Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All SR Trap Cards

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SR Trap Cards are Super Rare cards that players can sometimes obtain in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see the full list of cards with the rarity to help you build your Deck!

List of SR Trap Cards

All SR Trap Cards by Type

Trap Cards by Type
Normal TrapNormal ContinuousContinuous Counter TrapCounter

Normal SR Trap Cards

A.I.A.I.'s Show Accumulated FortuneAccumulated Fortune Amaze Attraction Cyclo-CoasterAmaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster
Aqua Story - UrashimaAqua Story - Urashima ArchfiendArchfiend's Ghastly Glitch Armageddon DesignatorArmageddon Designator
Armory CallArmory Call Attack Guidance ArmorAttack Guidance Armor Back to the FrontBack to the Front
Banishing Trap HoleBanishing Trap Hole Black IllusionBlack Illusion Blackwing - Twin ShadowBlackwing - Twin Shadow
Blazing Mirror ForceBlazing Mirror Force Branded BanishmentBranded Banishment Break The DestinyBreak The Destiny
Breakthrough SkillBreakthrough Skill Brightest, Blazing, Branded KingBrightest, Blazing, Branded King Bye Bye DamageBye Bye Damage
CeasefireCeasefire Chain HoleChain Hole Chaos PhantasmChaos Phantasm
Counter GateCounter Gate D.D. DynamiteD.D. Dynamite Dai DanceDai Dance
Dark Magic Mirror ForceDark Magic Mirror Force Dark SacrificeDark Sacrifice Dark Spell RegenerationDark Spell Regeneration
Darklord RebellionDarklord Rebellion Deck Devastation VirusDeck Devastation Virus Destined RivalsDestined Rivals
Different Dimension GroundDifferent Dimension Ground Dimensional BarrierDimensional Barrier Dimensional PrisonDimensional Prison
Dinomorphia FrenzyDinomorphia Frenzy Doodlebook - Uh uh uh!Doodlebook - Uh uh uh! Draw DischargeDraw Discharge
Drop OffDrop Off Drowning Mirror ForceDrowning Mirror Force Eldlixir of Scarlet SanguineEldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine
Eradicator Epidemic VirusEradicator Epidemic Virus Evenly MatchedEvenly Matched Evo-SingularityEvo-Singularity
Exchange of Despair and HopeExchange of Despair and Hope Exchange of the SpiritExchange of the Spirit Exosister ReturniaExosister Returnia
Exosister VadisExosister Vadis Fake FeatherFake Feather Fiend ComedianFiend Comedian
Fiery FervorFiery Fervor Final FusionFinal Fusion Full Force VirusFull Force Virus
Fusion DuplicationFusion Duplication GeargiagearGeargiagear Generaider Boss FightGeneraider Boss Fight
Get Out!Get Out! Ghostrick BreakGhostrick Break Ghostrick or TreatGhostrick or Treat
Ghostrick RenovationGhostrick Renovation Ghoti ChainGhoti Chain Giant Star FallGiant Star Fall
Gleipnir, the Fetters of FenrirGleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir Graceful TearGraceful Tear GravediggerGravedigger's Trap Hole
GravelstormGravelstorm Grinning Grave VirusGrinning Grave Virus Grisaille PrisonGrisaille Prison
Halfway to ForeverHalfway to Forever Heavy Storm DusterHeavy Storm Duster Hope for EscapeHope for Escape
How Did Dai Get Here?How Did Dai Get Here? Icarus AttackIcarus Attack Ice BarrierIce Barrier
Ice DragonIce Dragon's Prison Intimidating Ore - SummoniteIntimidating Ore - Summonite Jar of AvariceJar of Avarice
