Elden Ring

How to Alter Garments

Elden Bling

Armor can be modified in Elden Ring, making for a more versatile Fashion Souls experience. Read on to learn how to unlock armor alteration, how to customize garments, and what the best Elden Bling looks are!

How to Unlock Armor Alteration

Defeat Demi-Human Chief

Demi-Human Chief
The Demi-Human Chief boss fight consists of two Demi-Human Chiefs, who are fought simultaneously. Defeat both of them to win the boss fight. You will receive Tailoring Tools and a Sewing Needle as rewards.

How to Beat Demi-Human Chief: Boss Fight Guide

Demi-Human Chief Location

Demi-Human Chief Location
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The two Demi-Human Chiefs can be found in Coastal Cave, which is along the shoreline southwest of the starting point, Stranded Graveyard.

How to Alter Armor

Select Alter Garments at Sites of Grace

Once you have the Tailoring Tools and Sewing Needle, performing armor alterations at Sites of Grace is now possible. Simply rest at a Site of Grace and select Alter garments.

Spend Runes to Alter Armor

Altering Armor
Runes must be spent to modify and customize your armor. Note that not all armor can be altered and alterations may change your armor's stats.

List of Alterable Armors

AlberichAlberich's Pointed Hat Banished Knight HelmBanished Knight Helm Cleanrot HelmCleanrot Helm
CommonerCommoner's Headband Confessor HoodConfessor Hood Drake Knight HelmDrake Knight Helm
EccentricEccentric's Hood NightNight's Cavalry Helm Nox Monk HoodNox Monk Hood
Nox Swordstress CrownNox Swordstress Crown
AlberichAlberich's Robe All-Knowing ArmorAll-Knowing Armor Aristocrat Garb (Altered)Aristocrat Garb
Astrologer RobeAstrologer Robe Banished Knight ArmorBanished Knight Armor Beast Champion Armor Elden RingBeast Champion Armor
Black Knife ArmorBlack Knife Armor BlaiddBlaidd's Armor Bloodhound Knight ArmorBloodhound Knight Armor
Blue Silver Mail ArmorBlue Silver Mail Armor Briar ArmorBriar Armor Carian Knight ArmorCarian Knight Armor
Cleanrot ArmorCleanrot Armor CommonerCommoner's Garb CommonerCommoner's Simple Garb
Confessor ArmorConfessor Armor Crucible Axe ArmorCrucible Axe Armor Crucible Tree ArmorCrucible Tree Armor
Cuckoo Knight ArmorCuckoo Knight Armor Depraved Perfumer RobeDepraved Perfumer Robe Drake Knight ArmorDrake Knight Armor
Elden Lord ArmorElden Lord Armor Errant Sorcerer RobeErrant Sorcerer Robe Festive GarbFestive Garb
Finger Maiden RobeFestive Hood Finger Maiden RobeFinger Maiden Robe Fingerprint ArmorFingerprint Armor
Fire Prelate ArmorFire Prelate Armor Gelmir Knight ArmorGelmir Knight Armor Godrick Knight ArmorGodrick Knight Armor
Gravekeeper CloakGravekeeper Cloak Haligtree Knight ArmorHaligtree Knight Armor High Page ClothesHigh Page Clothes
HoslowHoslow's Armor Leyndell Knight ArmorLeyndell Knight Armor LionelLionel's Armor
MaleniaMalenia's Armor MalikethMaliketh's Armor Mausoleum Knight ArmorMausoleum Knight Armor
NightNight's Cavalry Armor Nomadic MerchantNomadic Merchant's Finery Nox Monk ArmorNox Monk Armor
Nox Swordstress ArmorNox Swordstress Armor Page GarbPage Garb Perfumer RobePerfumer Robe
PerfumerPerfumer's Traveling Garb Prophet RobeProphet Robe RadahnRadahn's Lion Armor
Raging Wolf ArmorRaging Wolf Armor Redmane Knight ArmorRedmane Knight Armor RoninRonin's Armor
Rotten Gravekeeper CloakRotten Gravekeeper Cloak Royal Knight ArmorRoyal Knight Armor Scaled ArmorScaled Armor
Snow Witch RobeSnow Witch Robe SpellbladeSpellblade's Traveling Attire Traveling Maiden RobeTraveling Maiden Robe
Tree Sentinel ArmorTree Sentinel Armor Twinned ArmorTwinned Armor Vagabond Knight ArmorVagabond Knight Armor
VeteranVeteran's Armor War Surgeon GownWar Surgeon Gown

Elden Bling Gallery

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Elden Bling

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