New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

List of Voluca Lentalk Requests

This is a guide to all Lentalk Requests available in the Voluca Area of New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to complete Voluca LenTalk Requests, unlock conditions, as well as rewards.

Voluca Lentalk Requests

Sands (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Striking a Pose with Its TailStriking a Pose with Its Tail
Research Lv. 2 or higher
After revealing the hidden Skorupi from the three Crystablooms at the start of the stage, throw an Illumina Orb at it as it confronts another Skorupi. Take a photo as it assumes it's battle stance!
Todd's Bag
Striking a Pose with Its Tail Walkthrough
The Flying CacneaThe Flying Cacnea
Research Lv. 2
Near the start of the course, a Cacnea will stray too close to a sand tornado. Take a photo of him as he flies in the air when he gets swept up by this gust of wind.
Blush 2
The Flying Cacnea Walkthrough
Where Did the Fluffruit Go?Where Did the Fluffruit Go?
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Make the sand vortex go away by throwing Illumina orbs at the 3 crystablooms, then throw a fluffruit where the vortex was. After Flygon picks up the fluffruit, snap a photo of Flygon feeding it to the Trapinch.
Where Did the Fluffruit Go? Walkthrough
Munching MandibuzzMunching Mandibuzz
Research Lv. 3
As soon as the level starts, Turbo all the way to the right side of the oasis. A Mandibuzz will walk out of a cave to your right. You have to feed it with a fluffruit before it flies away. Take a photo of it while it's eating the fluffruit!
Professor Mirror's Shoe
Munching Mandibuzz Walkthrough
A Finicky FlameA Finicky Flame
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw an Illumina Orb at Torchic then throw a fluffruit at it.
A Finicky Flame Walkthrough
Sprinting in SurpriseSprinting in Surprise
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw fluffruit in the water surrounding Heliolisk until a Magikarp splashes out of the water, which will cause Heliosk to be surprised and run across the water.
Sprinting in Surprise Walkthrough
LycanrocLycanroc's Reply
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Allow Lycanroc to run atop the rock formation to reach the end of the cliff. Once it does, scan then Lycanroc will howl! Zoom in and take your shot.
Lycanroc's Reply Walkthrough
Oasis BuddiesOasis Buddies
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw an Illumina orb at Torchic then at Hippowdon to cause Torchic to jump on its head.
Character: Rita
Oasis Buddies Walkthrough
Totally Cool TyranitarTotally Cool Tyranitar
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Lead Lycanroc to the Tyranitar using Fluffruit. They will taunt each other before Lycanroc attempts to flee into a nearby cave. Take a photo of the moment that Tyranitar smashes the rock leading into the cave.
Monitor: Phil
Totally Cool Tyranitar Walkthrough
OnixOnix's Mighty Leap
Research Lv. 2 or higher
After disturbing three specific Mandibuzz, they will fly as a flock over where the Onix stay. Take a photo of Onix leaping into the sky to reach these three Mandibuzz,
Onix's Mighty Leap Walkthrough

Sands (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Sands (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
Roll and StopRoll and Stop
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Hit a rolling Sandshrew with a Fluffruit.
Roll and Stop Walkthrough
Hide-and-Seek in the DesertHide-and-Seek in the Desert
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Take a photo of the hidden Trapinch.
Star 1
Hide-and-Seek in the Desert Walkthrough
KangaskhanKangaskhan's Parenting
Research Lv. 2
Capture a Kangaskhan feeding its baby a Fluffruit.
Kangaskhan's Parenting Walkthrough
Revenge of SilicobraRevenge of Silicobra
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Silicobra fighting a Lycanroc.
Revenge of Silicobra Walkthrough
Rainbow Meteor ShowerRainbow Meteor Shower
Research Lv. 1 or higher
After revealing ten Minior from the sand at the beginning of the level, several of them in different colors will fly across the sky.
Shooting Star
Rainbow Meteor Shower Walkthrough

