New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Illumina Orb Effects and How to Use

Illumina Orb Top Image.png
This is a page on the item Illumina Orb from the New Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo Switch. Read on for more information on Illumina Orb's effect and how to use it!

How to Unlock Illumina Orbs

Take a Photo of the Glowing Crystabloom

New Pokemon Snap - Glowing Crystabloom
You unlock the Illumina Orb for the first time after taking a photo of a glowing Crystabloom during your Jungle (Night) expedition. Note that this only unlocks the Illumina Orbs for Florio Island and Belusylva Island.

To unlock the Illumina Orbs for other islands, select a nighttime level and take a photo of a glowing Crystabloom. Complete the level and have the photo evaluated.

See the table below to find all the locations of the glowing Crystablooms and unlock the Illumina Orb for each island!

Glowing Crystabloom Locations

Crystabloom Where to Find
Belusylva Island Crystabloom At Jungle (Night), you can find the glowing Crystabloom near the exit point. Depending on the Research Level, a Quagsire or a Leafeon can be found beside it.
Take its photo to unlock the Illumina Orbs for Florio and Belusylva Islands.
Voluca Island Crystabloom At Sands (Night), proceed through the main path until you reach the sandfall. As you descend down, look to your right to find the glowing Crystabloom on a rock.
Take its photo to unlock the Illumina Orb for Voluca Island.
Maricopia Island Crystabloom At Undersea, proceed through the main path and find the Lumineon sleeping on the ground. Throw a Fluffruit at it to move it away to reveal the glowing Crystabloom.
Take its photo to unlock the Illumina Orb for Maricopia Island.
Durice Island Crystabloom At Snowfields (Night), proceed through the main path abd look down in between the ice sheets to find the glowing Crystabloom at the bottom.
Take its photo to unlock the Illumina Orb for Durice Island.
Aurus Island Crystabloom At Ruins, look above and to your right to find the glowing Crystabloom on a cliff.
Take its photo to unlock the Illumina Orb for Aurus Island.

Progression Guide and Complete Story Walkthrough

Illumina Orb Effects

Triggers the Illumina Phenomenon

Illumina Orb Effect Trailer.jpg

Using an Illumina Orb on a Pokemon triggers the Illumina Phenomenon. The Illumina Phenomenon makes Pokemon glow and radiate with life energy. These orbs can also cause some Pokemon to display unsual behavior.

These rare behavior are sometimes related to a specific LenTalk Request.

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Illuminates Crystablooms

Clefairy by Moonlight.jpg

Using an Illumina Orb on the native plant Crystabloom will also cause them to glow. When an inactive crystabloom is touched by an Illumina orb, the effect transfers to nearby Pokemon and puts them to the Illumina state.

Other Effects on Pokemon

New Pokemon Snap - Scorbunny Illumina Orb
To use an Illumina Orb, throw the orb at a specific Pokemon. This will give you a chance to capture an amazing photo of a glowing Pokemon just like Scorbunny on the gif above.

As seen here, it turns Scorbunny's normally red flames into a glowing blue color. Capturing these moments might lead you into having a higher Photodex Photo score!

How to Use Illumina Orbs

Aim Your Camera Then Press the Y Button

Aim Your Camera Then Press the Y Button.png

You can toss an Illumina Orb at a Pokemon by pressing the Y button

Tip: Use the Camera Focus As A Guide

Throw the Illumina Orb Based on the Cameras Focus.png

The indicator in the center of the screen can help you aim.

The Illumina Orb is thrown at the direction your camera is pointed at. Remember to point the white circle at where you intend to throw it. Aim higher when throwing further away, and aim lower when throwing closer to the foreground. Getting the hang of throwing Illumina Orbs will be key to lighting up your subjects for better shots!

Related Links

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List of Items and Tools

List of Announced Items and Tools

Fluffruit.jpgFluffruit Illumina Orb.jpgIllumina Orb Melody.jpgMelody
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