STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Should You Show the Unusual PDA?

Show the Unusual PDA

Show the Unusual PDA is a choice during the Back to Slag Heap main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on to see what happens if you show or hide the Unusual PDA from Dalin, Korshunov, Scar, and Strider, as well as the outcomes and consequences of both choices.

Warning: some gameplay related spoilers lie ahead.

Show the Unusual PDA Choice Results

Show the Unusual PDA Flowchart
Show the Unusual PDA Flowchart
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In short, it is best to always show the Unusual PDA when prompted since it does not really affect the outcome of the main story. Plus, the Ward Badge you get for showing the Unusual PDA to Dalin and Korshunov makes Ward encounters easier later in the main story.

Remember, the Dalin and Korshunov Unusual PDA choice has the biggest impact since it determines whether you trigger Hot on the Trail immediately or if you need to complete A Heavy Burden before gaining access to Wild Island.

Dr. Dalin and Colonel Korshunov

Choice Results
Show the Unusual PDA Korshunov gives you the Ward Badge and the unique AKM-74S, Combatant.
Easier main story progression due to the Ward Badge.
Do not show the Unusual PDA No rewards. Quest proceeds as normal but Scar and the Spark won't be as hostile when you speak to them later on.

Of the two choices, Show the Unusual PDA is the best option since Korshunov will give a valuable key item called the Ward Badge. With this badge, you'll be able to easily enter bases without needing to do extra legwork for a pass (like STC Malachite and Wild Island), and even smooth over a few interactions with Wardens in the Zone.

Note: During Back to Slag Heap, if you do not show the Unusual PDA to Dr. Dalin and Colonel Korshunov, and you keep it hidden from Scar later on, you'll have to complete an entirely new side mission called A Heavy Burden to enter Wild Island and continue the main story.

Scar and the Spark Faction

Did you show the Unusual PDA to Korshunov?
Yes, I showed them the Unusual PDA. No, I did not show them the Unusual PDA.

During Back to Slag Heap, the interaction with Scar and his Spark Faction will depend on whether you showed the Unusual PDA to Korshunov earlier in the mission. Navigate to the relevant section based on the choice you made earlier (shown above).

Choice Results if You Showed the Unusual PDA to Korshunov

Choice Results
Show the Unusual PDA Same result for both choices. Scar and Star will fling thinly veiled threats at you as you leave the Sawmill. Only the wording of the threats change depending on your choice.
Do not show the Unusual PDA

Showing the Unusual PDA to Korshunov earlier will result in Skif getting a cold reception from the Spark Faction once he reaches the Sawmill. However, this does not affect your faction reputation with them since you'll easily be able to side with Spark in the missions to come by simply backing up Strider's Noontide faction.

Choice Results if You Did Not Show the Unusual PDA to Korshunov

Choice Results
Show the Unusual PDA Requires you to do an extra side mission called A Heavy Burden to enter Wild Island and progress the main story.
Do not show the Unusual PDA

If you don't show the Unusual PDA to Dalin and Korshunov, the choice you pick for Scar won't matter. Regardless of your choice, you'll still need to complete the A Heavy Burden side mission in order to enter Wild Island and trigger the next main mission, Hot on the Trail.

The only difference is who gives you the side mission. Showing the PDA to Scar will have him be the one to trigger the side mission. Hiding it from him prompts one of the Spark soldiers named Mute to approach you after leaving the Sawmill in order to trigger the side mission.

Strider and the Noontide

Choice Results
[Show the Unusual PDA] The attackers had this PDA. Same result for both choices. Skif will still need to show the Unusual PDA to Strider.
Your men did this.

During Hot on the Trail, you'll be given the choice to show the Unusual PDA to Strider. Regardless of your choice, Skif will still show the Unusual PDA to Strider since the Noontide leader will require more evidence regarding the attack on Nestor. Best to just bite the bullet and show him the Unusual PDA when prompted to progress the mission.

Should You Show the Unusual PDA?

Show the Unusual PDA to All for an Easier Main Story

Using the Ward Badge

Showing the Unusual PDA to all parties involved will make the main story much easier since you'll get the Ward Badge that helps smooth a lot of otherwise frosty interactions later on in the story. It is better to show everyone the info, otherwise you'll have to complete an additional side mission just to get to the next main mission, Hot on the Trail.

Showing the Unusual PDA Does Not Affect Endings

For those worried about these big decisions, rest assured knowing that showing or hiding the Unusual PDA will not affect the ending of STALKER 2. Their consequences are more immediate compared to the other major late game decisions you have to make.

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1 Anonymous4 months

Thanks, very helpfull!!


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