STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Wishful Thinking Walkthrough

Stalker 2 Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking is a main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on for a complete walkthrough of Wishful Thinking, as well as the rewards for completing the mission.

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The Forge of Progress To the Last Drop of Blood
Law and Order

Wishful Thinking Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Find D1 Hall
2 Talk to Dr. Dalin
3 Make a Wish by the Monolith
4 Fight Off the Ward Attack
5 Find Out What Happened at the Monolith
6 Get to the Meeting in the Projection Room
Option 1 Option 2
Let Him Go He Has to Die
7 Get to the Cryptobiology Lab Entrance
8 Talk to Dubny
Option 1 Option 2
I'm With You I'm With the Ward
9 I'm With You (Dialogue Option Objectives)
10 I'm With the Ward (Dialogue Option Objectives)

Find D1 Hall

D1 Hall Location

After being teleported out of the abandoned facility and back to SIRCAA in The Forge Progress mission, Dr. Dalin will contact you via radio. You will then have to go to the D1 Hall to meet up with him.

Talk to Dr. Dalin

Talking to Doctor Dalin in the D2 Level

Once at D1 hall, go straight and head up the stairs to your left to get to the D2 Level. You will hear Dr. Dalin having a conversation with Col. Korshunov, and the game will transition into a cutscene.

Make a Wish by the Monolith

Monolith Blue Figures

Exit the room where the Dr. Dalin and the Colonel are talking. Go down to the lowest floor and head to the monolith at the middle of the room. Interact with the two blue figures kneeling down. Eventually, a third blue figure will be standing by the monolith. Interact with it to progress the mission.

Fight Off the Ward Attack

Fighting the Ward Soldiers Dream

Defend yourself from a huge wave of hostile Ward soldiers until you wake up and transition back to reality. During the fight, you will be extremely outnumbered. You can use the pillars, staircases, and other structures in the room as cover if ever you need to heal up.

Find Out What Happened at the Monolith

Talking to Dalin After the Monolith

As soon as you snap back to reality, head back upstairs to meet with Dr. Dalin and Colonel Korshunov who will be right by the entrance of the D2 level. Listen to Dr. Dalin's dialogues to progress the mission.

Go to the Meeting in the Projection Room

Going to the Projection Room

Leave the D1 Hall, enter the room labeled B2, and take the stairs to go up to the C1 room. From there, keep going forward until you transition into a cutscene with  Prof. Hermann and Agatha. From here, you will have to make the choice to let Hermann go or kill him.

Let Him Go He Has to Die

Let Him Go

Sparing Hermann

Sparing Hermann means that he will continue to be part of your story. It is still uncertain what the late game implications of this are.

He Has to Die

Killing Hermann

Killing Hermann removes him from the story moving forward. It is still uncertain how this affects the story later on.

Get to the Cryptobiology Lab Entrance

Going to the Crptobiology Lab

Follow the marker that will be moving around in your PDA Map to get to the Cryptobiology Lab entrance and approach Sgt. Mykhailov. Immediately after talking to the Sergeant, head down to the Cryptobiology Lab.

Talk to Dubny

Talking to Dubny

Talk to Dubny, and exhaust his dialogue. You will eventually have to choose whether to side with the Noonstriders or the Ward.

I'm With You I'm With the Ward

I'm With You

Siding with Dubny

If you choose the I'm With You option, you will have to eliminate all the Ward soldiers in the room behind Dubny. By siding with Dubny, you will also be siding with Strider, the Noontide faction, and the Spark faction.

Choosing this option also has a different set of objectives towards the end of the mission.

▼ Jump to I'm With You Objectives ▼

I'm With the Ward

Siding with the Ward

If you choose the I'm With the Ward option, you will have to eliminate all the Noontiders in the room, including Dubny. Siding with the Ward means you will be siding with Dr. Dalin, Col. Korshunov, and the Ward faction.

Choosing this option will also have a different set of objectives towards the end of the mission.

▼ Jump to I'm With the Ward Objectives ▼

I'm With You Option Objectives

Help Strider

Confronting Dr. Dalin

After killing the Ward soldiers, you will have to enter the passageway leading to X11. You'll then encounter Strider and you'll have to help him detonate a wall beside him. On the other side of the wall is Dr. Dalin, and a heated confrontation will ensue.

You will then awake in a sewer drainage system and the mission, To the Last Drop of Blood will commence.

To the Last Drop of Blood Walkthrough

I'm With the Ward Option Objectives

Find the Entrance to X11

Elevator to X11

After eliminating Dubny and his fellow Noontide soldiers, follow the marker on your PDA Map and Compass, which will move around as you get closer until you reach the elevator that will take you down to the X11.

Participate in the Experiment

Participating in the Experiment

Approach the bunker door, and the game will transition into a long cutscene. This marks the end of the Wishful Thinking mission and the start of the Law and Order mission.

Law and Order Walkthrough

Wishful Thinking Rewards

Mission Rewards

Coupons (Amount Depending on Difficulty)

Wishful Thinking Overview

Location and Mission Info

Wishful Thinking Mission Info
Starting Location
Quest Giver Starts immediately after The Forge of Progress
Mission Description
Turns out Hermann was the one behind the mayhem at the Cryptobiology and Psi-Medicine Lab - the very same Hermann who led me into the Zone and gave me the Scanner. He's alive, and this device is his invention. As for Dalin... it was his unbridled ambition that left me without a home. Well, now I know who's gonna pay the price.

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3 Answers Come at a Price
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5 Deal with the Devil
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8 Chasing Ghosts
9 Dead Frequency
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10 In Search of a Guide
11 Ad astra per aspera
12 Extreme Simplicity
13 In Search of a Miracle
13-1. A Long Overdue Visit
13-2. The Forge of Progress
13-3. Wishful Thinking
14 Spark Faction: To the Last Drop of Blood
Ward Faction: Law and Order
15 Just Like the Good Old Days
16 The Hornet's Nest
17 An Invisible Threat
18 Dawn of a New Day
19 The Assault on the Duga
20 A Minor Incident
21 In Search of Past Glory
22 Spark Faction: Happiness for Everyone
Ward Faction: Once More Unto the Breach
23 Visions of Truth
24 Dark Times
25 An Act of Mercy
26 Legends of the Zone
27 Subtle Matter
28 Dangerous Liaisons
29 Escape from the Cage
30 The Boundary
31 The Road to the Foundation
32 Down Below
33 The Last Wish / Eye of the Storm / Through the valley of the shadow of death
34 Let No One Leave Unsatisfied / The Last Step / The Eternal Shining


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