Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Tryout Duels: Time Travel 2010 Loaner Decks

Master Duel - Tryout Duels

Not enough resources to craft and pull for cards cards to match the 2010 TCG Format in Master Duel's Tryout Duels? No problem; the mini-event has a couple of Loaner Decks players can use to participate!

Tryout Duels Time Travel 2010 Loaner Decks

Shining HERO ☆1

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Elemental HERO Neos Alius x3 Snowman Eater x2 Crusader of Endymion x2 D.D. Warrior Lady x2 Honest x2
Cyber Dragon x2 Gemini Spark x3 Miracle Fusion x3 Pot of Duality x3 Book of Moon x2
E - Emergency Call x2 Monster Reborn x1 Reinforcement of the Army x1 Skyscraper x1 Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dimensional Prison x2 Seven Tools of the Bandit x1 Call of the Haunted x1 Mirror Force x1 Solemn Judgment x1
Torrential Tribute x3 - - - -
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x3 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero x3 Elemental HERO Great Tornado x3 Elemental HERO the Shining x3 Vision HERO Trinity x3

Deck Explanation

Difficulty Level: ☆1
An offenseive Deck in which "Elemental HERO Neos Alius" is at the center of many plays. In addition to having high ATK, "Elemental HERO Neos Alius" is a LIGHT monster, and can therefore be supported by "Honest". Even if "Elemental HERO Neos Alius" is about to be destroyed by the opponent, you can combine with "Gemini Spark" to launch an efficient counterattack. It can even be used to material to Fusion Summon "Elemental HERO The Shining" with "Miracle Fusion", enabling you to keep fighting tenaciously even in the final stages of a Duel. Be aware of how the cards in your hand and Graveyard can combine, and above all, be brave and aggressive.

Whirlwind Dragunity ☆2

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Dragunity Phalanx x3 Dragunity Dux x3 Assault Beast **x3* Dragunity Arma Mystletainn x3 Dragunity Aklys x2
Dragunity Legionnaire x2 Malefic Stardust Dragon x2 Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode x2 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite x1 Dragunity Arma Leyvaten x1
Dragon Ravine x3 Terraforming x3 Cards of Consonance x2 Foolish Burial x1 Giant Trunade x1
Monster Reborn x1 Dimensional Prison x3 Assault Mode Activate x2 Call of the Haunted x1 Mirror Force x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Stardust Dragon x3 Magical Android x2 Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg x2 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg x2 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana x2
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth x2 Scrap Dragon x1 Trident Dragion x1 - -

Deck Explanation

Difficulty Level: ☆2
A "Dragunity" Deck that combines the powr of Winged Beast and Dragon cards. Synchro Summon "Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana" by combining a Dragon Tuner and 1 or more Winged Beast monsters, such as "Dragunity Phalanx" and "Dragunity Dux". This will help you work your way up to dominant Synchro Monsters such as "Stardust Dragon". Another way to bring forth mighty monsters is with "Assault Mode Activate". Wield these powerful tools to take control of the Duel.

Dandelion and Debris ☆3

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter **x3* Debris Dragon x3 Quickdraw Synchron x3 Dandylion x2 Lonefire Blossom x2
Snowman Eater x2 Caius the Shadow Monarch x2 Glow-up Bulb x1 Level Eater x1 Spore x1
Card Trooper x1 Sangan x1 Tragoedia x1 Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Pot of Avarice x2
Tuning x2 Foolish Burial x1 Monster Reborn x1 One for One x1 Limit Reverse x3
Raigeki Break x2 Call of the Haunted x1 Mirror Force x1 Torrential Tribute x1 -
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Drill Warrior x2 Formula Synchron x1 Armory Arm x1 Ally of Justice Catastor x1 Junk Warrior x1
Iron Chain Dragon x1 Turbo Warrior x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Junk Archer x1
Nitro Warrior x1 Junk Destroyer x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 -

Deck Explanation

Difficulty Level: ☆3
A Deck that utilizies the synergy of "Dandylion" and "Debris Dragon".
"Debris Dragon" has a limitation when used as Synchro Material, but it can Special Summon a monster with 500 or less ATK from the Graveyard when Normal Summoned. If "Dandylion" is Special Summoned with this effect and used as Synchro Material, you wiull end up with 2 Tokens in addition to a powerful Synchro Monster. Proactively send cards from the Graveyard and use this tactic to quickly form a strong line and win the Duel.

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