New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Forest Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap - Forest Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock
This guide will cover all of the Pokemon that can be found in Forest of Elsewhere Forest in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as how to unlock the level. Locations for all Pokemon in Forest, as well as alternate routes, requests, crystabloom and ancient ruins locations can be found here!

Forest Map and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Volcano.

Expedition Points Per Level

Lv. 1→Lv. 2 40,000
Lv. 2→Lv. 3 70,000
Lv. 3→Max Lv. 80,000

Forest List of Pokemon

List of Pokemon

Minimum Research Level
New Pokemon Snap TrevenantTrevenant
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap EspurrEspurr
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ShiftryShiftry
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap KecleonKecleon
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap DeerlingDeerling
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SawsbuckSawsbuck
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap UnfezantUnfezant
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap DrampaDrampa
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PanchamPancham
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap BulbasaurBulbasaur
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ApplinApplin
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap BewearBewear
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap LotadLotad
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap CelebiCelebi
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SerperiorSerperior
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap GardevoirGardevoir
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap NinetalesNinetales
Lv. 2
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
Lv. 3
New Pokemon Snap EspeonEspeon
Lv. 3

How to Raise Your Research Level

Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Where to Find
Minimum Research Level 1
New Pokemon Snap EspurrEspurr
  • Can be found on the tree tops on the first section of the course.

  • Espurr may again be found on the third section of the course.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found napping in the Sunny Spot.
New Pokemon Snap TrevenantTrevenant
  • Can be found roaming around as soon as the course starts.

  • More Trevenant may be found roaming in the third section of the forest.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Autumn in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap ShiftryShiftry
  • May be found leaping from tree branch to tree branch as soon as the course starts.

  • In Spring, a Shiftry may be found napping on a treetop to your right. Waking this Shiftry up is necessary as part of the Gust with Gusto request.

  • In Summer, a Shiftry may be found among some bamboo playing with Pancham.

  • Shiftry may again be found among the branches in the treetops of the third section of the forest. Sometimes running across them, sometimes sleeping on them.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Spring in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap KecleonKecleon
  • In the first part of the course, try to keep an eye out for a red zig-zag line, particularly under branches of trees. Kecleon may be camouflaged while hanging upside down from trees. Throw an Illumina Orb to reveal them.

  • In Spring and Summer, Kecleon may also be camouflaged while walking around. Illuminate them to reveal them.

  • In the third section of the forest, more camouflaged Kecleon may be hiding. Keep an eye out for that red zig-zag stripe.

  • From Research Level 3, Kecleon may come out of the leaf pile on your right after you scan and throw a Fluffruit at it.

  • Can be found camouflaged in the final section of the main path of the Forest.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Spring in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap DeerlingDeerling
  • May be found in their respective seasonal form, in the respective seasoned section of the forest.

  • A Deerling of a random season may appear in the third section of the forest.

  • All forms may come together in the Sunny Spot on Research Level 3.
New Pokemon Snap SawsbuckSawsbuck
  • May be found in their respective seasonal form, in the respective seasoned section of the forest. Spring and Summer may be accessed in Research Level 1, Autumn and Winter may be accessed in Research Level 2. All variants may be found on Research Level 3

  • A Sawsbuck of a random season may appear in the third section of the forest.

  • All forms may come together in the Sunny Spot on Research Level 3.
New Pokemon Snap UnfezantUnfezant
  • May be found in every seasonal variant of the forest.

  • May be found perched or flying in the last section of the main path.
New Pokemon Snap BulbasaurBulbasaur
  • In Spring, May be found behind the large tree next to the Crystabloom.

  • In Summer, may be found playing in the area.

  • Can be found near a small pond to your right near the end of the course.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Summer in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap PanchamPancham
  • In Summer, Pancham may be found among some bamboo playing with Shiftry.

  • Can be found running around in the final section of the main path.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Summer in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap DrampaDrampa
  • In Summer, Drampa may be found floating about the area.

  • From Research Level 2, Drampa may also be found floating about in the third section of the forest.

  • May be found floating beyond the trees, or resting to the left of the ruins.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Summer in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap BewearBewear
  • May be found as soon as you enter the final section of the main path of the forest.

