STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Beat Flashbang Anomaly

Stalker 2 - Flashbang Anomaly.png

The Flashbang Anomaly is an unpredictable anomaly that explodes in a burst of light and flame in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. See how you can deal with this pesky anomaly here.

How to Beat Flashbang Anomaly

Constantly Be On The Move

The short answer is, you don't actually beat this anomaly the same way you could disarm a vortex or burner anomaly. The only thing you can do is to constantly move and anticipate the flash.

You will have only have a few seconds to avert your eyes and create some distance from the anomaly. However merely averting your eyes, will not save you because, if you are still within range, you will still get flashbanged despite not looking directly. You're also likely to get burnt.

Save Before Approaching

The best way to deal with Flashbang anomalies is to save your game before approaching an area with flashbangs. This will save you the trouble of dying and losing progress.

How to Save

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