STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Just Business Walkthrough

Stalker 2 Just Business

Just Business is a Side Mission located in the Rostok in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on to see the Just Business mission location, detailed walkthrough, and all its rewards!

Just Business Overview and Rewards

Location and Mission Info

Just Business Mission Info
Starting Location Rostok
Quest Giver Barkeep

Talk to the Barkeep and choose the "[Mission] Any special jobs for me?" option to start this mission.

How to Find the Barkeep

You can find the entrance to the underground bar south of where the traders are located. There should be a few бар signs (translates to "Bar") around the area, and you can follow them to reach the entrance. Once you get there, simply follow the stairs until you reach the bar.

You can also follow the Blue Flag on the map if you haven't received the quest yet to guide you close to the entrance.

Completion Rewards

・Sphere M20 Helmet

You will get a Sphere M20 Helmet from the Barkeep for completing this mission.

Just Business Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Get Inside the Bandit Base
2 Kill the Bandits
3 Talk to the Barkeep in Rostok for the Reward

Get Inside the Bandit Base

Find the Missing Freedom Group (Optional)

Go east of Witch's Circus to find the missing Freedom group. once at the building, head inside the first floor locker room to find a single survivor named Carl Clinch and use a Medkit to heal him.

When he gets up, he will give you the key to the tunnels that will take you to the Warehouse - the current base of the bandits.

Go through the Tunnels

Go to the second floor and unlock the door leading to the tunnels. Head down and follow the path inside, but be careful as there are poison anomalies around.

You can also get the Ciliate Artifact under the wooden platform while you're there.

Reach the Bandit Base

Continue following the path until you see a ladder leaning against a wall. Climb the ladder and you should be able to reach the bandit's base from there.

Kill the Bandits

Kill the Bandits.png
Kill all the bandits in their base or let them fight the caged Pseudogiant. You can make a run for it once the objective is completed, or you can kill the Pseudogiant after it annihilates the bandits.

This Pseudogiant will drop a quest item called the Electronic Collar that you can loot from its body once it's killed. The collar is a quest item used in a separate side mission called In the Name of Science.

Talk to the Barkeep in Rostok for the Reward

Return to the Barkeep in Rostok to get the rewards. You will receive Sphere M20 Helmet from him.

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