New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Manaphy Locations and How to Get All Stars

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This is a guide to Manaphy's Photodex entry in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find out how to take one star, two star, three star, and four star photos for Manaphy, and how to get a diamond star rating!

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Where to Find Manaphy

Photodex No. 107
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Water Image -

Levels Manaphy Appears In

Reef (Evening) Lv. 2

Photodex Entry for Manaphy

1★ Photo Example 2★ Photo Example
1 Star Photo 1★ (A bit unusual!) 2 Star Photo 2★ (That's a hit!)
3★ Photo Example 4★ Photo Example
3 Star Photo 3★ (A bit unusual!) 4 Star Photo 4★ (An elegant swimmer! )

1~4 ★ Photos taken by the Game8 Walkthrough Team

Lental Region Photodex: List of All Pokemon

How to Get All Stars for Manaphy

How to Take Manaphy 1 Star Photo

Caption Name A bit unusual!

Playing on the Water

Taking a 1 Star Photo of Manaphy requires a few steps and may be difficult to find as the Pokemon blends well with the area. Be sure to look closely so you can take the 1 Star Photo of this Legendary Pokemon!

See the table below to learn how to get Manaphy's 1 Star Photo!

Start Reef (Evening) at Research Level 2. Proceed through the course and take the Branching Route.
Once you head to the Branching Route, throw Illumina Orbs at the two Lapras and then play the Melody.
Look below the Lapras to find Manaphy swimming next to it. Take the photo to achieve 1 Star.

How to Take Manaphy 2 Star Photo

Caption Name That's a hit!

Hit by a Fluffruit

Taking a 2 Star Photo of Manaphy requires following the same steps as taking its 1 Star Photo. You only need to throw a Fluffruit at Manaphy for it to react and achieve 2 Star.

See the table below to learn how to get Manaphy's 2 Star Photo!

Start Reef (Evening) at Research Level 2. Proceed through the course and take the Branching Route.
Once you head to the Branching Route, throw Illumina Orbs at the two Lapras and then play the Melody.
Look below the Lapras to find Manaphy swimming next to it. Throw a Fluffruit at it and take a photo of it closing its eyes to get its 2 Star Photo.

How to Take Manaphy 3 Star Photo

Caption Name A bit unusual!

A Surprise Visit

Taking a 2 Star Photo of Manaphy requires following the same steps as taking its 1 Star and 2 Photos. You also need to practice aiming as this requires throwing Illumina Orbs at a long distance.

See the table below to learn how to get Manaphy's 3 Star Photo!

Start Reef (Evening) at Research Level 2. Proceed through the course and take the Branching Route.
Once you head to the Branching Route, throw Illumina Orbs at all the four Lapras and then play the Melody.
Look between the two Lapras and wait for Manaphy to jump in the middle of them. Be sure to zoom in on the Pokemon as it jumps to get its 3 Star Photo.

How to Take Manaphy 4 Star Photo

Caption Name An elegant swimmer!

Jump for Joy

Taking a 4 Star Photo of Manaphy requires unlocking a secret route by following certain steps. You also need a bit of luck as the Pokemon randomly performs the pose needed to get its 4 Star Photo.

See the table below to learn how to get Manaphy's 4 Star Photo!

At the starting point, throw an Illumina Orb at the Vaporeon to make it swim faster.
Look to your right and throw an Illumina Orb at the first Crystabloom that you find.
Proceed near the whirpool and look to your left on the rocks to find the second Crystabloom. Throw an Illumina Orb at it.
If done correctly, one of the Wailords will sink down underwater revealing a secret route. If the Pokemon does not sink down, restart the course and try again.
Look to your right to find Manaphy along with some several Inkay.
Throw an Illumina Orb at Manaphy and play the Melody. Wait for it to dance and jump. Take a photo of it jumping to get its 4 Star Photo. If Manaphy does not jump, restart the course and try again.

Star Meaning and How to Get a High Star Rating

New Pokemon Snap Related Links

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Lental Region Photodex: List of All Pokemon

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3 Anonymousalmost 2 years

For the 4 star, all I did was the normal orbs at Lapras, melody, it came out. While they were swimming around, I did more orbs at it and it turned around and waved. Got a 4 star from that. For the 2 star, it just needed to be illuminated, doesn’t have to look your way.

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

For the four star photo, it is not luck based. Just play the Melody before throwing the Illumina Orb to get it to jump.


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