Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Genetic Apex Koga (A1 222) Rarity, Effects, and Pack

Koga (A1 222) is a Trainer Supporter card from Mewtwo Packs in the Genetic Apex set in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on to learn more about this card including its rarity, pack point cost, effects, and how to get it!

Koga (A1 222) Rarity, Pull Rate and Effect

Koga (A1 222) Overview

Card Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket- Card Image not AvailableKoga Trainer
Souichirou Gunjima
Rule: You may only play one Supporter card during your turn.

List of All Cards

Koga (A1 222) Rarity and Pull Rate

Rarity Pack Pull Rate
Pull 1~3 | 4 | 5
◇◇ 0%/90%/0%

This card has a 2◇ rarity. You have a 0% chance to pull 2◇ cards on your first three and last cards, and a 90% chance on your fourth card.

Card Rarity Guide

Koga (A1 222) Effect

Put your Muk or Weezing in the Active Spot into your hand.

Battle System Explained

How to Get Koga (A1 222):
Available Packs and Expansions

Can Be Pulled From Mewtwo Pack in Genetic Apex

Expansion Booster Pack Rarity
Genetic Apex Mewtwo ◇◇

Craft with 70 Pack Points

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pack Points
You can also craft Koga (A1 222) with 70 Pack Points! You can get Pack Points by simply opening booster packs.
Pack Points Explained

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cards

List of Genetic Apex Cards

All Card Lists

List of Cards
Basic Pokemon Cards Stage 1 Pokemon Cards
Stage 2 Pokemon Cards ex Pokemon Cards
Supporter Cards Item Cards
Promo Cards Immersive Cards

Tier Lists

Tier Lists
Best Cards Tier List

Genetic Apex Packs

Genetic Apex Packs
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu Genetic Apex Pikachu Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Charizard Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo Genetic Apex Mewtwo Pack


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