Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Which Heroes Should You Send Home?

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This page covers which Heroes are okay to Send Home in the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Use this page as a reference if you are unsure of which units have valuable skills and should instead by used as source heroes for Inherit Skill.

About Send Home (Heroes)

Heroes You Can Send Home (Chart)

Corrin (M) IconCorrin (M) Stahl IconStahl Oboro IconOboro Boey IconBoey
Merric IconMerric Gaius IconGaius Jakob IconJakob Virion IconVirion

In general, you should avoid sending heroes home!

It depends on whether or not you are doing pay-to-play and how often you pull from summons, but we generally do not recommend sending heroes home. If you pull multiple units of the same hero, you can use them as a Source Hero for Inherit Skill, or aim to build a 4★+10 super unit. When you are running out of space in your Barracks, you can make use of the Create Combat Manual feature.

When should you use the Send Home feature?

When using the Send Home feature, first observe a unit's skillset. Heroes with undesirable skills for Inherit Skill can be sent home for Feathers.

Heroes You Can Send Home by Color

Red Heroes You Can Send Home

Hero Name Reason to Send Home
Ogma - Loyal Blade ImageOgma
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・Possesses a Unique Weapon that can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery, but his extremely low Res makes him difficult to use.
・His skillset is not very useful overall.
Stahl - Viridian Knight ImageStahl
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・Swap is a useful skill to inherit, so after making a couple Combat Manuals from 3★ units, you can send the rest home.
Corrin - Fateful Prince ImageCorrin (M)
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・There are few heroes who can truly make use of the weapon Dragon Fang
・His skillset is not very useful overall.
Raigh - Dark Child ImageRaigh
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・You may wish to inherit the skill Rauðrwolf, so after making a couple Combat Manuals from 4★ units, you can send the rest home.
Seliph - Heir of Light ImageSeliph
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・Weapon can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery, but her is a tough hero to make use of.
・Does not have any useful skills.

Blue Heroes You Can Send Home

Hero Name Reason to Send Home
Donnel - Village Hero ImageDonnel
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・Does not have any skills that are really worth inheriting
・Drag Back can be inherited from other heroes.
・Has a decent stat spread, so he might be worth building if you do not have any other powerful blue units.
Oboro - Fierce Fighter ImageOboro
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・You may wish to inherit the skill Heavy Spear, so after making a couple Combat Manuals from 4★ units, you can send the rest home.

Green Heroes You Can Send Home

Hero Name Reason to Send Home
Merric - Wind Mage ImageMerric
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・He has an effective weapon that can be refined, but his stats are not very good, so it is okay to send him home.
・Does not have any useful skills.
Boey - Skillful Survivor ImageBoey
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・His stats are nothing special, and he does not have any useful skills.
・Earth Boost 3 can be inherited from a 4★ unit, but since few characters can really make use of it, it often goes to waste.
Libra - Fetching Friar ImageLibra
Summonable as a 4★/5★ unit
・You can send this unit home if you already have amassed several strong green heroes.
・Raise this unit if you are lacking green heroes.
Chrom - Spring Exalt ImageSpring Chrom
Only available as a 5★ unit
・Overall not a very strong hero, so unless you want to inherit his weapon for its looks, it is okay to send him home.
・Has the skill Axe Experience 3, but there are few places when you need to be using it.

Colorless Heroes You Can Send Home

Hero Name Reason to Send Home
Jakob - Devoted Servant ImageJakob
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・Overall not a very strong hero, so it is okay to send him home
・His only useful skill is Renewal 3, but it can only be inherited from a 5★ unit.
Virion - Elite Archer ImageVirion
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
Overall not a very strong hero, so it is okay to send him home
Does not have any useful skills.
Gaius - Candy Stealer ImageGaius
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
Overall not a very strong hero, so it is okay to send him home
・Pass 3 does not have a lot of uses, but it shines when defending. If you want to play defensively, first make a couple Combat Manuals from 4★ units.
Matthew - Faithful Spy ImageMatthew
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・You may wish to inherit the skill Rogue Dagger, so after making a couple Combat Manuals from 4★ units, you can send the rest home.
Clarine - Refined Noble ImageClarine
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・If you already have a few powerful staff-wielders like Veronica, you can send her home.
・If not, staff-wielding cavalry units can be very useful, so you should level her up.
Priscilla - Delicate Princess ImagePriscilla
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・If you already have a few powerful staff-wielders like Veronica, you can send her home.
・If not, staff-wielding cavalry units can be very useful, so you should level her up.
Lachesis - LionheartLachesis
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・If you already have a few powerful staff-wielders like Veronica, you can send her home.
Sakura - Loving Priestess ImageSakura
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・If you already have a few powerful staff-wielders like Veronica, you can send her home.
Serra - Outspoken Cleric ImageSerra
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
・If you already have a few powerful staff-wielders like Veronica, you can send her home.
Rebecca - Wildflower ImageRebecca
Summonable as a 3★/4★ unit
Overall not a very strong hero, so it is okay to send her home
・You can inherit the skill Darting Blow 3 from a 4★ unit, but it is possible to get this skill from other heroes as well.
Mist - Helpful Sister ImageMist
Only available as a 5★ unit
・If you already have a Combat Manual that will let you inherit the skill Recover+, you can send her home.

Related Links: Skills

Skills by Type

weapon skillWeapon Skills assist skillAssist Skills special skillSpecial Skills
Passive APassive A Skills Passive BPassive B Skills Passive CPassive C Skills

Other Information on Skills

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