Elden Ring

Merchant Kale Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Merchant Kale
Merchant Kale is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in the Church of Elleh. Read on to learn more about Kale's location, a full questline guide, lore and more!

Merchant Kale Character Profile

Merchant Kale
Merchant Kale
Description A travelling merchant belonging to a nomadic people.
Initial Location Limgrave

Can be found inside the Church of Elleh.
Merchant Yes
Items Dropped ・500 Runes (NG)
・ Finger Snap x1

Where to Find Merchant Kale


Map Location
World View

Merchant Kale can be found inside the Church of Elleh, selling a plethora of starting items for newly arisen Tarnished. Players can make their way to him as soon as they arrive at The First Step.

Merchant Kale Interactions

First Found at Church of Elleh

Merchant Kale can be initially found next to the Site of Grace at Church of Elleh in Limgrave. He will introduce himself as a traveling merchant. You will be able to purchase items from him after talking to him for the first time.

One such item is the Crafting Kit that, when purchased for 300 Runes, unlocks the option to craft items in Elden Ring. Merchant Kale recommends that you buy the item in order to increase your chances of survival while exploring the Lands Between.

Speak to Kale After Visiting the Mistwood Ruins

Merchant Kale Gives Finger Snap

After you visit the Mistwood Ruins for the first time, head back to the Church of Elleh and speak to Merchant Kale about the howling in the forest. He will give you the Finger Snap Gesture and set you up to meet with a warrior named Blaidd the Half-Wolf.

Merchant Kale Shop Items

Items Sold Price
Large Leather Shield 600 Runes
Torch 200 Runes
Furlcalling Finger Remedy 1000 Runes
Arrow 20 Runes
Bolt 40 Runes
Cracked Pot 300 Runes
Throwing Dagger 40 Runes
Telescope 500 Runes
Missionary's Cookbook 1 1000 Runes
Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 1 500 Runes
Crafting Kit 300 Runes
Note: Flask of Wondrous Physick 200 Runes
Note: Waypoint Ruins 200 Runes
Chain Leggings 1500 Runes
Chain Coif 600 Runes
Chain Armor 1000 Runes
Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2 500 Runes
Gauntlets 1000 Runes

Lore and Trivia


  • Merchant Kale is part of a nomadic people who travel the Lands Between, selling their wares. He is one of the first inhabitants of the land that the Tarnished meets.
  • Later on, Kale will reveal that he also knows who Blaidd is. Describing the attitude of the half-wolf as boorish and blunt, it is perhaps this close acquaintance with Blaidd that prompts Ranni to appear at the Church of Elleh out of all areas in Limgrave.


  • Asking for Merchant Kale's recommendation will have him suggest that you buy the Crafting Kit. If you do purchase it, he will comment that he is glad you took his advice to heart.
  • If players do not buy the Crafting Kit after they have gone through at least two Shardbearers, the Twin Maiden Husks will start selling the item back at the Roundtable Hold. However, it will still be available to purchase from Merchant Kale.
  • A differently colored Nomadic Merchant outfit, similar to Kale's, can be found in the catacombs leading to the Frenzied Flame Proscription in Leyndell.
  • Killing Kale will not prevent you from missing Blaidd's appearance at the Mistwood Ruins since the merchant still drops the Finger Snap gesture upon death.

Merchant Kale Quotes

"You're a Tarnished, I can see it. And I can also see... That you're not after my throat. Then why not purchase a little something? I am Kalé. Purveyor of fine goods."
"I am of a nomadic people. Selling wares as I travel. The land has been tainted by madness since the shattering of the Elden Ring. It's only Tarnished like yourself who keep things from drying up entirely. Let's say you're a very welcome customer."
"There are others of my people who yet survive in these lands. If the mood takes you when you meet one, then offer them some trade, won't you?"

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