Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

List of Aether Raid Structures

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This is a list of structures that can be found in Aether Raids for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To know the effects of these different structures, read on!

List of Aether Raids Structures

These are the available structures in Aether Raids.

The effects listed here are when a structure has been upgraded to its maximum level.

Offensive Structures

Structures raiding parties use for support.

Name Effect
Armor School (O)Armor School (O) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on armored foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Bolt Tower (O)Bolt Tower (O) At the start of turn 3, deals 40 damage to foes within 3 columns centered on structure.
Bright Shrine (O)Bright Shrine (O) At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd-8 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Spd total through its next action.
Catapult (O)Catapult (O) At start of turn, destroys defenstive structures within the same column as this structure if their level ≤ this structure's level.
Note: Fortress (D), traps, resources, and ornaments cannot be destroyed.
Cavalry School (O)Cavalry School (O) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on cavalry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Dark Shrine (O)Dark Shrine (O) At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-8 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total through its next action.
DuoDuo's Indulgence (O) The first Duo or Harmonized Skill used between turn 1 and turn 6 can be used a second time. (Max of two uses. Only one use per turn.)
Escape Ladder (O)Escape Ladder (O) A lost battle's Aether cost will be returned. May be used 5 more times this season.
Note: Cannot be destroyed.
Flier School (O)Flier School (O) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on flying foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Fortress (O)Fortress (O) If structure's level > opponent's Fortress (D) level, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to all allies.
(X = difference in level x4).
Note: Cannot be removed or destroyed.
This structure cannot be removed.
Healing Tower (O)Healing Tower (O) At the start of turn, restores 40 HP to allies within 3 rows and 5 columns centered on structure.
Infantry School (O)Infantry School (O) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on infantry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Panic Manor (O)Panic Manor (O) At start of turn, if any foes are within 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ 75, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.
Tactics Room (O)Tactics Room (O) At the start of turn, if any foes are within the same column as structure and their HP is ≤ 70 and they use bow, dagger, magic, or staff, restricts those foes' movement to 1 space through their next actions.

Defensive Structures

Structures defensive teams use for support.

Name Effect
Armor School (D)Armor School (D) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on armored foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Bolt Tower (D)Bolt Tower (D) At the start of turn 3, deals 40 damage to foes within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure.
Bright Shrine (D)Bright Shrine (D) At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd-8 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Spd total through its next action.
Catapult (D)Catapult (D) At start of turn, destroys offensive structures within the same column as this structure if their level ≤ this structure's level. Note: Fortress (O) cannot be destroyed.
Cavalry School (D)Cavalry School (D) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on cavalry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Dark Shrine (D)Dark Shrine (D) At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-8 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total through its next action.
DuoDuo's Hindrance (D) If a Duo or Harmonized Hero is on the defensive team, foe cannot use Duo or Harmonized Skills between turn 1 and turn 6.
Flier School (D)Flier School (D) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on flying foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Fortress (D)Fortress (D) If structure's level > opponent's Fortress (O) level, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to all allies.
(X = difference in level x4).
Note: Cannot be removed or destroyed.
This structure cannot be removed.
Healing Tower (D)Healing Tower (D) At start of turn, restores 40 HP to allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on structure.
Infantry School (D)Infantry School (D) At the start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on infantry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.
Only one school can be placed at a time.
Panic Manor (D)Panic Manor (D) At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ 75, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.
Tactics Room (D)Tactics Room (D) At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ 70 and they use bow, dagger, magic, or staff, restricts those foes' movement to 1 space through their next actions.


Traps are triggered when foes end movement on one.

Name Effect
Bolt TrapBolt Trap If foe ends movement on this structure's space, deals 50 damage to target and units within 3 spaces. (Cancels foe's attack or Assist skill.)
False Bolt TrapFalse Bolt Trap This looks like a Bolt Trap, but it's just a fake.
False Heavy TrapFalse Heavy Trap This looks like a Heavy Trap, but it's just a fake.
Heavy TrapHeavy Trap If foe ends movement on this structure's space, restricts movement of target and units within 2 spaces with HP ≤ 60 to 1 space through their next actions. (Cancels foe's attack and Assist skills.)


Decorative structures with no combat function.

Name Effect
Anniversary ArchAnniversary Arch An arch built to welcome well-wishers during the second anniversary. It's an event item.
Anniversary CakeAnniversary Cake A massive cake baked to celebrate the second anniversary. It's an event item.
Anniversary Cake (4)Anniversary Cake (4) A massive cake baked to celebrate the fourth anniversary. It's an event item.
Anniversary TreatAnniversary Treat A gigantic cupcake whipped up to celebrate the third anniversary. It's an event item.
Black Eagle FlagBlack Eagle Flag Flag for the class led by Edelgard. It's an event item.
Blue Lions FlagBlue Lions Flag Flag for the class led by Dimitri. It's an event item.
Bronze ThroneBronze Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 10000 in Aether Raids.
Feh Kagami MochiFeh Kagami Mochi Not the real Feh! It's a decoration that brings good luck for the New Year. It's an event item.
Feh StatueFeh Statue An objet d'art produced under the direct supervision of its model. It's an event item.
FireplaceFireplace If it's cold where you are, this item should help you feel a little bit warmer. It's an event item.
Flower BedFlower Bed An arrangement of flowers in vivid colors. It's an event item.
Foreboding LizardForeboding Lizard This statue creates an atmosphere of menace, but the candles lighten the mood. It's an event item.
Golden Deer FlagGolden Deer Flag Flag for the class led by Claude. It's an event item.
Golden ThroneGolden Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 3000 in Aether Raids. From the second time onward, the number of times this feat has been achieved will be inscribed upon it.
Heart GarlandHeart Garland A decoration that symbolizes overflowing love. It's an event item.
Iron FenceIron Fence Used to separate what's inside from what's outside. It's an event item.
Lending LibraryLending Library All of the Heroes who cherish knowledge gathered up this collection of books. It's an event item.
Sight of BondingSight of Bonding A floral decoration commemorating the eternal connection of friendship. It's an event item.
Silver ThroneSilver Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 6000 in Aether Raids.
Snow FamilySnow Family It seems they're brother and sister. It's an event item.
StreetlampStreetlamp A lamp in an elegant, classic design. It's an event item.
Word of BondingWord of Bonding For Heroes who like to deepen their bonds over tea or at gatherings. It's an event item.


Structures that store and restore Aether.

Name Effect
Aether AmphoraeAether Amphorae Stores up to 250 Aether. If destroyed in an attack, it restores Aether to the raiding party (if they win). Note: Cannot be removed. Can be destroyed.
Aether FountainAether Fountain Restores 70 Aether to the Aether Keep each day. If destroyed in an attack, it restores Aether to the raiding party (if they win). Note: Cannot be removed. Can be destroyed.

R&R Structures

Resort Structures. Can also be used as decor.

Name Effect
Accessory ShopAccessory Shop An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.
ArmoryArmory An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.
Dining HallDining Hall An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.
FieldField An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.
Hot SpringHot Spring An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.
InnInn An R&R structure for your Aether Resort.

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