Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough Comments

All Gym Leader Rematch TeamsComment

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    1 ModoTheGreatover 3 yearsReport

    For Gardenia's rematch team, I strongly recommend adding Crobat as a recommended Pokémon. It outspeeds Jumpluff with its 130 speed BST (Jumpluff has 110) and learns Taunt by TM. Taunt prevents all of Gardenia's utility moves, shutting down her Jumpluff, Breloom, Cherrim, and Roserade. Sunflora is useless since you prevent Sunny Day. Crobat also resists every attack move these 5 Pokémon have access to, usually with 4x resist! Bring something to switch into Torterra's Stone Edge and you're done.

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