JokerJoker's Wild Just DessertsJust Desserts Karma CutKarma Cut
Kashtira Big BangKashtira Big Bang Labrynth BarrageLabrynth Barrage Libromancer DisplacedLibromancer Displaced
Libromancer InterventionLibromancer Intervention Linear Equation CannonLinear Equation Cannon Magic CylinderMagic Cylinder
Magic DeflectorMagic Deflector Magical CylindersMagical Cylinders Magical HatsMagical Hats
Magical Trick MirrorMagical Trick Mirror Mannadium ReframingMannadium Reframing Matching OutfitsMatching Outfits
Mind CrushMind Crush Mirror ForceMirror Force Monster RebirthMonster Rebirth
Morphtronic Impact ReturnMorphtronic Impact Return Multiple DestructionMultiple Destruction Necro FusionNecro Fusion
Needlebug NestNeedlebug Nest NEXTNEXT Nightmare ArchfiendsNightmare Archfiends
Offering to the Snake DeityOffering to the Snake Deity Ojama TrioOjama Trio Peaceful BurialPeaceful Burial
Pendulum AreaPendulum Area Pendulum EncorePendulum Encore Planet Pollutant VirusPlanet Pollutant Virus
Possessed PartnershipsPossessed Partnerships Power WallPower Wall Present CardPresent Card
Quaking Mirror ForceQuaking Mirror Force Rainbow Bridge of SalvationRainbow Bridge of Salvation Rainbow LifeRainbow Life
Reckless GreedReckless Greed Red ReignRed Reign Relay SoulRelay Soul
Return from the Different DimensionReturn from the Different Dimension Revenge RallyRevenge Rally Reverse TrapReverse Trap
Ritual Beast SteedsRitual Beast Steeds S-Force ChaseS-Force Chase Scareclaw AlternativeScareclaw Alternative
Scrap-Iron ScarecrowScrap-Iron Scarecrow Self-Destruct ButtonSelf-Destruct Button Shadow ImpulseShadow Impulse
Shiranui Style SwallowShiranui Style Swallow's Slash Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - SilveraSinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera Skill PrisonerSkill Prisoner
Soul Energy MAX!!!Soul Energy MAX!!! Soul TransitionSoul Transition Stained Glass of Light & DarkStained Glass of Light & Dark
Stardust MirageStardust Mirage Stardust Re-SparkStardust Re-Spark Starlight RoadStarlight Road
Storm DragonStorm Dragon's Return Storming Mirror ForceStorming Mirror Force Synchro CallSynchro Call
Synchro ForcebackSynchro Forceback Terrifying Trap Hole NightmareTerrifying Trap Hole Nightmare Terror of TrishulaTerror of Trishula
Terrors of the AfterrootTerrors of the Afterroot The Forceful CheckpointThe Forceful Checkpoint The Golden ApplesThe Golden Apples
The Phantom Knights of Shade BrigandineThe Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine The Transmigration ProphecyThe Transmigration Prophecy Therion CrossTherion Cross
Threatening RoarThreatening Roar Time to Stand UpTime to Stand Up TitanociderTitanocider
Trap DustshootTrap Dustshoot Trap of DarknessTrap of Darkness Trap StunTrap Stun
Trap TrickTrap Trick Traptrix HoleuteaTraptrix Holeutea Ultimate Crystal MagicUltimate Crystal Magic
Universal AdapterUniversal Adapter Vampire AwakeningVampire Awakening Vivid TailVivid Tail
Volcanic EmissionVolcanic Emission Warning PointWarning Point Waterfall of Dragon SoulsWaterfall of Dragon Souls
WeighbridgeWeighbridge White HowlingWhite Howling World Legacy CliffhangerWorld Legacy Cliffhanger
World ReassemblyWorld Reassembly Xyz UniverseXyz Universe Zero-Day BlasterZero-Day Blaster

