STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied Walkthrough

Stalker 2 - Let No One Leave Unsatisfied

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied is one of the final missions in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on for a complete walkthrough of Let No One Leave Unsatisfied, as well as the rewards for completing the mission.

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The Last Wish -

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Talk to Strelok or Kill Him
2 Get to the Neurolaboratory
3 Destroy the Monolith Squad
4 Clear the Path to the Neurolab
5 Head Inside the Neurolaboratory
6 Kill Scar
7 Go to the Laboratory
8 Take Your Signature for the O-CTA
(Extra step for the Kaymanov Route)
Get to the Freight Elevator
9 Talk to Strelok
(Extra step for the Strelok Route)
Restart the Elevator Control System
10 Return to the Elevator or Go to Kaymanov's Lab
11 Find a Way to Activate O-CTA
(Extra step for the Kaymanov Route)
Go Down to Lab X7

Talk to Strelok or Kill Him

Talk to Strelok (Strelok Route)

Talking to Strelok

After being transported to the Generators during the ending of The Last Wish mission, talk to Strelok up ahead and exhaust his dialogue to progress the mission. If you're on the Kaymanov's Ending Route, you must kill Strelok instead.

Kill Strelok (Kaymanov Route)

Strelok is a very tough opponent that can run at high speed and summon different types of anomalies in the field. You should consider him as a mutant at this point and don't hesitate to use your resources against him.

Take the Heart of Chornobyl from his body after killing him.

The Last Wish Walkthrough

Get to the Neurolaboratory

Reach the Door With a Red Button to Open It

Metal Door with Red Button

After speaking to or dealing with Strelok, look for the big metal door inside the large room. Push the red button next to it to open the door and access the rest of the facility.

Fight Your Way To the Lowest Floor

Fighting To the Lowest Floor

Head to the lowest floor and take out the Monolith Soldiers on your way there. Before jumping down each floor, make sure you clear it out of enemies first. You'll have a bigger advantage when fighting them from above since you can see the surroundings better.

Destroy the Monolith Squad

Killing the Rest of the Monolith

Once you reach the waypoint at the lowest floor, take out the rest of the Monolith Soldiers as you make your way to the door that leads further into the laboratory.

Clear the Path to the Neurolab

Clearing the Path to the Neurolab

Go further forward and there will be another metal door with a red button to open it. Press the red button and then kill all the Monolith Soldiers along the hallway. You must kill all of them or the door leading to the lab won't open.

Head Inside to the Neurolaboratory

The Door to the Neurolab

Follow the waypoint towards the white door and open it. This should lead you to the Neurolabotary. A cutscene with Scar will play after you open the door.

Kill Scar

Opening the Door to Scar Boss Fight

Head further down the Neurolab and open the metal door to start the Scar boss fight.
How to Kill Scar

Press the Red Buttons to Immobilize Scar

Killing Scar

Press the red buttons on the terminals to temporarily immobilize Scar and allow you to get some decent damage in. Additionally, the dead corpses around will rise up and become zombies, so be sure to kill them too. Repeat this process three times to kill Scar.

Get the Altered Toast from Scar's Corpse

Loot Altered Toast from Scar

Once you have defeated Scar, loot the Altered Toast from his corpse.

Go to the Laboratory

Open the Airlock Door to the Lab

Press the red button to open the airlock door. Deactivate the Gravitational Anomalies using your Bolts to make it past the archives room. Once you reach another airlock door, press the button to open it and enter the laboratory area.

Take Your Signature for the O-CTA (Kaymanov Route)

Players on Kaymanov Route will have to take their signature to access the O-CTA later on. Inside the laboratory, sit on the chair to start getting your signature. Retrieve the Cartridge outside and make your way to the elevator.

Get to the Freight Elevator

Exit via the first door to your left and proceed down the hallway. Kill the Monolith soldiers that you'll encounter along the way.
Enter through the big vault door to grab and a equip a fresh X7 Suit on the table in the armory.
When ready, leave the armory and then press the button to unlock the gate of the freight elevator. Enter the elevator and press the button again to descend down to the lower levels.

