New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Rita Character Profile and Introduction

New Pokemon Snap Rita

This is an introduction to Rita, a character in New Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo Switch. Find out who Rita is, as well as her role in the game!

Who is Rita?

Girl Who Loves Pokemon


English Voice Actor Anairis Quinones
Japanese Voice Actor Manami Numakura

Rita's parents is a good friend of Professor Mirror. Since Rita's school is on break and she loves Pokemon, she's taking her vacation in the Lental Region.

Professor Mirror's Assistant

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Rita is not in the Lental just to goof around, she's here to help Professor Mirror in researching the Lental Region! She works at the Laboratory of Ecology and Natural Sciences (L.E.N.S.) as a research assistant to the Professor. Working there gave her more knowledge about the region.

Research Team Member

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Rita is one of the research team members in the Lental Region. As Professor Mirror's assistant, she is excited and happy to teach you about the islands of Lental and the professor’s ecological survey. She will guide you throughout your Lental Region adventure. While Phil will fill the role of a rival to the protagonist, Rita is more of a support character who has got your back!

What You Can Learn From Rita

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Rita will guide you in your whole adventure. From teaching the basics, like how to use the Camera to giving you tips.


Rita will help you with all the controls in the game, like how to throw a Fluffruit or use an Illumina Orb. She will also introduce to you the Settings menu, where you can adjust your camera and motion controls.

Game Controls and Best Settings

How to Take a Nice Shot

Rita will also give you tips on how to take a nice photo. Learning this will help you improve your photography skills.

Taking Photo Remember to place the [O] shape in the center of your subject before taking a photo.
Scanning Adjust the Pointer or the circle in the center of your viewfinder in scanning a mysterious element or a hidden Pokemon around the area.

How to Get a High Photo Score

Way Around the Research Lab

Rita will also help you get familiarize with the things you can do inside the Research lab. Here in Research Lab, you can check your Photodex, edit photos or view your Personal Album, view Research Titles and Logs, edit name and cahnge profile icon, and learn how to Play Online.

Discover Rare Pokemon Behavior

List of Requests

Rita will also send requests through LenTalk to help you discover some rare Pokemon behavior and grab a good 4-star snap! Check the list of LenTalk Requests often as it will be a big help on completing your Photodex.

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

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Character List

New Pokemon Snap Characters

Main Character Professor Mirror
Phil Rita
Todd Snap Captain Vince
English and Japanese Voice Cast


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