Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

How to Deal With Armored Units

How to Deal With Armored Units 2021 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is an article on how to deal with Armored units from Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To learn about Armored units and how to defeat them in game modes like the Arena, read on!

3 Ways to Deal with Armored Units

Give Your Units Armor-Effective Weapons

One of the biggest counters to Armored units is to give your own units weapons that are effective against armor.

Armor-effective weapons do 1.5x more damage to your unit's target, so your units will have more opportunities to one-shot as opposed to other weapons.

Armored units are a common sight in Arena because of their high BST, so investing in units wielding these types of weapons is going to be a huge payoff.

List of Units With Armor-Effective Weapons

Skill Hero

Advantages and Disadvantages of Armor-Effective Weapons

Advantage Increased damage against Armored units.
Disadvantage No additional effects on most other units.

Triangle Adept + Weapon Triangle Advantage + Low Cooldown Special

Another way to deal with Armored units is to take advantage of Triangle Adept's effects and having a unit that has Weapon Triangle advantage.

Giving them a low cooldown Special like Ruptured Sky or Moonbow will enhance their one-shot capability.

This is especially helpful if the enemy unit has a skill that protects against armor-effective weapons like Svalinn Shield.

List of Units With Triangle Adept 3

Skill Hero

You can take full advantage of Weapon Triangle advantage by inheriting them to units you are building.

In the case of Selena, she also comes with an armor-effective, Selena's Blade, so she's a good candidate to invest in if you want a unit made specifically to defeat Green Armored foes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Armor-Effective Weapons

Advantage Increased damage against Armored units even if they have a skill that neutralizes armor-effective weapons and skills.
Disadvantage Heavily specialized unit with little effectiveness against other units.

Use Dragon Units

Investing in Dragon units is another good way to counter Armored units. Many Armored units have very high Def and Dragons deal magic damage to melee units and will deal the lower stat between Def or Res if their target is ranged.

This special effective on most Dragon units' weapons means that their damage is adaptable, so they're worth investing in.

