STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Best Armor Tier List

Stalker 2 Best Armor

This is a tier list of the best armor in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn the best armor, suit, and mask you can equip, and the stats of the best armor in this guide!

Armor Guides
Best Armor Armor List

Best Armor Tier List

Best Suit Armor Overall

Stalker 2 - S-Tier Armor SuitTier Diamond ExoskeletonDiamond Exoskeleton PSZ-9I FalconPSZ-9I Falcon SEVA-I SuitSEVA-I Suit
SEVA-D SuitSEVA-D Suit - -
Stalker 2 - A-Tier Armor SuitTier SSP-100 DiscoverySSP-100 Discovery Liberty ExoskeletonLiberty Exoskeleton Corundum SuitCorundum Suit
Wanderer SuitWanderer Suit
SEVA SuitSEVA Suit -
Stalker 2 - B-Tier Armor SuitTier OZK ExplorerOZK Explorer's Suit PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom SuitPSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit PSZ-20W ConvoyPSZ-20W Convoy
Tourist SuitTourist Suit Mercenary SuitMercenary Suit Zircon SuitZircon Suit
PSZ-7 Military Body ArmorPSZ-7 Military Body Armor Marauder SuitMarauder Suit SSP-99 EcologistSSP-99 Ecologist
Bandit JacketBandit Jacket Armored Bandit JacketArmored Bandit Jacket Leather JacketLeather Jacket
Debut SuitDebut Suit SSP-100M SIRCAASSP-100M SIRCAA
Cuirass ExoskeletonCuirass Exoskeleton
PSZ-12V BulatPSZ-12V Bulat Berill-5M Armored SuitBerill-5M Armored Suit ExoskeletonExoskeleton
Ruby ExosuitRuby Exosuit Brummbar ExoskeletonBrummbar Exoskeleton Operator ExoskeletonOperator Exoskeleton
Cuirass ExoskeletonCuirass Exoskeleton - -

List of All Suits

Best Mask Armor Overall

Stalker 2 - S-Tier Armor MaskTier Mask-1 HelmetMask-1 Helmet Sphere M20 HelmetSphere M20 Helmet Aeroprotection Gas MaskAeroprotection Gas Mask
Stalker 2 - A-Tier Armor MaskTier PA-7 Gas MaskPA-7 Gas Mask Ballistic HelmetBallistic Helmet PA-10 Gas MaskPA-10 Gas Mask
Stalker 2 - B-Tier Armor MaskTier PG-4 Facehugger Gas MaskPG-4 Facehugger Gas Mask Optician Gas MaskOptician Gas Mask Aurora Gas MaskAurora Gas Mask

List of All Masks

Best Armor Explained

Best Armor Overall
Diamond Exoskeleton ・Best Physical and Radiation Protection
・Best in Carry Weight
・Best Exoskeleton
・Best Used with Sprint Upgrade
PSZ-9I Falcon ・Maxed Out Physical Protection when upgraded
・Great Radition Protection
・Great Overall Stats
・Obtainable Early
Best Armor in Early Game
SEVA-I Suit ・Best in Early Game Overall Stats
・Great Psi Protection
・Great Overall Stats
SEVA-D Suit ・Easier to Get than SEVA-I Suit
・Good Psi Protection
・Good Overall Stats
Best Mask
Mask-1 Helmet ・Best Physical Protection
・Great Overall Stats
Notice from Game8
Stat Bar v2
Note: The stats shown in this page are the numerical representations of the bar display used to show armor stats, in-game (above). Numbers will range from 0~5, with 0 being the lowest, and 5 being the highest.

Diamond Exoskeleton

Diamond ExoskeletonDiamond Exoskeleton Protection Stats
Thermal ProtectionThermal: 2
Electrical ProtectionElectrical: 2
Chemical ProtectionChemical: 2
Radiation ProtectionRadiation: 4
Psi ProtectionPsi: 2.1
Physical ProtectionPhysical: 4
Weight 9.5 kg
Artifact Slots 5 Slots
Bonus Effect Maximum weight +17.6 kg

Of all the different armors in STALKER 2, the Diamond Exoskeleton is the best due to its high protection values and amazing stat spread. Compared to other Exoskeletons, its stat distribution is much more even, presenting a solid defence against all types of damage while also boasting 5 artifact slots right off the bat (4 of which can be lead-lined).

However, its best feature is its amazing base stats, allowing you to focus on Lead Container and the Sprint upgrades without having to worry about the cost of raising its other defensive stats. Plus, its +17.6kg max carry weight offsets its rather light base weight of 9.5kg, offering you the benefits of lighter suits without the weight penalty.

But, the biggest drawback to this Exoskeleton is that it's only available after hitting late-game. During the mission, The Boundary, make sure to head to the roof the Spark Bunker you visit in Yaniv to get one of two available Diamond Exoskeletons in the game.

PSZ-9I Falcon

PSZ-9I FalconPSZ-9I Falcon Protection Stats
Thermal ProtectionThermal: 1.2
Electrical ProtectionElectrical: 1.6
Chemical ProtectionChemical: 1.6
Radiation ProtectionRadiation: 2.5
Psi ProtectionPsi: 2.1
Physical ProtectionPhysical: 3
Weight 9.0 kg
Artifact Slots 3 Slots

The PSZ-9I Falcon is the best armor for a non-exoskeleton option, having high values for both the Physical and Radiation Protection stats while still having some for Psi Protection and other elements. When fully upgraded, it can boast a maximum physical protection, which cannot be matched by any other armor in its class.

