STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Escape from the Cage Walkthrough

STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl Escape from the Cage Walkthrough
Escape from the Cage is a main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on for a complete walkthrough of Escape from the Cage, as well as the rewards for completing the mission.

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Escape from the Cage Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Talk to Dalin
2 Help the Captive Sparker (Optional)
3 Get Your Belongings Back
4 Escape from the Chemical Plant

Talk to Dalin

After choosing to escape from Col. Korshunov at the end of the Dangerous Liaisons, you will wake up inside a jail cell. Dr. Dalin with call you over and he will give you the cell key.

Open the cell door using the key after finishing the dialogue with Dr. Dalin.

Help the Captive Sparker (Optional)

Talk to captive Sparker and he will tell you the location of your belongings in exchange for the cell key.

Give him the cell key in order for the Taking Back What's Mine side quest to appear.

Get Your Belongings Back

Start from the captive Sparker's jail cell and head right to find an open door at a corner. Enter it and head down the stairs and enter the first room that you encounter.

Crouch and stealth kill the two soldiers patrolling in the room and loot their belongings. Exit the room and head down the stairs. Enter the next door that you will see and head right.

Find the Building with the Open Window

Building with Open Window
Run towards the building with an open window and enter inside. Drop down to the ground floor and find the blue safe beside the blue table.

Open the safe to get all your belongings back and complete the Taking Back What's Mine side quest.

Escape from the Chemical Plant

After getting your belongings, go back to the open window and head left towards watchtower while avoiding the enemy soldiers.

Jump Over the Guardrail to Escape

Once you reach the watchtower area, find the guardrail that juts out of the corner near the stairs. Do a run and jump to jump over it to escape the chemical plant and complete the mission.

Escape from the Cage Rewards

Mission Rewards

・27,000 Coupons on Stalker Difficulty

Escape from the Cage Overview

Location and Mission Info

Escape from the Cage Mission Info
Starting Location Chemical Plant
Quest Giver Starts immediately after Dangerous Liaisons (if you choose to escape)

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16 The Hornet's Nest
17 An Invisible Threat
18 Dawn of a New Day
19 The Assault on the Duga
20 A Minor Incident
21 In Search of Past Glory
22 Spark Faction: Happiness for Everyone
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23 Visions of Truth
24 Dark Times
25 An Act of Mercy
26 Legends of the Zone
27 Subtle Matter
28 Dangerous Liaisons
29 Escape from the Cage
30 The Boundary
31 The Road to the Foundation
32 Down Below
33 The Last Wish / Eye of the Storm / Through the valley of the shadow of death
34 Let No One Leave Unsatisfied / The Last Step / The Eternal Shining


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