List of Dragon Units

Move Type
Adrift Corrin (F) ImageAdrift Corrin (F) Infantry IconInfantry 41 31 37 32 27 8.0
Adrift Corrin (M) ImageAdrift Corrin (M) Infantry IconInfantry 42 35 35 31 24 8.0
Ascended Idunn ImageAscended Idunn Armored IconArmored 45 43 26 43 38 9.5
Ascended Tiki (Young) ImageAscended Tiki (Young) Infantry IconInfantry 38 42 44 32 36 9.0
Bantu ImageBantu Infantry IconInfantry 45 34 28 35 26 8.5
Brave Corrin (F) ImageBrave Corrin (F) Armored IconArmored 42 40 46 37 40 9.5
Brave Tiki (Adult) ImageBrave Tiki (Adult) Infantry IconInfantry 40 43 27 37 41 9.5
Bridal Nel ImageBridal Nel Infantry IconInfantry 40 42 46 30 36 8.5
Bridal Tiki (Adult) ImageBridal Tiki (Adult) Armored IconArmored 42 42 26 40 45 9.5
Corrin (F) ImageCorrin (F) Infantry IconInfantry 41 27 34 34 21 8.0
Dheginsea ImageDheginsea Armored IconArmored 45 45 14 41 39 8.0
Duma ImageDuma Armored IconArmored 48 40 21 34 31 8.5
Ena ImageEna Infantry IconInfantry 44 36 23 37 36 8.0
Fae ImageFae Infantry IconInfantry 46 33 28 25 30 8.0
Fallen Anankos ImageFallen Anankos Armored IconArmored 42 43 44 36 31 9.0
Fallen Corrin (F) ImageFallen Corrin (F) Infantry IconInfantry 43 35 37 31 27 9.0
Fallen Corrin (M) ImageFallen Corrin (M) Infantry IconInfantry 42 38 38 33 26 9.0
Fallen Lilith ImageFallen Lilith lying IconFlying 39 40 43 29 33 9.0
Fallen Lumera ImageFallen Lumera Infantry IconInfantry 36 41 45 26 45 9.5
Fallen Ninian ImageFallen Ninian Infantry IconInfantry 45 27 40 23 36 9.5
Fallen Rhea ImageFallen Rhea Armored IconArmored 46 43 18 40 43 9.0
Fallen Robin (M) ImageFallen Robin (M) Armored IconArmored 48 40 24 35 27 8.5
Fallen Tiki (Young) ImageFallen Tiki (Young) Armored IconArmored 45 36 34 37 28 9.0
Flame Tribe Múspell ImageFlame Tribe Múspell Cavalry IconCavalry 40 43 26 41 30 9.0
Garon ImageGaron Infantry IconInfantry 43 33 22 33 32 8.5
Halloween Corrin (F) ImageHalloween Corrin (F) Infantry IconInfantry 40 42 45 36 30 9.5
Halloween Corrin (M) ImageHalloween Corrin (M) Infantry IconInfantry 44 44 21 44 39 9.0
Halloween Duma ImageHalloween Duma Armored IconArmored 47 46 19 40 43 9.0
Halloween Kurthnaga ImageHalloween Kurthnaga Infantry IconInfantry 45 39 27 36 35 8.5
Halloween Myrrh ImageHalloween Myrrh Armored IconArmored 46 38 23 40 32 8.0
Halloween Naga ImageHalloween Naga lying IconFlying 38 42 31 35 37 8.5
Halloween Nagi ImageHalloween Nagi Armored IconArmored 49 48 17 45 48 9.5
Halloween Nah ImageHalloween Nah Armored IconArmored 53 47 18 49 45 9.5
Halloween Nils ImageHalloween Nils Infantry IconInfantry 44 35 41 21 35 8.5
Halloween Rhea ImageHalloween Rhea Infantry IconInfantry 40 43 18 39 42 9.0
Halloween Robin (F) ImageHalloween Robin (F) lying IconFlying 40 40 17 37 38 9.0
Halloween Robin (M) ImageHalloween Robin (M) Armored IconArmored 46 43 21 43 37 9.0
Halloween Sothis ImageHalloween Sothis lying IconFlying 40 36 42 31 34 9.0
Halloween Tiki (Young) ImageHalloween Tiki (Young) lying IconFlying 39 39 42 32 25 9.0
Ice Tribe Nils ImageIce Tribe Nils Infantry IconInfantry 40 35 43 30 40 8.5
Idunn ImageIdunn Armored IconArmored 45 35 26 39 34 9.0
Kana (F) ImageKana (F) Infantry IconInfantry 40 30 34 33 26 8.0
Kana (M) ImageKana (M) Infantry IconInfantry 40 31 33 31 29 7.5
Legendary Alear (F) ImageLegendary Alear (F) Infantry IconInfantry 40 41 47 33 37 9.5
Legendary Alear (M) ImageLegendary Alear (M) Infantry IconInfantry 40 41 46 30 41 9.5
Legendary Corrin (F) ImageLegendary Corrin (F) Infantry IconInfantry 41 38 40 34 29 9.0
Legendary Corrin (M) ImageLegendary Corrin (M) Infantry IconInfantry 40 40 46 27 46 9.5
Legendary Fae ImageLegendary Fae Infantry IconInfantry 40 42 28 37 41 9.0
Legendary Myrrh ImageLegendary Myrrh lying IconFlying 40 39 25 42 36 9.0
Legendary Ninian ImageLegendary Ninian Cavalry IconCavalry 44 37 41 22 24 9.9
Legendary Robin (F) ImageLegendary Robin (F) lying IconFlying 40 32 35 30 25 8.5
Legendary Tiki (Young) ImageLegendary Tiki (Young) Armored IconArmored 45 34 35 37 29 9.0
Lilith ImageLilith lying IconFlying 39 36 41 27 30 8.5
Medeus ImageMedeus Infantry IconInfantry 40 44 18 38 43 9.5
Mila ImageMila Infantry IconInfantry 41 37 17 40 37 9.0
Múspell ImageMúspell Cavalry IconCavalry 40 41 19 39 37 9.0
Myrrh ImageMyrrh lying IconFlying 42 33 25 36 31 8.5
Mythic Lumera ImageMythic Lumera Infantry IconInfantry 37 43 46 27 40 9.5
Naga ImageNaga lying IconFlying 37 30 36 33 26 8.5
Nagi ImageNagi Armored IconArmored 46 37 19 36 41 9.0
Nah ImageNah Infantry IconInfantry 44 34 25 38 32 8.0
New Year Kana (F) ImageNew Year Kana (F) Infantry IconInfantry 37 43 45 27 41 8.5
New Year Kana (M) ImageNew Year Kana (M) Infantry IconInfantry 37 42 46 28 40 8.5
Nifl ImageNifl Cavalry IconCavalry 39 38 40 27 23 9.0
Nils ImageNils Infantry IconInfantry 45 31 35 26 25 8.5
Ninian ImageNinian Infantry IconInfantry 42 24 33 23 27 8.0
Nowi ImageNowi Infantry IconInfantry 45 34 27 30 27 8.0
Rearmed Robin (F) ImageRearmed Robin (F) Armored IconArmored 43 41 44 35 33 9.0
Rhea ImageRhea Infantry IconInfantry 40 44 16 42 46 9.0
Seiros ImageSeiros Infantry IconInfantry 40 42 18 37 40 9.0
Sothis ImageSothis Infantry IconInfantry 41 34 39 32 27 9.0
Spring Idunn ImageSpring Idunn Armored IconArmored 46 37 26 37 38 9.0
Spring Myrrh ImageSpring Myrrh lying IconFlying 40 38 25 40 35 9.0
Summer Alear (F) ImageSummer Alear (F) Infantry IconInfantry 39 42 47 32 38 9.5
Summer Nifl ImageSummer Nifl Cavalry IconCavalry 39 38 43 28 26 9.0
Summer Tiki (Young) ImageSummer Tiki (Young) lying IconFlying 40 33 37 32 26 8.5
Tiki (Adult) ImageTiki (Adult) Infantry IconInfantry 40 35 23 35 24 7.5
Tiki (Young) ImageTiki (Young) Infantry IconInfantry 41 31 30 32 29 8.0
ValentineValentine's Myrrh Armored IconArmored 50 47 16 48 45 9.5
Winter Fae ImageWinter Fae Armored IconArmored 45 35 26 33 41 8.0
Winter Sothis ImageWinter Sothis Armored IconArmored 44 35 41 30 35 9.0
Ymir ImageYmir Cavalry IconCavalry 38 40 26 35 34 9.0