It can also be upgraded to have 5 artifact slots and 2 protected with Lead Containers. Though it does not have any bonus effects, you can upgrade it with the Plexiglass with Lead Mesh to further increase its elemental protection, making it an even better all-in-one armor piece.

This armor is obtainable as soon as you are able to leave the Lesser Zone, after the Behind Seven Seals main mission by taking a trek to the STC Malachite POI in the Malachite region (however, be wary of its pricey repair costs).

How to Get the PSZ-9I Falcon and Stats

SEVA-I Suit (Early Game)

SEVA-I SuitSEVA-I Suit Protection Stats
Thermal ProtectionThermal: 1.3
Electrical ProtectionElectrical: 1.5
Chemical ProtectionChemical: 1.5
Radiation ProtectionRadiation: 3
Psi ProtectionPsi: 2.1
Physical ProtectionPhysical: 2.5
Weight 8.0 kg
Artifact Slots 4 Slots

The SEVA-I Suit Suit is one of the best early-game options when it comes to a light suit with great Physical Protection, amazing Radiation Protection, and Psi-Protection to boot. Nabbing this suit makes you mostly set for majority of your playthrough until you can find better armor that suits your playstyle.

You can obtain the SEVA-I Suit early by going to the Yantar Production Complex in Yantar. It will be inside a building with a lot of pipelines that you will have to platform in the Yantar Production Complex.

The SEVA-I suit leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to physical protection, which is arguably the most important protection stat in the game. If you find yourself needing more physical protection, then the Corundum Suit could be a good alternative.

How to Get the SEVA-I Suit

SEVA Suit-D (Early Game)

SEVA-D SuitSEVA-D Suit Protection Stats
Thermal ProtectionThermal: 1.1
Electrical ProtectionElectrical: 1.45
Chemical ProtectionChemical: 1.4
Radiation ProtectionRadiation: 2.5
Psi ProtectionPsi: 1.55
Physical ProtectionPhysical: 2.5
Weight 8.0 kg
Artifact Slots 3 Slots

If you are looking for something more accessible than the SEVA-I Suit, then look for the SEVA-D Suit at the Cage area in the Cement Factory region. Make sure to bring a lot of healing items since the location will be plagued by psi-radiation, dealing constant damage until you reach the top of the structure.

Unlike the SEVA-I Suit, however, it has lower overall stats and has 1 less artifact slot. This is still a great suit you can pick up if you need an immediate suit with Psi protection for missions like Ad Astra Per Aspera.

How to Get the SEVA-D Suit

Mask-1 Helmet

Mask-1 HelmetMask-1 Helmet Protection Stats
Thermal ProtectionThermal: 0.9
Electrical ProtectionElectrical: 0.8
Chemical ProtectionChemical: 1
Radiation ProtectionRadiation: 0.8
Psi ProtectionPsi: 1.6
Physical ProtectionPhysical: 3.65
Weight 3.0 kg
Artifact Slots Slots

The Mask-1 Helmet is the best mask in STALKER 2 because of its high physical protection that is unmatched by all the other masks. It also offers all-around protection stats against every other damage type.

It can also be upgraded with the Aramid Lining and Overlapping Seams to crank the physical protection up to 4.5, which exceeds even the physical protection offered by most unupgraded exoskeletons.

Unfortunately, the earliest you can obtain one of these masks is towards the middle of the playthrough during the To the Last Drop of Blood main mission. So, be sure to loot the bag at the start of the mission to get it for free.

How to Get the Mask-1 Helmet and Stats

Best Armor Criteria

Armor List Criteria

Category Evaluation
Physical Protection Dealing with physical damage is the most common type of damage and is taken from bullets, melee attacks, and gravitational anomalies.
Radiation Protection Next to Physical Protection, radiation damage is the next most common damage and is often taken from radioactive zones.
Artifact Slots More artifact slots is often better, letting you utilize powerful effects granted by artifacts. The upgrade to have Lead Containers which protect you from artifact radiation is also important.
Psi Protection Negating psi damage is situational but very helpful when dealing with psi-related attacks done by mutants such as the Controller.
Accessibility Obtaining armor that can carry you throughout your playthrough as early as possible.

The most common damage type that you will encounter in the Zone is Physical Damage since you will go through a lot of gunfights with hostile Stalkers and regularly encounter Mutants. The next most dangerous is Radiation since radioactive areas are very common within the Zone.

You will want to also look an armor's available Artifact Slots to utilize powerful effects such as more Health, Endurance, Weight, or Physical Protection. Lastly, consider Psi Protection when you need protection for psi-related attacks from mutants like the Controller.

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STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl Walkthrough Wiki

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8 Anonymous3 months

There is also the SEVA-V suit you can get in Rostok near the downed helicopter at the top of the crane apparatus in the cab. If you are starting out, ignore everybody and stay with the Bulat for awhile. It's the best early armor that you can fully upgrade and still afford to repair, even at 45% which right now will cost me $16k to repair. If I had to do that to my diamond exo, I'd just sell it and pull my Bulat out of the locker.

7 boyfiend3 months

Yeah, PSZ-9I Falcon is the best gear yet.


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