  • From Research Level 2, may be found hibernating in a tree to your left in Winter.
New Pokemon Snap ApplinApplin
  • By closely inspecting fallen apples, you'll notice that one of them may differ. This is likely to be an Applin. Some may be found beneath a tree in the final section of the forest's main path.

  • From Research Level 2, in Autumn, can be found in a leaf pile to your left. You may startle it out by using Fluffruit, or you can spot one on the ground nearby.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Autumn in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap LotadLotad
  • Can be found in a small pond to your right near the end of the course.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot.
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
  • Can be found in a small pond to your right near the end of the course. You'll have to throw Fluffruit into the pond to get Magikarp to leap out of it.
New Pokemon Snap CelebiCelebi
Postgame Only
  • Can be found flying and teleporting about in the last section of the main path.
Minimum Research Level 2
New Pokemon Snap SerperiorSerperior
  • In Autumn, may be found on an upper ledge to your right, or across a stream on the left.

  • Behind the ruins near the end of the main course.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Autumn in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap GardevoirGardevoir
  • In Winter, may be found playing with Deerling along the main path. Will teleport between points when illuminated.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Winter in the same run.
New Pokemon Snap NinetalesNinetales
  • In Winter, may be found on a high ledge to your right, overlooking the Winter section of the forest.

  • From Research Level 3, may be found in the Sunny Spot, provided you were able to visit Winter in the same run.
Minimum Research Level 3
New Pokemon Snap EspeonEspeon
  • Espeon appears in the first area of the Forest and is crucial to help determine what season the second section of the forest will be. Read more about it in the Alternate Routes section of this page.

  • Espeon may also appear at the end of the third section when lighting up the last Crystabloom to your right.

  • When Deerling and Sawsbuck are reunited as part of the Lost Little Deerling request, Espeon may be found to your left, sleeping next to Applin, as soon as you enter the final section of the main course.

  • May be found napping in one of the upper ledges to your left in the Sunny Spot. May be woken up with a scan and fed a Fluffruit to move towards the Crystabloom in this section of the forest.
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
  • In Autumn, Modern Pattern may be found flying atop the trees after Serperior is triggerred to use Leaf Storm.

  • Elegant Pattern may be found fluttering out of trees in the Sunny Spot when the Espeon is overseeing the Crystabloom, illuminated and listening to the Melody. The request A Seasonal Gathering can help with this.

Forest Alternate Routes

Alternate Route 1 - Trevenant Route

New Pokemon Snap - Forest Alternate Route 1
In the first foggy area, look to your right to find a Trevenant and a floating rock. Play the Melody for the Pokemon to let you pass to this route.

Alternate Route 2 - Crystabloom Route

New Pokemon Snap - Forest Alternate Route 2

In the second foggy area, find and light the crystablooms with an Illumina Orb. Lighting all the flowers lets you enter the branching route found near the end of the area.

Change the Seasons

Spring Give Espeon a Fluffruit.
Summer Throw an Illumina Orb at Espeon.
Autumn Take the first Alternate Route and give Espeon a Fluffruit.
Winter Take the first Alternate Route and throw an Illumina Orb at Espeon.

Unlike other courses, the Forest contains seasons. From Research Level 3, you may change what season you'll get depending on whether you took the first alternate route and what you gave to Espeon.

See the table above to learn how to enter a specific season!

