Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough Comments

List of Swarm Pokemon (Massive Outbreaks)Comment

Showing 1-12 of 12 entries


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    3 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I've managed to encounter every swarm pokemon at least once. Still haven't encountered spinda and it's been almost 3 months. I wonder if spinda is more rare now because of the last home update. All the more reason for them to fix spinda and make it transferable between bdsp

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Difficult Swarm Spawns (almost hardly show up): Dunsparce, Pidgey, Spinda, Beldum, Slakoth, Makuhita I've checked daily for 3 months; Some of them depending on luck and your game show up more likely and often than others. In my experience this is how I rate them.

    1 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Easiest Swarm Spawns (Common): Farfetchd, Lickitung, Cubone, Doduo, Drowzee, Surskit, Swinub Corsola, Smoochum, Magnemite, Voltorb, Natu, Krabby Medium Swarm Spawns: Spoink, Absol, Snubbull, Skitty, Zigzagoon, Nosepass, Phanpy, Elecktrike, Delibird

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