STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Jupiter Region Guide

Jupiter Region

Jupiter is a late game region that you can access after finishing The Boundary mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on to see a list of points of interest in this region, including artifact farming locations, unique weapons, stashes, side missions, door codes, and bases!

Jupiter Region Map

Yaniv Region Map

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Jupiter is a late game region that borders Prypiat (to its north) and Yaniv (to its south). In order to access it, you will need to progress the main story until you reach the mission, The Boundary. Complete it to unlock the way to both Jupiter and Prypiat.

Note: Outside of glitches, trying to access Jupiter before The Boundary will result in death. Its border with Yaniv will be guarded by lethal doses of radiation, a Tornado Anomaly, and even a sniper that can one-shot you (similar to other progression-locked areas of the Zone).

Jupiter Artifact Farming Location

Jupiter Artifact Locations

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# Location Possible Artifacts
1 Market
This small area has multiple gravitational anomalies. The artifact could also spawn on the roof, so check it if you do not see the Artifact on the ground floor.
2 WSD Base
The random Electro artifact can spawn on the loading bay or on the roof. If it spawned on the roof, jump on the green truck, then jump on the roof.
3 Pripyat Substation
Activate the scanner and electrical anomalies will show up in the area. After the activation, you can pick up a random Electro artifact in the scanner. Although, be careful of the Poltergeist that spawns after activating the scanner.
4 SES Polygon
There is a random Electro artifact near a corpse by the broken Psi-beacon. You can simply pick up the artifact, as there are no Anomalies in the area

All Artifact Farming Locations

Jupiter Unique Weapons

Jupiter Unique Weapons

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1 TexanTexan
Looted from the southwest bunker of the Abandoned Science Campus (Jupiter) to the south of Prypiat. Do note that you can only enter this area via its north side (from the city of Prypiat) due to the radiation. Additionally, 2 Pseudogiants will be patrolling the area once you reach it.

List of All Unique Weapons and Map Locations

Jupiter Stashes

Jupiter Stashes

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1 Train Car Stash
You can find a train car with a stash inside south of the WSD Base. Shoot the lock on the other side to get access to the stash.
2 Bread Factory Stash
Go inside the building in the Bread Factory POI and climb the ladder in the room with a bunch of metal pots. After climbing the ladder, platform your way towards the stash, which contains a High-Capacity Saiga D-12 Magazine Attachment inside.
3 Bread Factory Safe
Go to the roof of the Bread Factory building and pick up the key by the corpse. Use it to open the locked white door, and you will find the safe with a Brummbar Exoskeleton Elimination System for Poisonous Substances Blueprint inside.
4 Market Stash
Go inside the dilapidated building with multiple Gravitational Anomalies and jump on top of the table to reach the stash in the gap between the wall and the roof. This stash contains the Expanded Backpack Blueprint for the Shield of Duty Exoskeleton.
5 Abandoned Science Campus Safe
Go to the small building southwest of the Abandoned Science Campus POI. You will find a small safe inside the laboratory.
6 Duffle Bag by the Porch
The duffle bag is behind some crates on the porch of the building northeast of the Bread Factory POI and northwest of the Market POI.
7 Fluoridation Station Chest
Jump on top of the blue truck, then jump on top of the roof in the Fluoridation Station POI. From there, traverse the pipes until you reach the end and see the hole in the wall. Jump through, and you will find the chest.
8 Mobile Building Enterprise Duffle Bag
The stash can be found by a pipe and wheels resting on a pillar in the middle of the building in the Mobile Building Enterprise building.
9 CDIA Duffle Bag
Go to the building to the southwest of the CDIA POI. The duffle bag will be in the left corner of the room where the blue truck with an open hood is.
10 SES Polygon Stash
In the SES Polygon POI, there is a stash behind the corpse with a Moonlight artifact by the broken psi-beacon. You might have to jump to spot it. This stash contains the SSP-100 Discovery Lead Container Blueprint.

All Stash Locations

Jupiter Side Missions

No Side Missions in Jupiter Region

There are no side missions in the Jupiter region.

List of All Side Missions and Map

Jupiter Door Codes

No Doors with Codes in Jupiter Region

There are no code locked doors or safes in the Jupiter region.

List of All Door Codes

Jupiter Points of Interest

Jupiter Points of Interest

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1 Bread Factory
2 Market
3 Science Campus Checkpoint
4 Abandoned Science Campus
5 Prypiat Substation
6 SES Polygon
7 Mobile Building Enterprise
9 Fluoridation Station
10 WSD Base

STALKER 2 Interactive Map

Jupiter Bases

No Bases in Jupiter Region

Unfortunately, being so close to Prypiat, there are no bases to fast travel and rest at in the Jupiter region. The nearest one you can fall back to will be the Yaniv Station base back in Yaniv, or the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture base in Prypiat (which is much more dangerous to travel to).

All Base Locations

Jupiter Notable NPCs

No NPCs in Jupiter Region

There are no NPCs in the Jupiter region.

STALKER 2 Related Guides

Stalker 2 - Map


All Regions

All Regions in The Zone
Lesser Zone Cordon Garbage
Rostok Chemical Plant Malachite
Duga Burnt Forest Wild Island
Cement Factory Cooling Towers Zaton
Swamps Yantar Red Forest
Yaniv Jupiter Prypiat

All Map Guides

All Map Guides
How to Leave the Lesser Zone How to Get to Prypiat


1 Anonymous2 months

There's no accessible interior of the WSD Base building. You can get within "2" of the artifact either on the roof or the corner of the screened room, but it doesn't spawn.


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