STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Once More Unto the Breach Walkthrough

Stalker 2 Once More Unto the Breach Walkthrough

Once More Unto the Breach is a main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on for a complete walkthrough of Once More Unto the Breach, as well as the rewards for completing the mission.

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Once More Unto the Breach Walkthrough

Notice IconNotice from Game8 This main mission is exclusive to the Ward Faction. For players who sided with the Spark Faction, they will have to do the Happiness for Everyone mission instead.
List of Objectives
1 Meet Up with Zotov
2 Help Take the Duga Checkpoint (Optional)
3 Find the Entrance to the Tunnel
4 Get Inside the Duga Compound
5 Get to Location D
6 Go Through the Area with Lots of Traps
7 Plant Explosives
8 Move Away from the Center of the Blast
9 Find Faust at the Comm Center
10 Defeat Faust
11 Climb the Ledge Up Yourself

Meet Up with Zotov

A call with Zotov will be automatically made soon after you finish In Search of Past Glory. He will ask you to meet him at a command post near the Duga, located southwest of the Chemical Plant Base.

Talk to the Captain once you get there and choose to hear the plan. After the briefing, take the explosives from Zotov and start walking westward towards the Duga.

Help Take the Duga Checkpoint (Optional)

By following the road west, you'll run into some soldiers on standby outside the checkpoint. They will start the attack if you approach them and you can join in to complete this optional objective.

We recommend seeing this through and help them clear the checkpoint to make the next objective easier to complete.

Find the Entrance to the Tunnel

finding the entrance to the tunnel

You'll find the tunnel entrance inside the orange building near the south wall. Go down the stairs in the second room to find a utility tunnel with pipes and reach the other end for another ladder. Climb down this ladder to complete the objective.

Get Inside the Duga Compound

to the switch that opens the steel door

Move two rooms west and look for a room on your right with an electric anomaly. Set the anomaly off with a bolt and look over the shelves at the other end to find a hole leading to another room.

There is a switch inside that must be turned on to unlock the steel door in the previous room. Take out your weapon before you open the door to the left of the terminal, as Rodents were also behind the steel door you just opened. From here, you must make your way to the room on the other end.

Reach the Room on the Other End

Pass through the unlocked door once it's clear and go up the ladder on your right. Slide down the ladder at the other end of the platform.
Jump over the radioactive puddle and walk over the control room ahead. Ready your weapon before going up the stairs as there's a Bloodsucker inside.
Exit on the other side and use the next platform to get to the next and last section.
There's another Bloodsucker behind the double door so prepare for another fight. Enter the next room after defeating the Bloodsucker and climb the ladder inside.
Unfortunately, the lockers in the next room are all empty, so you can just exit on the other side and cross the platform.
At the end of this hallway is a gravity anomaly with suspended glass shards. Pass through it by walking slowly or crouching to avoid taking damage.
Climb the ladder and follow the objective marker (the path will be linear) until you reach another locker room. Past this room is the Duga compound.

Get to Location D

Collect the supplies in the next room before heading out. Location D is far to the northwest and there are guards along the way. You can either reach it with a stealth approach (Gun suppressors are necessary) or with guns blazing.

Cross the Anomaly Field

entrance to the anomaly field

You'll see a broken fence after getting past the first group of guards. This serves as an entrance to a gravity anomaly field, with your destination at the other end. Hug the right wall to avoid being spotted by the guards on the left side as you reach for the objective marker. Don't forget to set off the gravity anomalies along your way.

Reach Location D

to Location D

More enemies are inside the building past the anomaly field. Clear the area and open the doors on the right side to reach location D.

Go Through the Area with Lots of Traps

getting to the mining spot 1

Go down the stairs at the end of this floor while gunning down guards along the way. This next area is riddled with tripwires with grenades attached to them. These tripwires are placed on some of the doorways.

After going down the stairs, shoot the wire on the doorway that leads to the next room.
There's another tripwire on the doorway to the left. Set it off and move to the next room.
Drop down to the lower floor and quickly run to the gate in the northwest corner if you want to avoid the Burer attack. Remove the lock and follow the path to a hallway on the upper floor.
Take out all the enemies here and run to the other end until you reach the mining spot.

Plant Explosives

planting the explosives

There are no enemies in this part of the area for now, so you can head straight to the first marked spot to plant an explosive pack. Enemies will start spawning from the east, so quickly place the second pack on the fourth pipe of the same side before you get overwhelmed.

Move Away from the Center of the Blast

escaping the blast center

Turn south immediately and run towards the second pipe from the right to exit the mining spot.

Find Faust at the Comm Center

The Comm Center is the building to your left. Needless to say, it's crawling with his followers.

Enter the Comm Center and go to the hallway past the first room. There is a guard on each side of this doorway: one you can kill silently and another quickly after the first.
Move two rooms southeast and find the stairs on the right side.
On the second floor, fight your way through two more rooms to find another set of stairs at the end.
The third floor is clear. Go up the stairs on the other side of the room.
5 As soon as you open the door, you will find Faust who will immediately use this camera zoom in and out psi attack before running away.
6 Follow Faust to the rooftop to complete the objective.

Defeat Faust

Shooting the Psi-Emitters

Make sure you're wearing the helmet with the Suppressor upgrade that you made during the main mission, In Search of Past Glory.

When you're ready, head out there and immediately shoot the three psi-emitters over the rooftop. These look like lanterns and should be easy to spot with their glow. The fourth psi-emitter is attached to Faust's hip.

Destroy it and he will be vulnerable to damage. Deal enough damage to end the fight and trigger the cutscene through another psi attack.

Climb the Ledge Up Yourself

Climb Up Yourself Option

Choice Result
Climb Up Yourself You will climb the ledge up by yourself. This will then lead to a heartwarming conversation with Faust and will end the mission.
Accept Help Faust will seemingly help you but as soon as he grabs your hand, he will let go, leading to your death.

Once you've damaged Faust enough, a cutscene and dialogue sequence will play out where you'll find yourself hanging on a ledge. Choose the option to climb the ledge up yourself, since choosing to let Faust help you up will lead to your death.

After getting up the ledge, exhaust all remaining dialogue options with him. You will then be transported back to the roof and the mission will be completed.

Once More Unto the Breach Rewards

No Mission Rewards

This mission has no rewards upon completion.

Once More Unto the Breach Overview

Location and Mission Info

Once More Unto the Breach Mission Info
Starting Location Chemical Plant
Quest Giver Starts immediately after installing the Suppressor during In Search of Past Glory (if you sided with the Ward)

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3 Answers Come at a Price
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5 Deal with the Devil
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8 Chasing Ghosts
9 Dead Frequency
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10 In Search of a Guide
11 Ad astra per aspera
12 Extreme Simplicity
13 In Search of a Miracle
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13-3. Wishful Thinking
14 Spark Faction: To the Last Drop of Blood
Ward Faction: Law and Order
15 Just Like the Good Old Days
16 The Hornet's Nest
17 An Invisible Threat
18 Dawn of a New Day
19 The Assault on the Duga
20 A Minor Incident
21 In Search of Past Glory
22 Spark Faction: Happiness for Everyone
Ward Faction: Once More Unto the Breach
23 Visions of Truth
24 Dark Times
25 An Act of Mercy
26 Legends of the Zone
27 Subtle Matter
28 Dangerous Liaisons
29 Escape from the Cage
30 The Boundary
31 The Road to the Foundation
32 Down Below
33 The Last Wish / Eye of the Storm / Through the valley of the shadow of death
34 Let No One Leave Unsatisfied / The Last Step / The Eternal Shining


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