Talk to Strelok (Strelok Route)

Talking to Strelok Again

Once you get out of the freight elevator, you will find Strelok sitting by a crate, seemingly injured. Talk to him and exhaust his dialogue.

This is only available to players who are in the Strelok Ending route.

Restart the Elevator Control System

Follow the waypoint to a locked door. Interact with the card terminal to unlock it. The next room has a handful of medical supplies that you can take before proceeding ahead.
Defeat the Monolith soldiers along the corridor and then move forward until you reach a control room.
Go past the control room and into another hallway filled with Monolith soldiers. Kill them and make your way to the boiler room.
Turn left and run across the boiler room and ascend the stairs on the other side.
Enter the room and clear it out of enemies. Go through the hallway in the main office area.
Follow the tunnel while avoiding the anomalies.
Go up the stairs while fighting the soldiers that come in your way until you reach the last floor. Open the airlock door and enter it.
Resupply ammo and medical supplies in this room. Once you're ready, drop down the tunnel in the room and proceed ahead to fight the Granite Squad.
Once you're ready, leave the tunnel and fight the Granite Squad. There will be several of them on the first floor and a few on the second floor.

You can use the terminal computers and archives around the area as cover should you need to reload or heal up.
Enter the door on the other side of the room and then go up the stairs. Press the button on the main terminal to restart the Elevator Control System

Return to the Elevator or Go to Kaymanov's Laboratory

Go Back to the Freight Elevator (Strelok Route)

Open the White Double Doors

From the main terminal where you restarted the Elevator Control System, turn around and enter the white double doors. Jump down the balcony and follow the waypoint to the Freight Elevator.

Go to Kaymanov's Laboratory (Kaymanov Route)

Metal Door to Kaymanov

Instead of going back to the Freight Elevator, you will need to go to the metal door on the side where you restarted the elevator. It will take you down to another elevator, leading to Kaymanov's Laboratory.

Find a Way to Activate O-CTA (Kaymanov Route)

If you're on the Kaymanov Ending route, you will have to find a way to activate the O-CTA first before you can get to Lab X7. You must look for the O-CTA Launch Instructions inside Kaymanov's office to progress.

Go Down to Lab X7

Strelok Ending Route

Entrance to Lab X7

If you're on the Strelok Ending route, you can simply go out the Freight Elevator and proceed through the tunnel until you get to Lab X7. The final cutscene will trigger once you get there, giving you the Strelok Ending.

Kaymanov Ending Route

Kaymanov Route to Lab X7.png

If you're on the Kaymanov Ending, you don't have to go back to the elevator as there will be another path leading to Lab X7. You can find the path to Lab X7 inside Kaymanov's office.

You will have to follow some instructions (marked objectives) inside Lab X7 before getting the ending cutscene and completing the game via Kaymanov Ending.

How to Unlock All Endings

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied Rewards

No Mission Rewards

This mission has no rewards upon completion.

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied Overview

Location and Mission Info

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied Mission Info
Starting Location
Quest Giver Starts immediately after The Last Wish
Mission Description
I managed to get into the Generators without crossing the Dead Valley. Now I just need to reach the X7 lab's Eight pod. The Zone is my new home, and my future is inextricably linked with her, but only the owner of the Heart of Chornobyl will change the fate of the Zone forever.

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9 Dead Frequency
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11 Ad astra per aspera
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14 Spark Faction: To the Last Drop of Blood
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15 Just Like the Good Old Days
16 The Hornet's Nest
17 An Invisible Threat
18 Dawn of a New Day
19 The Assault on the Duga
20 A Minor Incident
21 In Search of Past Glory
22 Spark Faction: Happiness for Everyone
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23 Visions of Truth
24 Dark Times
25 An Act of Mercy
26 Legends of the Zone
27 Subtle Matter
28 Dangerous Liaisons
29 Escape from the Cage
30 The Boundary
31 The Road to the Foundation
32 Down Below
33 The Last Wish / Eye of the Storm / Through the valley of the shadow of death
34 Let No One Leave Unsatisfied / The Last Step / The Eternal Shining


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