Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

Stingray Location, Weapons Stats, and Upgrades

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Stingray is an Assault Rifle weapon in Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4). Read on to find out Stingray's stats, how to get Stingray, and learn how to use Stingray in the game!

How to Get Stingray

Purchase From the Merchant

Purchase From the Merchant Resident Evil 4 Remake.png

The Stingray is an Assault Rifle that can be purchased from the Merchant in the Resident Evil 4 Remake for 30,000 Ptas. You can purchase this from the Merchant as early as Chapter 7 when you first enter the castle!

All Merchant Locations and Items Sold

Stingray Weapon Overview

Stingray Basic Info

RE4 Remake - Stingray
A semi-automatic rifle capable of rapid fire.
Weapon Type Assault Rifle
Ammo Type Rifle Ammo
Perks 3x power against weak points, penetration power, and compatible with various scopes.
How to Get Purchase from the Merchant from Chapter 7 onwards.
Buying Price 30,000

Stingray Base Stats

Power Durability Attack Speed Ammo Capacity
3.3 - - 10
Reload Speed Rate of Fire Precision Inventory Slots
0.84 0.73 5.40 14 (2x7)

Stingray Weapon Upgrade Stats

Power 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.5 4.9
Ammo Capacity 10 12 14 16 18
Reload Speed 0.84 0.93 1.01 1.09 1.18
Rate of Fire 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.86 0.92
Exclusive Perk 2x Rate of Fire

Exclusive Perks and upgrades Lv. 4 and above are unlocked in Chapter 9

Upgrade Costs

LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 Total Cost
Power 20000 30000 40000 50000 416000
Ammo Capacity 10000 15000 20000 25000
Reload Speed 10000 13000 16000 19000
Rate of Fire 15000 18000 25000 30000
Exclusive Perk 2x Rate of Fire (Cost: 60000)

Stingray Exclusive Perk

Exclusive Effect Cost
2x Rate of Fire 60000 ptas

All Exclusive Upgrades and Perks

Stingray Attachments

All Available Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Biometric SensorBiometric Sensor Use a Level 2 Security Keycard in the Incubation Lab in Chapter 13.
High-power ScopeHigh-power Scope Purchase from the Merchant for 7 Spinels.
ScopeScope Purchase from the Merchant for 4,000 ptas.

Is the Stingray Worth It?

Choice Depends on Preference

The Stingray is a fine weapon of choice that can be used as an alternate for CQBR or the SR M1903. The choice between these three weapons entirely depends on your preference, however the Stingray shines most in medium to long range fire but is overshadowed by the CQBR when it comes to fighting bosses and enemies that move a lot.

Best Rifle

Not For Bosses and Fast Enemies

With its slow fire rate, the Stingray is not recommended for bosses and fast enemies, this is because there's a high chance of missing shots and wasting ammo for short to medium range encounters.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

How to Use Stingray

Use at Long Range

This rifle is perfet for taking out enemies from afar, allowing you to engage them from a safe distance. Keep your distance from enemies by using terrain and space to your advantage.

Just note that you will not deal as much damage with this weapon so make each shot count!

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All Weapon Types

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Special Weapons Handguns Shotguns
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List of Assault Rifles

RE4R - CQBR Assault RifleCQBR Assault Rifle RE4R - StingrayStingray


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