first Crystabloom.
  • Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom behind the waterfall and look up to find the Vivillon.
  • Near the group of Tropius at the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap GrookeyGrookey
  • Look to your right to find Grookey and Sobble sleeping at the beginning of the course.
  • On a rock formation with Sobble directly opposite of the waterfall.
  • On the left of the Crystabloom area after passing through the sleeping Swamperts.
  • Sleeping next to a Tropius at the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
  • Run a scan at the beginning of the course for a Magikarp to jump out of the water.
  • At Research Level 3, throw a Fluffruit on the water at the area where the first Feraligatr appears for a Magikarp to jump out of the water.
  • In the river just before sliding down the falls.
  • A group can be found near the waterfalls.
  • At Research Level 3, throw a Fluffruit on the water near the area with the Drilburs for a Magikarp to jump out.
  • Inside the Moonlit Cave after taking the alternate route.
  • Two Magikarp will swim nearby as you reach the end of the course.
  • At the end of the course, throw a Fluffruit on the water for a Magikarp to jump out.
New Pokemon Snap AipomAipom
  • At the beginning of the course.
  • A group can be found running on the cliff in the area where the first Feraligatr appears.
  • After encountering the first Feraligatr, look to your left to find a group of Aipom chasing a Psyduck.
  • Take the alternate route inside the Moonlit Cave and throw Illumina Orbs at the Crystablooms inside. Look up at the ceiling to find a group of Aipoms.
  • At Research Level 3, look to your right and run a scan to find the ???. Hit it with a Fluffruit to reveal an Aipom. This particular Aipom will accompany the Grookey and the Sobble throughout the course.
New Pokemon Snap MetapodMetapod
  • At the beginning of the course.
  • After passing by the first Feraligatr, look up to find a Metapod on a tree.
New Pokemon Snap BeautiflyBeautifly
  • At the beginning of the course.
  • On the right in the area with the sleeping Grookey and Sobble.
  • At Research Level 2, a group of Beautifly will hover near the area with the Psyduck and Wooper.
  • A group can be found in the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave.
  • Near the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap ToucannonToucannon
  • A group of flying Toucannons will appear after sliding down the falls.
  • Two Toucannon can be found alongside the group of Venusaur just after the waterfall.
  • After passing by the group of sleeping Swamperts, look to your right and throw an Illumina Orb and wait for the Toucannon to land beside it.
New Pokemon Snap SwampertSwampert
  • A group can be found sleeping after passing by the first waterfall.
  • At Research Level 3, throw an Illumina Orb at the water near the area with the Venusaurs for a Swampert to surface briefly.
  • In the alternate route, throw an Illumina Orb at the moving water for a Swampert to appear.
  • At Research Level 3, after crossing the small waterfall, look to the left to find a Swampert underwater. Throw an Illumina Orb at it for the Pokemon to surface briefly.
  • If you have thrown an Illumina Orb at all three hidden Swamperts throughout the course, look for the bubbling parts in the water at the end of the course and throw an Illumina Orb. A group of Swamperts will jump out of the water.
New Pokemon Snap SobbleSobble
  • Look to your right to find Sobble and Grookey sleeping at the beginning of the course.
  • On a rock formation with Grookey directly opposite of the waterfall.
  • On the left of the Crystabloom area after passing through the sleeping Swamperts.
  • Sleeping next to a Tropius at the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap FeraligatrFeraligatr
  • Appears at the beginning of the course.
  • Sleeping next to a Quagsire in the alternate route.
  • At Research Level 2, a Feraligatr can be found swimming slowly near the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap TropiusTropius
  • Look to your left to find Tropius at the beginning of the course.
  • At Research Level 3, a group of flying Tropius will appear from the right side.
  • A group of Tropius can be found just after the waterfall.
  • At Research Level 3, throw an Illumina Orb at the second bubbling water at the beginning of the course for a Wooper to jump out. Later on, that Wooper can be found on top of a flying Tropius in the area with the sleeping Swampert.
New Pokemon Snap PsyduckPsyduck
  • After Feraligatr appears, look to the left to find Psyduck being chased by a group of Aipoms.
  • After throwing an Illumina Orb at the first Psyduck, throw an Illumina Orb on the water near the waterfalls for another Psyduck to appear.
  • After passing by the group of sleeping Swamperts at Research Level 2, a Psyduck will surface to the ground on the left.
  • Swimming on the river in the alternate route.
  • Near the end of the course.
New Pokemon Snap ArbokArbok
  • At the beginning of the course.
  • At Reseach Level 2, throw an Illumina Orb at Arbok for it to appear and defend Psyduck later on.
  • At Research Level 2, an Arbok can be found sleeping on a tree near the waterfall.
  • For Arbok to appear at the end of the course, start the course at Research Level 3. Throw an Illumina Orb at Arbok and run a scan. It will surface to the ground and defend the first Psyduck. Once you reach the end of the course, Arbok and Psyduck will appear on the small island near the exit point.
New Pokemon Snap QuagsireQuagsire
  • At Research Level 2, a Quagsire can be found swimming next to Feraligatr at the beginning of the course.
  • At Research Level 2, a Quagsire will dive down near you just after passing the waterfall.
  • Sleeping next to a Feraligatr in the alternate route.
  • As you reach the end of the course at Research Level 3, look behind you to find Quagsire sliding down.
New Pokemon Snap WooperWooper
  • At the beginning of the course, look for the moving puddle of water in the river and throw a Fluffruit at it. A Wooper will jump out of the water.
  • At Research Level 2, a Wooper can be found alongside a Grookey and Sobble on a rock formation opposite of the waterfall.
  • After passing by the group of sleeping Swamperts at Research Level 2, a Wooper will surface to the ground on the left.
  • At Research Level 3, throw an Illumina Orb at the moving water near the end of the course for a Feraligatr and a group of Woopers to appear.
New Pokemon Snap GyaradosGyarados
  • Surfaces briefly after throwing an Illumina Orb behind the waterfall.
  • As you reach the end of the course, look behind to find Gyarados diving across you.
New Pokemon Snap VenusaurVenusaur
  • A group of Venusaurs can be found just after the waterfall.
New Pokemon Snap UrsaringUrsaring
  • After Feraligatr appears, look to the left to find Psyduck being chased by a group of Aipoms. Ursaring will appear to chase away the Aipoms.
  • At Research Level 3, if you throw an Illumina Orb at first two Crystablooms, an Ursaring appears in the area with the Venusaurs.
  • At Research Level 3, an Ursaring can be found sleeping on a fallen tree.
  • After passing by the group of Drilburs, look to your left to find a sleeping Ursaring next to a tree.
  • At the end of the alternate route, you can find Ursaring clinging on a tree in the area where a group of Tropius can be found.
New Pokemon Snap DrilburDrilbur
  • At Research Level 3, throw an Illumina Orb at the Arbok in the water and run a scan. The Pokemon will then surface to the ground and startle the nearby Drilburs.
  • A group of Drilbur can be found above the sleeping Swampert and Quagsire.
  • After passing by the group of sleeping Swamperts, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom on the right. After the two Toucannons appear, play the Melody for two Drilburs to pop out.
New Pokemon Snap CleffaCleffa
  • At Research Level 3, take the alternate route and look at the ledge on the right and scan to find a single Cleffa.
  • Take the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave and throw Illumina Orbs at the first Crystabloom for a group of Cleffas to appear.