Sands (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock


Request Name How to Clear
The Singing DragonThe Singing Dragon
Research Lv. 2
Play the Melody to make the flock of Altaria come out.
Effect 10
The Singing Dragon Walkthrough
Little Lost ShinxLittle Lost Shinx
Research Lv. 3
Reunite Shinx with Luxray by luring it with Fluffruit.
Little Lost Shinx Walkthrough
Luxray VisionLuxray Vision
Research Lv. 3
Make Luxray's eyes glow yellow.
Luxray Vision Walkthrough
A Skilled HunterA Skilled Hunter
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Talonflame snatching Fluffruit off the ground.
Mouth 4
A Skilled Hunter Walkthrough
A Goofy PoseA Goofy Pose
Research Lv. 1
Get Monferno to stick its rear out at Tyrantrum.
A Goofy Pose Walkthrough
Rest Your WingsRest Your Wings
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Capture a photo of Aerodactly eating a Fluffruit.
Sparkles 4
Rest Your Wings Walkthrough
A Quaking VolcanoA Quaking Volcano
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Tyrantrum as it rams its head against the cave wall.
Effect 15
A Quaking Volcano Walkthrough
When Graveler Shows Its HandWhen Graveler Shows Its Hand
Research Lv. 1
After letting three specific Graveler fall from the sides of the Volcano, feed the Graveler at the center a Fluffruit. He will use his inner arms to munch on the fluffruit.
Effect 13
When Graveler Shows Its Hand Walkthrough
Archeops at EaseArcheops at Ease
Research Lv. 1 and 2
Capture a photo of Archeops eating a Fluffruit.
Archeops at Ease Walkthrough
Climbing the LavafallClimbing the Lavafall
Research Lv. 1 and 3
Capture a photo of Slugma climbing up a lavafall.
Climbing the Lavafall Walkthrough
So Excited!So Excited!
Research Lv. 3
Use an Illumina Orb to make Torkoal stand on its hind legs.
Rita (Surprised)
So Excited! Walkthrough
Volcanic Hide-and-SeekVolcanic Hide-and-Seek
Research Lv. 3
Snap a photo of Charmander jumping in celebration after summoning Charizard.
Volcanic Hide-and-Seek Walkthrough
Red-Hot EnergyRed-Hot Energy
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Capture a photo of Charizard as it bursts through the lava pit.
Monitor: Professor Mirror
Red-Hot Energy Walkthrough
Typhlosion ExplosionTyphlosion Explosion
Research Lv. 3
Get Typhlosion to explode while fighting Aerodactyl.
Typhlosion Explosion Walkthrough
3 000-Degree Flames3,000-Degree Flames
Research Lv. 3
Take the right path through the volcano. Make the Flareon come to the center by throwing a fluffruit at one or an illumina orb at the crystabloom, then feed it a fluffruit. After it eats it, give it another one, and snap a picture of it using Flamethrower on the fruit.
3,000-Degree Flames Walkthrough
A Slice of RainbowA Slice of Rainbow
Research Lv. 3
Capture a photo of Ho-Oh passing by the area.
Todd (Heart-Eyes)
A Slice of Rainbow Walkthrough

Volcano Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Illumina Spot

Request Name How to Clear
Vocal VolcaronaVocal Volcarona
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Capture a photo of the two Volcarona looking at the Crystabloom
Vocal Volcarona Walkthrough

Illumina Spot (Fireflow Volcano) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Badlands (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
LetLet's Play!
Research Lv. 3
Toss Fluffruit at the Diglett until they start playing with it.
Design 22
Let's Play! Walkthrough
A Brave LeapA Brave Leap
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw Illumina Orbs at Tepig to give it the courage to leap.
Accessory 13
A Brave Leap Walkthrough
An Alluring PoseAn Alluring Pose
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb at Salazzle to make it strike a pose as it is dancing.
An Alluring Pose Walkthrough
Gigantic KoffingGigantic Koffing
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Inflate Koffling by lighting the Crystabloom underneath it.
Glasses 7
Gigantic Koffing Walkthrough
Open Wide!Open Wide!
Research Lv. 3
Get Koffing out of the Volcano and into Swalot's mouth.
Open Wide! Walkthrough

Badlands (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Badlands (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
Guardian of FriendsGuardian of Friends
Research Lv. 2
Wake up the Rockruff and give it the courage to defend its friends.
Flower 5
Guardian of Friends Walkthrough
Crust-side DownCrust-side Down
Research Lv. 2
Hit Tyranitar with a Fluffruit and wait for it to attack the Crustle. Take a photo of Crustle upside down.
Glasses 6
Crust-side Down Walkthrough
Gassy Swamp BattleGassy Swamp Battle
Research Lv. 2
Wake up the sleeping Scolipede with Sandshrew's help and capture a photo of it fighting with Gliscor.
Effect 8
Gassy Swamp Battle Walkthrough
Sleepy GliscorSleepy Gliscor
Research Lv. 2
Wake up the Vivillon to make it use Sleep Powder on Gliscor and take a photo of Gliscor as it yawns.
Sleepy Gliscor Walkthrough
Illusion of the BadlandsIllusion of the Badlands
Research Lv. 2
Hit Zeraora with a Fluffruit to wake it up and wait for it to climb to the top of the canyon. Hit Tyranitar with a Fluffruit and wait for it to summon a sandstorm. Take a photo of Zeraora when it appears and transforms.
Sparkles 5
Illusion of the Badlands Walkthrough
Valley of VivillonValley of Vivillon
Research Lv. 2
Get the Non-desert Vivillon patterns to join the group of Vivillon.
Valley of Vivillon Walkthrough

Badlands (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

Lentalk Request Banner.png

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Requests By Area
Florio Belusylva Maricopia
Voluca Durice Aurus


4 Anonymousover 3 years

Same guy here I don’t remember what level it’s on and I don’t have a picture but it works.

3 Anonymousover 3 years

For gigantic koffing you must get to the toxic swamp and a koffing will be near a crystabloom throw a fluffruit right next to the crystabloom koffing will go to it and that’s your chance to light up the crystabloom and make koffing gigantic


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