Two Dragon units also possess armor-effective weapons - Idunn and Spring Idunn (Demonic Breath and Zephyr Breath respectively), so it's a good idea to build either of them up to handle Armored units.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dragon Units

Advantage Good overall bulk, have adaptive damage depending on enemy unit's range
Disadvantage Suceptible to Dragon-effective weapons and Specials (like Ruptured Sky).
Several units are slow and cannot counterattack from a distance without skill inheritance.

Other Countermeasures

Staff Units

Many Staff units possess skills or weapons that can be used to hinder or chip away at an Armored unit without fear of retaliation.

The combination of Wrathful Staff 3 and Dazzling Staff 3 means that they can attack without Armored units counterattacking.

Good candidates that help take out enemy Armored units include Veronica and Brave Camilla, though you can use any Staff unit that have been built.

Popular Armored Units and Counters

Brave Edelgard

Brave Edelgard Image
FEH Green StoneGreen Axe IconAxe Armored IconArmored
Base Stats
Lv. 1 HP
Lv. 40 HP
46 (46)
61 (45)
16 (16)
43 (43)
35 (35)
Default Skills
Assist Skill Icon:-
Attuned Skill Icon:-

Brave Edelgard Builds and Best IVs

One-shotting her is recommended

Brave Edelgard is one of the best armor units currently and is able to hit hard and take out units with ease.

She can counterattack from a distance, reduce damage from units attacking her, and has surprising mobility thanks to her weapon.

Due to the mobility and firepower, she will need to be defeated in one attack.

High Spd red units packing Armorsmasher+ can take her out, though beware that she still packs a punch when she counterattacks.

Magic can also be used, with units like Valentine's Líf or Lilina.

Legendary Edelgard

Legendary Edelgard Image
FEH Green StoneGreen Axe IconAxe Armored IconArmored
Base Stats
Lv. 1 HP
Lv. 40 HP
45 (45)
61 (42)
17 (17)
39 (39)
36 (36)
Default Skills
Weapon Skill IconAymr
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconBonfire
Attuned Skill Icon:-

Legendary Edelgard Builds and Best IVs

The same as above applies

Edelgard's other iteration is also as strong and packs a similar amount of mobility thanks to her B and C skills.

However, her base kit does not allow her to counterattack from a distance, so she can be kited with to bring her HP down.

Like her Brave version, she can be handled in the same manner and with the same units.

Winter Sothis

Winter Sothis Image
FEH Green StoneGreen Green Breath IconGreen Breath Armored IconArmored
Base Stats
Lv. 1 HP
Lv. 40 HP
44 (44)
51 (35)
44 (41)
30 (30)
35 (35)
Default Skills
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconSirius
Attuned Skill Icon:-

Winter Sothis Builds and Best IVs

Winter Sothis herself is a Dragon unit, and thus possesses the adaptive damage that comes with her unit type.

She can counterattack from a distance due to possessing Distant Counter and her weapon neutralizes any Dragon-effective weapons.

However, she is not immune to armor-effective weapons. Take care of her high Def and Res, however, as your unit may need buffs in order to take her out.

Brave Hector

Brave Hector Image
FEH Blue StoneBlue Lance IconLance Armored IconArmored
Base Stats
Lv. 1 HP
Lv. 40 HP
48 (48)
53 (37)
22 (22)
39 (39)
28 (28)
Default Skills
Weapon Skill IconMaltet
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconIgnis
Attuned Skill Icon:-

Brave Hector Builds and Best IVs

Thanks to Brave Hector's weapon refine, he's become a very difficult unit to deal with.

Also able to counterattack from a distance, his high defense means that a good number of units won't be able to lay a scratch on him.

However, he is quite slow himself and does not possess the same moblity as Brave Edelgard.

Being a blue unit, he himself is weak to Brave Edelgard if you want to fight fire with fire.

A skill like Lancebreaker 3 works surprisingly well if given to a hard hitting unit like Cherche or a magic unit like Flying Nino or Lewyn.


Armored Unit Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

While Armored units are powerful and can be annoying to deal with, they're not without their own weaknesses.

Investing in a good Arena team that have ways to deal with Armored units will net you a good score, and many are easily obtainable.

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