River (Day) Alternate Routes

Alternate Route 1 - Moonlit Cave

New Pokemon Snap - River (Day) Alternate Route

Research Level Lv. 3

This alternate route can only be accessed after running a scan on the group of Beautifly clinging on the hanging plants at River (Night).

River (Day) Requests

Request Name How to Clear
Overhead FriendOverhead Friend
Research Lv. 3
Get a Wooper to ride on Tropius's head.
Ribbon 7
Overhead Friend Walkthrough
Psychic SidekickPsychic Sidekick
Research Lv. 1 or 2
Get Psyduck to use Psychic on Magikarp after it jumps out of the water
Hand Colored
Psychic Sidekick Walkthrough
Drilbur PropellerDrilbur Propeller
Research Lv. 3
Play the Melody to get the Drilbur to dig underground and wait for them come out
Design 21
Drilbur Propeller Walkthrough
CleffaCleffa's Training
Research Lv. 3
Snap a photo of four Cleffas using Metronome.
Crown 3
Cleffa's Training Walkthrough

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

River (Day) Crystablooms

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 As you reach the first waterfall, look on the bottom right to take a photo of the Crystabloom next to a Vivillon.
Crystabloom 2 While riding down the first waterfall, look to your left to find the Crystalbloom on the rocks.
Crystabloom 3 The third Crystabloom can be found behind the waterfall. Throw an Illumina Orb at the base of the waterfall to activate it.
Crystabloom 4 After passing through the sleeping Swamperts, wait for the Neo-One to cross the small waterfall and look to your right to find the Crystabloom.
Crystabloom 5 After unlocking the alternate route on River (Night), take the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave and find the Crystabloom next to the Cleffa.
Crystabloom 6 Take the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave and find the Crystabloom near the fifth one.

All Crystabloom Locations

New Pokemon Snap Levels

Levels Banner.png

List of All Levels

Florio Nature Park
Park (Day) Park (Night) Illumina Spot
Founja Jungle
Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
Sweltering Sands
Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
Blushing Beach
Beach (Day) Beach (Night)
Maricopia Reef
Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)
Lental Seafloor
Undersea Illumina Spot
Fireflow Volcano
Volcano Illumina Spot
Elsewhere Forest
Forest Illumina Spot
Research Camp
Research Camp
Shiver Snowfields
Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
Outaway Cave
Cave Illumina Spot
Ruins of Remembrance
Ruins Illumina Spot
Secret Side Path
Side Path (Day) Side Path (Night)
Mightywide River
River (Day) River (Night)
Barren Badlands
Badlands (Day) Badlands (Night)


7 Bunniover 2 years

Right at the beginning of the course, look right and scan. In the bushes you should see an Aipom hiding that scans as ??? Throw some fluffruit at it and you’ll see it again when you come down the waterfall where it’ll meet up with the other Pokémon and run along the course with them.

6 Anonymousabout 3 years

I finally found that Tropius! At level 3, throw an Illumina orb at the bubbles at the start to make Wooper come out. Then Tropius will appear with Wooper on it's head on the main path after you pass the entrance to the alternate path. This is basically what the guide says but where I was getting stuck is that if you take the alt path, they show up at the end instead, which doesn't count for that spot on the map.


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