STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get the Veteran Rifle

Stalker 2 How to Get the Veteran Rifle

The Veteran is a pre-order bonus Sniper Rifle that you can obtain in the Journalist's Stash in the Swamps area in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn all about the Veteran Rifle and how to get it here!

How to Get the Veteran Rifle

Looted from the Journalist's Stash in the Swamps

The Veteran Rifle pre-order bonus can be looted from one of the Journalist Stashes in the Swamps region. You will need to have access to the Seek, and you shall find Side Mission and unlocked the rest of the map to reach this area.

1 Trigger "Seek, and you shall find" Mission
You can trigger the Seek, and you shall find side mission by finishing the A Needle in a Haystack main mission in Zalissya. After giving the Ward Sensors to either Richter or Captain Zotov, the side mission will trigger. Doing the side mission reveals the Journalist's Stashes.
2 Complete "Behind Seven Seals" Mission
PDA Map View
In order to leave the Lesser Zone, you will need to complete the Behind Seven Seals main mission. Follow it all the way to the end to unlock the Map for exploration.
Note: Depending on who you sided with (Gaffer or Zotov), you'll be exiting the Lesser Ward at either Garbage or the Chemical Plant.
3 Head to the Senko Camp in the Swamps Area

The Senko Camp is located in the Swamps, near the very bottom right of the open world Map. There you will find Journalist's Stash containing the Veteran Rifle.
4 Jump On the Red Tractor to Get to the Roof

In the Senko Camp, jump on top of the red tractor, then jump to the roof on its right. Once on the roof, you will see an entrance with wooden planks blocking it. Melee the wooden planks to get to the Journalist's Stash inside and claim the Veteran rifle along with other loot.
Note: The Veteran Rifle will only be available for players who pre-ordered the game.

Pre-Order Guide - All Pre-Order Bonuses

Veteran Compatible Attachments

POS 8X ScopePOS 8X Scope PSO 4X ScopePSO 4X Scope High-Capacity VS Vintar MagazineHigh-Capacity VS Vintar Magazine

Veteran Stats Overview

Stats Overview

Damage 1.7 Veteran Damage
Penetration 2.1 Veteran Penetration
Rate of Fire 4.91 Veteran Rate of Fire
Range 1.4 Veteran Range
Accuracy 5 Veteran Accuracy

Weapon Overview

Type Sniper Rifle
I'll make it... whatever it takes. I'll buy my own house... near the river, at the forest edge. No more radiation, no more beasts, no more freaking bastards.
Weight Magazine Coupons
3.7 kg 10
22700Coupon K
Caliber 9x39
Inventory Size Mode
5x2 Inventory Slot5x2
Single Full Auto
Single, Full Auto

Base Weapon

Base Weapon
VS Vintar VS Vintar

The Veteran is a variant of the VS Vintar. Weapon variants have stats that differ from the original and can come with additional attachments.

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1 Anonymous4 months

I love that you left out the part where you can't get through either check point.


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