Continuous SR Trap Cards

Aerial RechargeAerial Recharge All-Out AttacksAll-Out Attacks Amazoness Hot SpringAmazoness Hot Spring
And the Band Played OnAnd the Band Played On Angel Statue - AzuruneAngel Statue - Azurune Anti-Spell FragranceAnti-Spell Fragrance
Apophis the Swamp DeityApophis the Swamp Deity Barrage BlastBarrage Blast Boompoline!!Boompoline!!
Branded BefallenBranded Befallen Call of the HauntedCall of the Haunted Cyber Summon BlasterCyber Summon Blaster
Destiny BoardDestiny Board Dinomists HowlingDinomists Howling Double PaybackDouble Payback
Eternal FavoriteEternal Favorite Evil Eye MesmerismEvil Eye Mesmerism Forge a New FutureForge a New Future
Frozen Domain of the Ice BarrierFrozen Domain of the Ice Barrier Gemini AblationGemini Ablation Goblin Biker Grand PileupGoblin Biker Grand Pileup
Goblin Biker Grand StampedeGoblin Biker Grand Stampede Gozen MatchGozen Match Hyper BlazeHyper Blaze
Hysteric PartyHysteric Party Imperial CustomImperial Custom Imperial Iron WallImperial Iron Wall
Kingyo SukuiKingyo Sukui Laundry TrapLaundry Trap Life ShaverLife Shaver
Lose 1 TurnLose 1 Turn Macro CosmosMacro Cosmos Marshalling FieldMarshalling Field
Mask of RestrictMask of Restrict Mirror Force LauncherMirror Force Launcher MistakeMistake
Monster ReboneMonster Rebone Naturia Sacred TreeNaturia Sacred Tree Nemleria RepeterNemleria Repeter
Ninjitsu Art of Dancing LeavesNinjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-TransformationNinjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation Ojama PajamaOjama Pajama
Powerhold the Moving BatteryPowerhold the Moving Battery Powersink StonePowersink Stone Proton BlastProton Blast
Red ZoneRed Zone Redeemable JarRedeemable Jar Rivalry of WarlordsRivalry of Warlords
Royal DecreeRoyal Decree Safe ZoneSafe Zone Shaddoll SchismShaddoll Schism
ShapesisterShapesister Sinister YorishiroSinister Yorishiro Skill DrainSkill Drain
Soul DrainSoul Drain Spatial CollapseSpatial Collapse Spiritual Swords of Revealing LightSpiritual Swords of Revealing Light
Summon GateSummon Gate Summon LimitSummon Limit That SixThat Six
The Weather Rainbowed CanvasThe Weather Rainbowed Canvas Time Thief Power ReserveTime Thief Power Reserve Transmigration BreakTransmigration Break
True LightTrue Light Type Zero Magic CrusherType Zero Magic Crusher TyrantTyrant's Tantrum
TyrantTyrant's Temper Ultimeat OfferingUltimeat Offering Unending NightmareUnending Nightmare
UnificationUnification Vaylantz Wave - Master PhaseVaylantz Wave - Master Phase Wall of Revealing LightWall of Revealing Light

Counter SR Trap Cards

Beetrooper Fly & StingBeetrooper Fly & Sting Centur-Ion True AwakeningCentur-Ion True Awakening ChefChef's Special Recipe
Crystal MiracleCrystal Miracle Dark BribeDark Bribe Dark World PunishmentDark World Punishment
DebunkDebunk Dinomorphia IntactDinomorphia Intact Dinomorphia ReversionDinomorphia Reversion
Divine PunishmentDivine Punishment Drastic Drop OffDrastic Drop Off Emergeroid CallEmergeroid Call
Gladiator Beast War ChariotGladiator Beast War Chariot Golden Land Forever!Golden Land Forever! Imperial Tombs of NecrovalleyImperial Tombs of Necrovalley
Infernity BarrierInfernity Barrier Musakani MagatamaMusakani Magatama Nega-Ton CorepanelNega-Ton Corepanel
Nine Pillars of Yang ZingNine Pillars of Yang Zing Orcust CrescendoOrcust Crescendo RaidraptorRaidraptor's Phantom Knights Claw
Rebirth of ParshathRebirth of Parshath RecallRecall RetortRetort
Salamangreat RoarSalamangreat Roar Solemn WarningSolemn Warning Stellarnova AlphaStellarnova Alpha
Super Soldier ShieldSuper Soldier Shield T.G. CloseT.G. Close Toon TerrorToon Terror
Ultimate ProvidenceUltimate Providence Unwavering BondUnwavering Bond Vampire DominationVampire Domination
WiretapWiretap XX-clusionXX-clusion YosenjusYosenjus' Secret Move
Zefra Divine StrikeZefra Divine Strike

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



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