New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

List of Durice Lentalk Requests

This is a guide to all Lentalk Requests available in the Durice Area of New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to complete Durice LenTalk Requests, unlock conditions, as well as rewards.

Durice Lentalk Requests

Snowfields (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Frolicking FurretFrolicking Furret
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom to the right of the course. When the Furret jumps out and runs into the other nearby hole, toss Fluffruit to have it come out. Play the melody and take a picture of its face.
Frolicking Furret Walkthrough
Snowfield Hide-and-SeekSnowfield Hide-and-Seek
Research Lv. 3
Throw a Fluffruit at the snow-capped hill in the beginning on the left and take a picture of the Cubchoo that emerges.
Snowfield Hide-and-Seek Walkthrough
Duel on the SnowfieldsDuel on the Snowfields
Research Lv. 2
Throw a fluffruit at the Beartic chasing a Dewgong, then snap a photo of that Beartic roaring at Mamoswine.
Duel on the Snowfields Walkthrough
Message from a FriendMessage from a Friend
Research Lv. 3
Lead the Weavile to the tree with markings on it with Fluffruit. Throw an Illumina Orb at Weavile and the tree, then snap a photo of it reading the markings.
Message from a Friend Walkthrough
Dig Here  Swinub!Dig Here, Swinub!
Research Lv. 3
Use Fluffruit to lead the Swinub at the end of the course near the Crystalbloom. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom, then take a picture when Swinub rides the hot spring.
Emote 10
Dig Here, Swinub! Walkthrough
The Wrath of MamoswineThe Wrath of Mamoswine
Research Lv. 3
Get the Weavile to read the markings on the tree. Hit the Swinup atop the hill with a Fluffruit, then throw an Illumina Orb at the Weavile who chase after it. Get a photo of the Mamoswine counterattacking.
The Wrath of Mamoswine Walkthrough
SkarmorySkarmory's Flying Show
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Snap a photo of Skarmory spinning in the air!
Skarmory's Flying Show Walkthrough
Find that Perfect TimingFind that Perfect Timing
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Get a photo of Sandslash as it burrows into the snow.
Snow 2
Find that Perfect Timing Walkthrough
In the BlizzardIn the Blizzard
Research Lv. 3
Take the branching path, and get a photo of the three Snoms. Throw an illumina orb at the crystabloom to make a Frosmoth appear, then hit it with an illumina orb. When all four Snoms become visible at once, take a picture of them together.
In the Blizzard Walkthrough
It Jumped Out at Me!It Jumped Out at Me!
Research Lv. 3
Take the branching path. Look to the left side, and use Scan around the third tree, and you should see a ??? in the background. After the third tree, the Crabominable you scanned will jump out. Get a photo of it jumping or landing.
It Jumped Out at Me! Walkthrough
Fidgety SnoruntFidgety Snorunt
Research Lv. 3
Throw a Fluffruit at an icicle on the ceiling in the cave to bring it down. Take a picture of the Snorunt getting excited at seeing this.
Fidgety Snorunt Walkthrough
Icy ArmorIcy Armor
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit at the Glalie after it starts moving, then take a picture when its Ice Armor activates.
Icy Armor Walkthrough
Icy PlaygroundIcy Playground
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Spheal being tossed by Dewgong out of the water in the second branching path of Snowfields (Day).
Music Note 2
Icy Playground Walkthrough
Treasure-Hunting TroupeTreasure-Hunting Troupe
Research Lv. 3
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Piplup on the smaller iceberg and take a photo of it holding up a seashell.
Effect 6
Treasure-Hunting Troupe Walkthrough
You Can Do It  Vanilluxe!You Can Do It, Vanilluxe!
Research Lv. 3
Take the branching paths and head to the ice cave. Play the Melody near Glalie and throw an Illumina Orb at it. Near the exit point, look left throw a Fluffruit in the hole for Vanilluxe to emerge. Take a photo of Vanilluxe eating the Fluffruit.
You Can Do It, Vanilluxe! Walkthrough
Dining DewgongDining Dewgong
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Dewgong eating a Fluffruit.
Dining Dewgong Walkthrough
Gazing Down on the SnowfieldsGazing Down on the Snowfields
Research Lv. 3
Before going downward into the cave, look for a Glaceon on top of the hill and snap a picture of it.
Gazing Down on the Snowfields Walkthrough

