Elden Ring

Chelona's Rise Location and What to Do

Chelona's Rise is a Point of Interest in Elden Ring that can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes. Read on to learn more about Chelona's Rise, including its location on the map, what to do here, and obtainable items!

Chelona's Rise Location

How to Get to Chelona's Rise

Chelona's Rise

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Type Point of Interest
Region Liurnia of the Lakes
Location West Liurnia of the Lakes, south of the Ringleader's Evergaol

Head south from the Ringleader's Evergaol. Chelona's Rise is only accessible after defeating Astel, Stars of Darkness.

What to Do in Chelona's Rise

Chelona's Rise Checklist

Solve the Three Wise Beasts Puzzle

The entrance to Chelona's Rise is blocked by a wall of fog the first time you try to enter. To the left of the steps, make sure to check the statue first so you can receive the following hint to opening the tower:

Seek three great wise beasts

Three Wise Beast Locations

The three wise beasts are the ghosts of turtles and all are located on the same plateau. Strike each one to open Chelona's Rise. Once you strike the third turtle, you'll unlock the entrance to Chelona's Rise.

1st Wise Beast Location

The first turtle is on a small bit of land below the cliff in the far southeast of the plateau.
2nd Wise Beast Location

The second turtle is on the cliff behind the tower.
3rd Wise Beast Location

The third turtle is southeast of Ringleader's Evergaol floating in the Spirit Spring. It's high in the sky, so look up and use a bow to hit it. Alternatively, you can jump straight into the Spirit Spring and make contact with the turtle this way.

Obtain Ranni's Dark Moon

Once you've completed the Three Wise Beasts Puzzle and unlocked Chelona's Rise, climb to the top of the tower and open the treasure chest to obtain Ranni's Dark Moon Sorcery.

What to Do if the Turtles Aren't Appearing

You may encounter an issue where the turtles don't appear, or take a long time to appear. If this happens to you, head back to the Imp statue and try re-reading the puzzle's instructions a few times. This should trigger the turtles to spawn.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Maps and Locations

List of Maps and Locations

Liurnia of the Lakes Dungeons and Points of Interest

Liurnia of the Lakes Legacy Dungeons
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Liurnia of the Lakes Minor Dungeons
Stillwater Cave Lakeside Crystal Cave Cliffbottom Catacombs
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Black Knife Catacombs Ruin-Strewn Precipice
Academy Crystal Cave Kingsrealm Ruins Caria Manor
Cathedral of Manus Celes Road's End Catacombs
Liurnia of the Lakes Points of Interest
Church of Irith Malefactor's Evergaol Laskyar Ruins
Slumbering Wolf's Shack Purified Ruins Artist's Shack (Liurnia of the Lakes)
Carian Study Hall Church of Vows Ainsel River Well
Church of Inhibition Grand Lift of Dectus Rose Church
Academy Gate Town Testu's Rise Village of the Albinaurics
Converted Tower Minor Erdtree (East Liurnia) Revenger's Shack
Cuckoo's Evergaol The Four Belfries Royal Grave Evergaol
Seluvis' Rise Ranni's Rise Divine Tower of Liurnia
Deep Ainsel Well Chelona's Rise Lunar Estate Ruins
Moonfolk Ruins Ringleader's Evergaol Jarburg
Renna's Rise Bellum Church Temple Quarter
Boilprawn Shack Frenzy Flaming Tower Converted Fringe Tower
Frenzied Flame Village Highway Lookout Tower (Liurnia)

The Overworld

Maps and Locations of The Lands Between
Elden Ring - Limgrave MapLimgrave Elden Ring - Liurnia of the Lakes MapLiurnia of the Lakes
Elden Ring - Caelid MapCaelid Elden Ring - Altus Plateau MapAltus Plateau
Elden Ring - Mountaintops of the Giants MapMountaintops of the Giants -

The Underground

Maps and Locations of The Underground
Elden Ring - Siofra River MapSiofra River Elden Ring - Ainsel River MapAinsel River
Elden Ring - Deeproot Depths MapDeeproot Depths -

Special Areas

Maps and Locations of Special Areas
Elden Ring - Crumbling Farum Azula MapCrumbling Farum Azula -


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