STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

I'm Not Your Enemy or Escape?


I'm Not Your Enemy or Escape is a major story choice during the Dangerous Liaisons main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on to find out if you should choose I'm Not Your Enemy or Escape, and learn how each choice affects the ending of the game.

Warning: major story related spoilers lie ahead.

I'm Not Your Enemy or Escape Choice Results

Influences the Ending You Get for STALKER 2

Choice Effect
I'm Not Your Enemy Locks you into the Ward Ending. All missions afterward will be you cooperating with the Ward.
Locks you out of the Strelok, Kaymanov, and Spark Endings.
Escape Allows you to go for the Strelok or Kaymanov Endings if you answered Life is for the living in Subtle Matter.
Locks you into the Spark Ending if you answered Eternal Spring or I need more time in Subtle Matter.
Locks you out of the Ward Ending.

During the main mission, Dangerous Liaisons, Col. Korshunov and his soldiers will capture you as you try exiting the Troposphere Comm Station (TCP). Answering I'm not your Enemy during this sequence will ally you with the Ward Faction, locking you into the Ward Ending for that particular save.

However, choosing to Escape will have different consequences depending on your major choice back in Subtle Matter. If you chose Eternal Spring, escaping locks you into the Spark Ending of the game. If you chose Life is for the living, you'll still be on track to get either the Strelok or Kaymanov endings.

How to Unlock All Endings

Last Chance to Ally With Ward During a Playthrough

Even if you sided with Spark for the entirety of the main story, choosing I'm not your Enemy here will still allow you to fully side with Ward. The only catch is, since you've been fighting Ward until this point, their Chemical Plant base will still be hostile towards you regardless of your new alliance.

Should You Choose I'm Not Your Enemy or Escape?

I'm Not Your Enemy to Guarantee the Ward Ending

Choosing to Ally with Ward

Choosing I'm Not Your Enemy will fully ally you with the Ward Faction. This means that you are locked into the Ward Ending for your playthrough after making this choice. However, since you weren't technically captured by Ward, you get to skip Escape from the Cage and immediately start The Boundary main mission.

Escape if You Want the Spark, Strelok, or Kaymanov Endings

Choosing to Escape

Depending on what you answered back in Subtle Matter, choosing the Escape option during this choice will either lock you into the Spark Ending or allow you to progress towards the Strelok or Kaymanov Endings. Make sure you remember if you answered Eternal Spring or Life is for the Living to know what route you're getting by choosing to escape.

Note: Choosing Escape will also trigger the main quest, Escape from the Cage. This mission will have you trying to escape the Ward's Chemical Plant base while also attempting to retrieve your equipped items that were stored in a separate building by the Wardens.

Eternal Spring or Life is For the Living?

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