Elden Ring

Boc Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Boc
Boc the Seamster is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found near Northern Agheel Lake. Read on to learn more about Boc's location, a full questline guide, lore and more!

Boc Character Profile

Description A traveler who initially resembles a tree upon meeting him, physically has the appearance of a demi-human monkey.
Initial Location Limgrave

Found at a small grove south down the road from the big telescope
Items Dropped ・200 Runes (NG)

Where to Find Boc


Map Location
World View

Boc can be found by heading south towards the Telescope from the Northern Agheel Lake Site of Grace. Once there, head East until you start hearing a voice from an invisible man.

Roll on the Bush to Reveal Boc

How to Find Boc

Boc will be transfigured into a small, orange-leafed bush beside a copse of trees. Simply roll into it to reveal Boc and free him from his plant prison.

Boc Questline

Release Him for Rewards

Boc Offers to Return

After you free Boc, he will reward the Tarnished with 10 Mushrooms and tell you about how he came to be a bush. If you speak to Boc again, he will offer to go back to the cave from where he was banished and return with something that holds more value to the Tarnished.

Injured in the Coastal Cave

Map Location
World View

Players will next find Boc inside the Coastal Cave. He will be injured, lying next to the dungeon's Site of Grace. In order to progress his quest, players will need to beat the boss inside and retrieve the Tailoring Tools and Sewing Needle, key items.

Defeat the Demi-Human Chief

Demi-Human Chief

There will be two Demi-Human Chiefs when players enter the boss room. If in need of backup, consider summoning Old Knight Istvan via the gold summon sign next to the boss room entrance. Defeating the bosses will give you the key items needed to progress Boc's quest.

How to Beat Demi-Human Chief

Unlocks Outfit Alteration

With the Tailoring Tools and Sewing Needle in hand, the option to alter the look of your outfit will become available. Give the items to Boc to also allow him to alter your outfits for you.

How to Alter Garments

Seamster in Liurnia

Map Location
World View

The next time you encounter Boc will be in Liurnia, after you beat Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil Castle. Look for him beside the Lake Facing Cliffs Site of Grace. Speak to him and he will tell it has always been his dream to become a seamster just as his mother was a seamstress.

Give Boc the Gold Sewing Needle

Map Location
World View

Depending on your story progression, Boc will either be at the Altus Highway Junction site of grace or the East Capital Rampart site of grace in the Altus Plateau.

Speak to him while having the armor of a demi-god in your inventory to unlock the I'm sorry... dialogue option. Give him the Gold Sewing Needle to allow Boc to alter special armors.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Retrieve the Golden Sewing Needle
Check Icon Defeat Radahn and Buy His Chestpiece

Retrieve the Golden Sewing Needle from the Church of Vows

The Golden Sewing Needle can be found inside a chest at the Church of Vows in Liurnia. It should be to the right of the Fountain of Absolution at the center of the church.

Defeat Radahn and Buy His Chestpiece

Starscourge Radahn

In order to get the dialogue option where you can give Boc the Gold Needle, you will first need to have the armor of a demigod in your inventory. Rennala's armor cannot be altered making it so that the earliest armor you can get will be Radahn's.

Defeat Starscourge Radahn at Redmane Castle in Caelid to unlock his armor for purchase. Buy Radahn's Lion Armor for 12000 runes from Enia, the Finger Reader.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

Give Boc a Larval Tear

Map Location
World View

After giving him the Gold Needle, exhaust Boc's dialogue and eventually he will ask if he can be reborn to get rid of his ugliness. Give him a Larval Tear and he will start making his way to the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Fast travel to the Grand Library and you will see a boy, adopting Boc's same idle animation, just behind Rennala. Speak to him and reload the area. Boc (now a boy) will die shortly after.

Tell Boc that He is Beautiful

Alternatively, players can use the Prattling Pate You're Beautiful tool after Boc asks for a Larval Tear. Do this after you select and exhaust the dialogue option, Have you ever thought so?

If done correctly, speaking to Boc again will unlock the I heard a voice dialogue option instead of the Give a Larval Tear. Tell him you do think he is beautiful to prevent him from being reborn then dying.

How to Get Prattling Pate You're Beautiful

Lore and Trivia


  • Boc is a Demi-Human that was part of the group led by the Demi-Human Chiefs in the Coastal Cave. Due to circumstance, he was thrown out of the cave and left to fend for himself. He somehow ends up as a bush near the Gatefront Ruins.
  • Boc's mother was a seamstress, and her sewing needle is a treasured possession he keeps in order to remind him of her. It was taken by the Demi-Human Chief when he was thrown out. With its retrieval, Boc can now follow his dream to do just as his mother did.


  • Despite unlocking garment alteration immediately after getting the tools, speaking to Boc in Liurnia will have him insist that you come to him instead for alterations.

Boc Quotes

"Oi! You there! Could you help us out, cully?"
"What'd you go and do that for! Hm? Oh, yes, I remember now... some clod turned me into a tree. You were just breaking the spell, weren't you. Thank you. The Name's Boc. I was pushed out of the cave. Told me not to come back, not ever. Then I ended up as a tree. Lucky... you came along really. "
"Oh, what a shame. When they threw me out of the cave, they took everything I owned. And so this all I have to express my thanks. I hope you can forgive me. Or, if you can afford to wait for a while. I could sneak back into the cave, and bring back something of actual value. Then I'd be of some real use to you, I reckon."
"Wait, is that what I think it is? You got it back for me? My sewing needle! What made you go and do a thing like that...My mum was a seamstress and that sewing kit was all I had to remember her by."

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Apparently you can also use the Prattling Pate “You’re Beautiful” when you have the choice of giving him the larval tear. So instead of him dying he goes on a journey.


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