STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Mist Anomaly Guide

Stalker 2 Mist Anomaly Guide

The Mist Anomaly is an Arch Anomaly found in the southwesternmost part of the Burning Forest in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to deal with the Mist Anomaly and the Artifact it rewards you here!

Mist Anomaly Puzzle Guide

1 Initial Entry Mist Anomaly
When you first enter the Mist Anomaly, you will notice the doors are all blocked, as well as the pathway to the basement outside. There is a Bloodsucker skulking around, so exit the Mist immediately and start the first loop.
2 First Loop Mist Anomaly
On your first loop, you will notice that the doors inside the house are no longer blocked, but the pathway to the basement outside still is. Exit the mist once more to progress the puzzle.
3 Basement Path Open Mist Anomaly
On your second loop, the pathway to the basement now has an archway and is no longer blocked. Enter the basement and pick up the Door Key from the skeleton with a gas mask.
4 Basement Cave Path Mist Anomaly
Head to the cave on the left of where you picked up the Door Key by the skeleton with a gas mask. Immediately after entering the cave, take the path to your left leading up to a room in the house.
5 Breaking the Lock and Opening the Doors
Once you are inside the room, break the lock and enter the door to your right. There will be another door to your right that you will have to open. You will notice that there is an attic, but there is no way to get up to it. Exit the mist once more to progress the puzzle.
6 Heading Up the Attic
On the final loop, open the door that leads to the room with the attic (the first door on the left when you enter the house). There are now crates that you can climb to reach the attic. Climb up to the attic.
7 Getting the Weird Pot
Break the planks and crates covering your exit out of the attic. Jump down to the room below and pick up the Weird Pot in the chimney. From here, the puzzle is complete, and you can exit the Mist Anomaly for good.

Mist Anomaly Rewards

Weird Pot Artifact

Artifact Effects and Value
Weird Pot Weird Pot Unique Effect: Reduces hunger and makes it take longer for you to become hungry. You can sometimes, however, experience damaging Psi hallucinations.
Selling Price:
24,153 - 16,096 Coupon K
Inventory Value:
70,000 Coupon K
One of the legendary "altered items" often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. Although the pot is empty, steam is always wafting from beneath its lid. This item helps to allay one's thirst and hunger, but becareful: the Zone's gifts can be unpredictable.

Prices match values at Rookie and Stalker difficulties. For Veteran difficulty, decrease the selling price by 50%.

Best Places to Sell Artifacts

Mist Anomaly Location

Burnt Forest Region

Mist Anomaly Map View

You will be able to find the Mist Anomaly in the southwesternmost (the very bottom left) part of the Burnt Forest Region.

STALKER 2 Interactive Map

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1 Anonymous3 months

Do not shoot the pot from the window. It will disappear and you have to reload the save


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