Elden Ring

Night's Sacred Ground Location and What to Do

Night's Sacred Ground is a Point of Interest in Elden Ring that can be found in Siofra River. Read on to learn more about Night's Sacred Ground, including its location on the map, what to do here, and obtainable items!

Night's Sacred Ground Location

How to Get to Night's Sacred Ground

Night's Sacred Ground

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Type Point of Interest
Region Siofra River
Location Siofra River, northeast of the Mimic Tear Site of Grace

From the Mimic Tear Site of Grace, head northeast across the bridge. Head west down to the cobblestone path when you reach the spot where the bridge wall is crumbling. Veer southwest and you'll end up in what appears to be a dead-end where the dirt path ends.

The next section will require some precise platforming. Jump to the roof of the building in front of you, then drop down a level to the next building. Turn the corner, and jump across to a building with a body hanging over the balcony. Walk around that platform and up the steps with trees sticking out of them. Face south and jump down to the dome, then once more to the larger, sand-covered rooftop.

Heading southeast, take the platform and drop down to the destroyed catwalk. Take that into the next building, drop down and head past the large sphere statue. Through the doorway, take the steps to the right and you'll arrive at the Night's Sacred Ground Site of Grace.

What to Do in Night's Sacred Ground

Night's Sacred Ground Checklist

Obtain Mimic Tear Ashes, Black Whetblade, Fingerslayer Blade, and Great Ghost Glovewort

On the way to Night's Sacred Ground Site of Grace, instead of dropping down to the floor with the sphere statue, head up the small staircase to the coffin and pick up the Black Whetblade from the glowing light on the corpse.

In the room to the east, you'll find a fog door requiring a Stonesword Key. Behind the door is a coffin with Mimic Tear Ashes inside.

From the Night's Sacred Ground Site of Grace, head north, then climb the steps to a tomb with a coffin containing the Fingerslayer Blade and Great Ghost Glovewort.

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Night's Sacred Ground

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