Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Walkthrough Comments

Solo Mode Guide: All RewardsComment

Showing 1-17 of 17 entries


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    5 Pot of Greealmost 3 yearsReport

    The Weather Painters duels are PURE CANCER, ESPECIALLY Weather Apocalypse. How can a LOANER DECK beat an opponent's deck that consists of BOTH Weather Painters AND True Draco, not to mention the fact that the AI can TRIBUTE SPELLS/TRAPS to SUMMON THEM?! Either this deck gets nerfed or thrown out the window entirely! Shameful display, Konami.

    4 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Solo is shit, you are forced to use a shit deck built by someone without any knowledge. Disgraceful Konami.

    3 Yoinkabout 3 yearsReport

    The stories aren't for every deck. However the decks gou listed can definitely have some due to the fact that these are actually based on card lore. The m[st wanted was the world legacy but I can't wait for them to do the duel terminal and hidden arsenal loves.

    2 JDOGGOKUSSJ2about 3 yearsReport

    we need a free duel option where we choose opponents deck and just duel them this would be the best practice for strategy

    1 Romabout 3 yearsReport

    I like the idea of having stories for each deck, though i'm kind of disappointed it doesn't seem like skystrikers or traptrix, or even dragonmaids are represented here, or maybe even the new nun archtype since i'd love to know how they play and it'd make a neat story. Skystrikers could be a power rangers type of story where an evil organization attacks a planet and they have to stop them. Traptrix could just be showing off how they hunt down their prey. dragonmaids could serve a masters goal.etc

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