New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Who Is Captain Vince?

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Who is the legendary Captain Vince in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch? Find out who Captain Vince is, as well as what is his part in your research expedition!

Who is Captain Vince?

Legendary Explorer

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The legendary Captain Vince once embarked on a massive ecological survey of the Lental Region 100 years prior to the present day in New Pokemon Snap. Captain Vince became renowned for his work on the Lental Travelogue and his work inspired Professor Mirror to embark on the same expedition in the present day.

Illumina Pokemon Discovery

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Encountering Illumina Pokemon when he was only just a child, Captain Vince eventually published the oldest record of Illumina Pokemon in his Lental Travelogue, though the photos are debatable in terms of quality. His work went on to inspire Professor Mirror to research further on how the Illumina Phenomenon happens to Pokemon.

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

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Character List

New Pokemon Snap Characters

Main Character Professor Mirror
Phil Rita
Todd Snap Captain Vince
English and Japanese Voice Cast


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