New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Gliscor Locations and How to Get All Stars

This is a guide to Gliscor's Photodex entry in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find out how to take one star, two star, three star, and four star photos for Gliscor, and how to get a diamond star rating!

Where to Find Gliscor

Photodex No. 230
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Flying Image

Levels Gliscor Appears In

Badlands (Night) Lv. 2

Photodex Entry for Gliscor

1★ Photo Example 2★ Photo Example
1 Star Photo 1★ (Noteworthy behavior?) 2 Star Photo 2★ (Happy vibes)
3★ Photo Example 4★ Photo Example
3 Star Photo 3★ (You don't see this every day) 4 Star Photo 4★ (Can't help but yawn)

1~4 ★ Photos taken by the Game8 Walkthrough Team

Lental Region Photodex: List of All Pokemon

How to Get All Stars for Gliscor

How to Take Gliscor 1 Star Photo

Caption Name Noteworthy behavior?

Hanging Upside Down

To get Gliscor's 1 Star photo, start Badlands (Night) at Research Level 2. As you approach the toxic swamp area, hit all the Gliscors hanging upside down with a Fluffruit to move them in another location. One of these will move at a tree near the end of the course.

Take a photo of the Gliscor hanging upside down on the tree without interacting with it to obtain its 1 Star photo.

How to Take Gliscor 2 Star Photo

Caption Name Happy vibes

Performing a Flip in Midair

To take Gliscor's 2 Star photo, start Badlands (Night) at Research Level 2. After passing by the large boulder, a Gliscor will appear and perform a flip in front of you. Use Turbo and Burst Mode to take a closeup photo of Gliscor performing the maneuver to obtain its 2 Star photo.

How to Take Gliscor 3 Star Photo

Caption Name You don't see this every day

Reacting to the Melody

Taking Gliscor's 3 Star photo requires following the same steps when taking its 1 Star photo. Start Badlands (Night) at Research Level 2 and hit all the Gliscors hanging upside down with a Fluffruit to move them in another location.

As you approach the end of the course, look behind you to spot a Gliscor hanging upside down on a tree. Play the Melody and take a photo of it reacting to obtain its 3 Star photo.

How to Take Gliscor 4 Star Photo

Caption Name Can't help but yawn

Yawning Gliscor

This photo can be taken as part of the Sleepy Gliscor Lentalk Request.

See the table below to learn how to obtain Gliscor's 4 Star photo!

Start Badlands (Night) at Research Level 2. Look down to the ground and throw an Illumina Orb at the moving dust to uncover a Diglett. Take a photo of it. You need to do this at least three times to move the Digletts near the large boulder.
Look to your left to find the two flying Vivillons in the area and throw an Illumina Orb at the Sandstorm Pattern Vivillon, which is the one further left.
After gathering at least three Digletts, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom. The Digletts will move the large boulder to block the geyser.
Run a scan to take the alternate route. Be sure to use Turbo to get ahead of the three Vivillons as you pass through the alternate route.
After riding the geyser, a Gliscor will appear in front of you. Hit it with a Fluffruit to move it to the left side of the canyon.
Look to your left to find two Sandstorm Vivillons trailing behind. Throw an Illumina Orb at the particular one behind and it will move to the left side of the canyon.
If done correctly, the Sandstorm Vivillon will move towards the Savanna Vivillon on the wall to wake it up.
If all the above steps are met, the Savanna Vivillon will approach the Gliscor and cast Sleep Powder to it. Take a photo of Gliscor yawning to obtain its 4 Star photo and complete the Sleepy Gliscor request.

Star Meaning and How to Get a High Star Rating

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