Snowfields (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Snowfields (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
Howling at the HeavensHowling at the Heavens
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Furret on the top of the hill. After it is chased by the Mightyena, take a picture of the Mightyena howling at the sky when it goes to the top of the hill.
Phil's Bag
Howling at the Heavens Walkthrough
Proud WarriorProud Warrior
Research Lv. 2
Get Braviary to land near the Furret hole and feed it Fluffruit.
Now that's a surprise! Braviary actually ate your fluffruit! You never fail to impress me!
Proud Warrior Walkthrough
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Abomasnow creating a blizzard.
Design 8
Whiteout Walkthrough
A Safe Place to SleepA Safe Place to Sleep
Research Lv. 2
Enter the cave and peek through the first hole on the right. Take a photo of the Vulpix sleeping there.
Photo Frame 7
A Safe Place to Sleep Walkthrough
Present for a FriendPresent for a Friend
Research Lv. 2
Enter the cave and throw Fluffruit in front of the second hole to the right to bring Delibird out. After it puts the fluffruit into its bag, play the Melody, which will cause it to pull out a fluffruit from its bag. Snap a photo of this pose.
Present for a Friend Walkthrough
Like Powder SnowLike Powder Snow
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Hit any of the 3 Frosmoth clinging to walls with a fluffruit. After you exit the cave, turn right and throw an illumina orb at any of the Frosmoth there, then capture a picture of them using blizzard.
Like Powder Snow Walkthrough
Beyond the Wall of SnowBeyond the Wall of Snow
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Froslass that appears after an Abomasnow creates a blizzard.
Beyond the Wall of Snow Walkthrough
With Their Powers CombinedWith Their Powers Combined
Research Lv. 2
Take the branching path, then the second branching path into the ice cave. Wake up the Jynx with fluffruit, and lure it to the crystabloom. Once it is there, throw an illumina orb at the crystabloom, and get a photo containing the two Jynx as they raise their arms.
With Their Powers Combined Walkthrough
A Sheer FaceA Sheer Face
Research Lv. 2
Take the branching paths and go past the ice cave with the Jynx. After exiting the cave, an Avalugg will climb from the water to the land. Aim upward and throw a fluffruit on its back to make it raise its front legs and growl. Snap a photo of it doing this.
A Sheer Face Walkthrough
Shades of AurorusShades of Aurorus
Research Lv. 2
Follow the steps for the With Their Powers Combined request to make the two Jynx summon an Aurorus from the ice. Snap a photo of the Aurorus when it appears. Alternatively, feed Aurorus two fluffruit and snap a picture after it changes color.
Effect 6
Shades of Aurorus Walkthrough
Wish Upon a Shining SkyWish Upon a Shining Sky
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Suicune growling at a Delibird
Wish Upon a Shining Sky Walkthrough

Snowfields (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock


Request Name How to Clear
Crobat Touches DownCrobat Touches Down
Research Lv. 1 or 3
Feed Crobat a Fluffruit while it is on the ground.
Crobat Touches Down Walkthrough
Joltik AdjoinedJoltik Adjoined
Research Lv. 3
Lure Joltik to Jolteon and let it ride on its back.
Joltik Adjoined Walkthrough
Take a Good  Hard LookTake a Good, Hard Look
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a photo of Geodude climbing the cave wall.
Take a Good, Hard Look Walkthrough
Gem RoyaltyGem Royalty
Research Lv. 3
At the entrance of the last area, throw Illumina Orbs behind the leftmost rock formation for a Vivillon to appear. Restart if it doesn't show up. Next, throw Illumina Orbs at the Carbink on the ruins area. Play the melody for Diancie to show up and throw an Illumina Orb at it. Take a photo of the Carbink reacting to Diancie's pink energy attack.
Gem Royalty Walkthrough
Gengar the PranksterGengar the Prankster
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Lure Gengar to the sleeping Croagunk with Illumina orbs then snap a photo of Gengar scaring Croagunk.
Gengar the Prankster Walkthrough
NoibatNoibat's Refined Palate
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Snap a photo of Noibat before it eats a fluffruit.
Glasses 4
Noibat's Refined Palate Walkthrough
The Biggest Pumpkaboo of AllThe Biggest Pumpkaboo of All
Research Lv. 3
Throw Illumina orbs at the 4 Pumpkaboos throughout the course in order to encounter and snap a photo of the Super Size Pumpkaboo in the final area after the giant crystals.
The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Walkthrough
Croagunk ChorusCroagunk Chorus
Research Lv. 3
Hit the three Croagunk with fluffruits in the correct order while playing the Melody to make them float.
Professor Mirror (Smiling)
Croagunk Chorus Walkthrough
Drifloon Puffed UpDrifloon Puffed Up
Research Lv. 3
Make Drifloon puff up by tossing an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom.
Todd's Wristband
Drifloon Puffed Up Walkthrough
Clefairy by MoonlightClefairy by Moonlight
Research Lv. 3
Light the crystabloom where three Clefairy gather then use Melody to make them dance in the air.
Clefairy by Moonlight Walkthrough
Sound AsleepSound Asleep
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Snap a photo of the sleeping Sableye on the route that leads to the giant crystals.
Glasses 5
Sound Asleep Walkthrough
Anger OutletAnger Outlet
Research Lv. 1 or 3
Snap a photo of Ramparados headbutting Gengar's portal.
Speech Bubble 6
Anger Outlet Walkthrough
Hydreigon Berserk!Hydreigon Berserk!
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Hydreigon eating Fluffruit from the water.
Hydreigon Berserk! Walkthrough
Having a Goodra TimeHaving a Goodra Time
Research Lv. 3
Light up the crystabloom near Goodra and snap a photo of Goodra celebrating.
Rita (Heart-Eyes)
Having a Goodra Time Walkthrough
Look My WayLook My Way
Research Lv. 3
Have Diancie calm Mawile then throw a fluffruit at it.
Rita's Bag
Look My Way Walkthrough
Fur Standing On EndFur Standing On End
Research Lv. 3
Lure Jolteon to Pumpkaboo and make Jolteon use Discharge with an Illumina orb.
Fur Standing On End Walkthrough
Myth of the CaveMyth of the Cave
Research Lv. 3
Capture a photo of Diancie raising its hands up with its eyes closed.
Accessory 10
Myth of the Cave Walkthrough

Cave Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Illumina Spot

Request Name How to Clear
Steelix Takes a BreatherSteelix Takes a Breather
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw Illumina Orbs at the three Noibats near the starting point. At the near end of the course, Steelix will emerge and curl into a ball. Take its photo sleeping to complete the request.
Steelix Takes a Breather Walkthrough

Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

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LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Requests By Area
Florio Belusylva Maricopia
Voluca Durice Aurus


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