STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

HUD Disappearing Fix

Disable and enable the HUD Display Settings to fix the HUD Disappearing Bug in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. See other ways to fix the HUD Disappearing Bug in this guide.

HUD Disappearing Fix

Disable and Enable HUD Display Settings

Pause the game and select Settings on the main menu. Go to the UI tab and find the HUD Display Settings.

Change the HUD Display Settings to Disabled and press the Apply button to save changes. Switch it back to Enabled and presss the Apply button.

Resume the game and see if the HUD appears after changing the UI settings.

Reset UI Settings to Default

If the above method does not work, press the Reset Settings button to reset everything to default. This should get the UI to appear again.

This will set all of the UI settings to default and fixes the HUD Disappearing Bug when you resumte the game.

What is the HUD Disappearing Bug

Bug that Causes the HUD to Disappear

This is a bug that causes the HUD to disappear and never reappear after watching certain cutscenes during the main story. It also appears after booting up the game and continuing from a previous save.

When this bug occurs, the HUD may disappear completely while other times it will have lower opacity. At the time of writing, the bug confirmed to still be present in Patch 1.0.2.

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1 Anonymousabout 2 months

В конце игры за варту,где нужно С коршуновым садиться в лифт,нет ни врагов,ни коршунова....пусто кругом..ПОследнее что делается это берешь папку осознания,и на этом конец всем диалогам.Перепроходил сцены заново,убивал стрелка и Шрама,итог один,Диалога у лифта х7 нет


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