STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Assault on the Duga Walkthrough

STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl Assault on the Duga
Assault on the Duga is a main mission in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Read on for a complete walkthrough of Assault on the Duga, as well as the rewards for completing the mission.

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An Invisible Threat (Warden Faction)
Dawn of a New Day (Spark Faction)
A Minor Incident

Assault on the Duga Quest Objectives

List of Objectives
Assault on the Duga will have two different routes depending on the faction you sided with. Click on a link below to navigate to the route on your save:
Spark Route
Ward Route
Spark Faction Ward Faction
Meet up with the Spark Squad Meet Up with Senkevych's Group
Capture the Comm Center Get through the Check Point with the Ward Squad
Reconnect the Comm Center Destroy the Portable PSI Installation
Get Inside the Monolith HQ Secure the Checkpoint
Kill the Monolith Leader Hold Your Position and Wait for Reinforcements
Kill Faust Retreat from the Duga
Retreat from the Duga

This main quest will have different quest objectives depending on which faction you sided with in the main story.

If you sided with the Spark faction, you will have to complete An Invisible Threat and Dawn of a New Day as the prerequisite quests.

If you are with the Ward faction, completing An Invisible Threat leads you directly to this main quest.

List of All Factions

Assault on the Duga (Spark Faction) Walkthrough

Meetup with the Spark Squad

Map Image Overworld Image

Head to the meetup point southwest of the Promin CMD Factory. Find the hatch in the middle of the forest and head down to the underground bunker.

Talk to Scar inside the underground bunker to proceed with the next objective.

Capture the Comm Center

Follow the group of green soldiers as you defeat the Monolith soldiers. Make sure to pick up the consumables from the bodies and unload ammo from the guns.

Defeat all the Monolith soldiers to capture the Comm Center.

Reconnect the Comm Center

Find the red lever on the large computer and turn it on to reconnect the Comm Center.

Get Inside the Monolith HQ

Follow the quest objective marker on the compass until you reach a large room with a PSI Emitter in the middle and plenty of enemies inside.

Kill the Monolith Leader

You can find the Monolith Leader on top of the scaffolding just below the PSI Emitter. Note that he is not marked as an enemy on the compass so you will need to look around to find him.

Kill the Monolith Leader to proceed to the next objective.

Kill Faust

After killing the Monolith Leader, head up the stairs and enter the door with the red door handle. Head outside and kill the soldiers.

A short cutscene will play wherein your view becomes disoriented as it focuses on Faust. When this happens, retreat to the previous room to recover health.

Retreat from the Duga

Once the objective changes to "Retreat from the Duga", run outside and flee from the area.

Assault on the Duga (Ward Faction) Walkthrough

Meet Up with Senkevych's Group

Map Image Overworld Image

Meet up with Senkevych's Group at the Watchpost east of the Duga. From here you will obtain a new main quest, A Minor Incident.

Find and talk to Cpt. Senkevych at the Watchpost to complete this quest objective. Find and rest on a bed to proceed to the next objective.

Get through the Check Point with the Ward Squad

Follow the group of soldiers and defeat the soldiers as you enter the area.

Destroy the Portable PSI Installation

Portable PSI Installations

Find and shoot the two portable PSI installations at the buildings on both sides of the entrance. Both installations can be found on the second floor.

Secure the Checkpoint

Defeat the remaining enemies inside the area to secure the checkpoint.

Hold Your Position and Wait for Reinforcements

The next sequence requires you to kill waves of enemies that will try to enter the area.

Retreat from the Duga

Retreat from the Duga

Once the "Hold your position and wait for reinforcements" completes, flee from the area to complete the main quest. Avoid fleeing back to the Watchpost as it is likely to be occupied by enemies.

Assault on the Duga Rewards

Mission Rewards

Ward Route: 9000 Coupons (Stalker Difficulty)

Assault on the Duga Overview

Location and Mission Info

Assault on the Duga Mission Info
Starting Location Chemical Plant
Quest Giver Starts immediately after Dawn of a New Day (Spark faction) or An Invisible Thread (Warden faction)

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All Main Missions

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2-1. A Tough Awakening
2-2. A Needle in a Haystack
2-3. A Race Against Death
3 Answers Come at a Price
4 The Price Goes Up
5 Deal with the Devil
5-1. King of the Hill (Optional)
6 Back to Slag Heap
7 Hot on the Trail
8 Chasing Ghosts
9 Dead Frequency
9-1. Like a Moth to the Flame
10 In Search of a Guide
11 Ad astra per aspera
12 Extreme Simplicity
13 In Search of a Miracle
13-1. A Long Overdue Visit
13-2. The Forge of Progress
13-3. Wishful Thinking
14 Spark Faction: To the Last Drop of Blood
Ward Faction: Law and Order
15 Just Like the Good Old Days
16 The Hornet's Nest
17 An Invisible Threat
18 Dawn of a New Day
19 The Assault on the Duga
20 A Minor Incident
21 In Search of Past Glory
22 Spark Faction: Happiness for Everyone
Ward Faction: Once More Unto the Breach
23 Visions of Truth
24 Dark Times
25 An Act of Mercy
26 Legends of the Zone
27 Subtle Matter
28 Dangerous Liaisons
29 Escape from the Cage
30 The Boundary
31 The Road to the Foundation
32 Down Below
33 The Last Wish / Eye of the Storm / Through the valley of the shadow of death
34 Let No One Leave Unsatisfied / The Last Step / The Eternal Shining


3 Anonymous3 months

Checkpoint bug with Ward is annoying af

2 Anonymous3 months

Stuck on defend checkpoint 🤬🤬


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