STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl


Stalker 2 Is There Co-Op

Co-Op mode will not be included in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Find out why Co-Op mode won't be featured in the game.


No Co-Op Mode

Campfire with Other Stalkers

It has been confirmed by the developers on the official STALKER 2 Discord server that there will be no Co-Op mode for the game.

Possible Through Mods

Modding is officially supported by the developers, so we may see a Co-Op mode through the use of mods created by the community when mod support is formally added to the game.

There is a high chance of Co-Op on STALKER 2, as past STALKER titles have multiple Co-Op modes made through mods.

Multiplayer is Confirmed

Shooting Enemies
Multiplayer is one of the free content updates on STALKER 2. Although it is not directly Co-Op mode, it will be the closest players can get as there could be team game modes, like in previous STALKER games.
Multiplayer Release Date and Features

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1 Brolon the Ogre3 months

Frankly I find it sad they dont want to do a co-op mode, exploring the zone with a few of your friends would actually be a awesome experience. I mean in the zone you have multiple factions that take to some degree of working together and even lone stalkers partner up for missions to increase their survival and success. It would have to be a game mode all it's own, and I understand that would be a challenge, but most definitely a worthwhile addition to the game.


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