Forest Requests

Request Name How to Clear
Sylvan SentinelSylvan Sentinel's Secret Side
Research Lv. 3
Lead Espurr to Trevenant with Fluffruit, then let them both glow with the Illumina Orb. Espurr will float over to Trevenant as they interact.
Sylvan Sentinel's Secret Side Walkthrough
An Airborne BoulderAn Airborne Boulder
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo that shows the Espurr practicing their Psychic powers by levitating a rock.
An Airborne Boulder Walkthrough
Gust with GustoGust with Gusto
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Shiftry blowing a gust of wind from atop a tree in Spring.
Leaf 2
Gust with Gusto Walkthrough
Upside-Down Hide-and-SeekUpside-Down Hide-and-Seek
Research Lv. 3
Capture a photo of a Kecleon hanging upside-down from a tree branch in Spring.
Emote 13
Upside-Down Hide-and-Seek Walkthrough
Little Lost DeerlingLittle Lost Deerling
Research Lv. 3
Reunite a Deerling with its Sawsbuck by lighting up a specific sequence of Crystablooms. Take a photo of their reunion while Deerling's front hooves are in the air, with both Deerling and Sawsbuck in frame.
Effect 5
Little Lost Deerling Walkthrough
A Seasonal GatheringA Seasonal Gathering
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of all four Sawsbuck howling in the Sunny Spot.
Flower 3
A Seasonal Gathering Walkthrough
Egg PatrolEgg Patrol
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Reveal Unfezant's egg by making it stand from its nest.
Egg Patrol Walkthrough
Angry DrampaAngry Drampa
Research Lv. 3
Make Drampa mad by hitting its friends with Fluffruit.
Angry Drampa Walkthrough
A Pair of ChumsA Pair of Chums
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Pancham riding Drampa.
A Pair of Chums Walkthrough
Weird CrossingWeird Crossing
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Capture a photo of Bulbasaur riding Lotad over the water.
Weird Crossing Walkthrough
A MomentA Moment's Rest
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a photo of Serperior as it sleeps.
A Moment's Rest Walkthrough
Heart of a DragonHeart of a Dragon
Research Lv. 2 or higher
In Autumn, capture a photo of Applin defending itself from a Deerling trying to eat it.
Heart of a Dragon Walkthrough
Danger WarningDanger Warning
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw Fluffruit at Bewear until it starts chasing you.
Eyebrow 1
Danger Warning Walkthrough
Winter WondersWinter Wonders
Research Lv. 3
After empowering Gardevoir with lots of Illumina Orbs, take a photo of Gardevoir bringing a tree to bloom in Winter.
Effect 11
Winter Wonders Walkthrough
Flickering FlamesFlickering Flames
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb and a Fluffruit at Ninetales after it tries to protect the Deerling.
Foggy Forest
Flickering Flames Walkthrough
A Tad HappyA Tad Happy
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a really happy Lotad on top of a Lotad tower.
Phil (Smiling)
A Tad Happy Walkthrough
A Calming AirA Calming Air
Research Lv. 3
Use Scan to get Espeon down from a Ledge in the Sunny Spot of the Forest, then feed him a Fluffruit.
A Calming Air Walkthrough
Myth of the ForestMyth of the Forest
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Capture a photo of a group of Celebi.
Myth of the Forest Walkthrough

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Forest Crystablooms

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Behind the first tree on your left as the course starts.
Crystabloom 2 In Summer, can be found to your right next to a stream.
Crystabloom 3 In the second foggy area, several Crystabloom may be found. Lit up a certain way, they can help fulfill the request Lost Little Deerling
Crystabloom 4 Near the end of the main course, this Crystabloom can be found near the ruins.
Crystabloom 5 In Spring, can be found to your left next to the large tree.
Crystabloom 6 In Winter, can be found next to a lone tree to your left. This is near the same tree that Gardevoir blooms in the Winter Wonders request.
Crystabloom 7 In the Sunny Spot where the four seasons intersect, this Crystabloom can be found in the center.

Forest Ancient Ruins

On any research Level, this Ancient Ruins may be found to your left at the end of the main course. A Crystabloom may also be found nearby, and starting on Research Level 2, a Serperior may be found resting nearby.

New Pokemon Snap Levels

Levels Banner.png

List of All Levels

Florio Nature Park
Park (Day) Park (Night) Illumina Spot
Founja Jungle
Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
Sweltering Sands
Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
Blushing Beach
Beach (Day) Beach (Night)
Maricopia Reef
Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)
Lental Seafloor
Undersea Illumina Spot
Fireflow Volcano
Volcano Illumina Spot
Elsewhere Forest
Forest Illumina Spot
Research Camp
Research Camp
Shiver Snowfields
Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
Outaway Cave
Cave Illumina Spot
Ruins of Remembrance
Ruins Illumina Spot
Secret Side Path
Side Path (Day) Side Path (Night)
Mightywide River
River (Day) River (Night)
Barren Badlands
Badlands (Day) Badlands (Night)


10 Anonymous7over 1 year

You need to be at level three and you need to hit the far back crystabloom not the front one when you reach the third one

5 Anonymousover 2 years

it's not in the ruins, it's RIGHT next to the starting point of the last forest area on the main path. look to your left immediately after the fog clears


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