Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

Skull Shaker Location, Weapons Stats, and Upgrades

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Skull Shaker is a Shotgun weapon in Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4). Read on to find out Skull Shaker's stats, how to get Skull Shaker, and learn how to use Skull Shaker in the game!

How to Get Skull Shaker

Purchase the Deluxe or Collector's Edition

Obtained Deluxe Weapon

By purchasing the Deluxe or Collector's Edition, you should recieve a notification that a deluxe weapon is available. In-game these will appear at your Storage automatically.

How to Claim Deluxe Edition Bonus Content

Skull Shaker Weapon Overview

Skull Shaker Basic Info

Skull Shaker
RE4 Remake - Skull Shaker
A shotgun with a sawed-off stock and barrel. Its compact size allows for excellent maneuverability and handling.
Weapon Type Shotgun
Ammo Type Shotgun Ammo
Perks None
How to Get Purchase Deluxe or Collector's Edition of the game.

Skull Shaker Base Stats

Power Durability Attack Speed Ammo Capacity
5.40 - - 2
Reload Speed Rate of Fire Precision Inventory Slots
0.98 0.49 2.30 5 (5x1)

Skull Shaker Weapon Upgrade Stats

Power 5.4 6.32 7.24 8.15 9.07
Ammo Capacity 2 3 4 5 6
Reload Speed 1 2 3 4 6
Rate of Fire 0.49 0.56 0.66 0.79 0.96
Exclusive Perk 2x Power

Exclusive Perks and upgrades Lv. 4 and above are unlocked in Chapter 9

Upgrade Costs

LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 Total Cost
Power 15000 25000 45000 60000 364000
Ammo Capacity 8000 11000 15000 19000
Reload Speed 7000 9000 11000 13000
Rate of Fire 10000 11000 12000 13000
Exclusive Perk 2x Power (Cost: 80000)

Skull Shaker Exclusive Perk

Exclusive Effect Cost
2x Power 80000 ptas

All Exclusive Upgrades and Perks

Skull Shaker Attachments

All Available Attachments

There are no available attachments for this weapon.

Is Skull Shaker Worth It?

W-870 is Better as a Starter Weapon

For a shotgun, having a higher damage is always better to one-shot kill enemies on the way and lessen the risk of getting swarmed. W-870 is better than Skull Shaker on that because of it's power and its ammo capacity!

You can still sell the Skull Shaker to earn some extra cash and use the money to buy other upgrades or items you need!
Best Shotgun

How to Use Skull Shaker

Good to Use Against Large and Elite Enemies

Due to Skull Shaker's firepower, it is best to use against an elite and even boss enemies. It can deal a lot of damage using only one bullet and stagger those enemies once they've taken enough damage.

Try not to use it against weaker mobs, especially if you're low on resources, and save it against stronger enemies.

Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4) Related Guides

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All Weapon Types

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List of Shotguns

RE4R - W-870W-870 RE4R - Skull ShakerSkull Shaker RE4R - Riot GunRiot Gun
RE4R - StrikerStriker


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