Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Tomb of the Consort Location, Quests, and Bosses

Tomb of the Consort is a location in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) that is available to visit in Act 1. Read on to see all quests, bosses, and everything you can find in Tomb of the Consort!

Tomb of the Consort Location Details

Home of Asinia, Praetor Consort

Tomb of the Consort

Monster Level 9

Tomb of the Consort is a location in Path of Exile 2 that is located within the Cemetery of the Eternals.

It is home to Asinia, Praetor Consort—one of the bosses in Path of Exile 2. She holds one of the Memorial Key Pieces needed to unlock the Memorial Gate in the Cemetery of the Eternals.

Aside from Asinia, the Tomb of the Consort is also home to Gravelfrenzy, Hollowsurge, Risen Rattlers, Bone Stalkers, Knight Gaunts, and Eternal Knights. The Eternal Knights can be tricky to deal with because of its huge shield. Try to attack it from behind to take it down quickly.

How to Get to Tomb of the Consort

Step Objective
Enter The Grim Tangle.
2 The Grim Tangle
Look for the entrance to Cemetery of the Eternals within The Grim Tangle. Note that maps are randomly generated and this is only a sample layout meant as a general guide.
Enter the Cemetery of the Eternals.
4 Cemetery of the Eternals
Look for the entrance to Tomb of the Consort within Cemetery of the Eternals. Note that maps are randomly generated and this is only a sample layout meant as a general guide.

The entrance to Mausoleum of the Praetor can be found in Cemetery of the Eternals during Act 1. Go through The Grelwood and look for the entrance to The Grim Tangle, which can also be found near the area's waypoint somewhere in the center. The entrance to Cemetery of the Eternals can be found at the opposite end of The Grim Tangle.

Tomb of the Consort Map Layout

Sample Map Layout

Go through Mausoleum of the Praetor to progress in the quests The Mysterious Shade and Sorrow Among Stones.

The area has a relatively straightforward layout, with narrow pathways leading to Asinia, Praetor Consort. Near the entrance, you will find an Embattled Trove with additional loot to obtain!

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

Tomb of the Consort Bosses

Asinia, Praetor Consort

Asinia, Praetor Consort
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Physical, Cold
Weaknesses None
Rewards Sorrow Among Stones main quest progression

The Bone Spears follow up attack that Asinia does after the Bone Cage usually deals a lethal amount of damage. To avoid this attack, attack the Bone Cage as it's summoned to break it and escape.

Asinia, Praetor Consort Boss Guide

Tomb of the Consort Quests

All Main Quests in Tomb of the Consort

The Mysterious Shade Sorrow Among Stones

All Side Quests in Tomb of the Consort

There are no quests of this kind in this area.

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 Walkthrough

Walkthrough and List of Acts

All Acts

All Acts
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3

All Locations in Act 1

Clearfell Encampment The Riverbank Clearfell
Mud Burrow The Grelwood The Red Vale
The Grim Tangle Cemetery of the Eternals Mausoleum of the Praetor
Tomb of the Consort Hunting Grounds Freythorn
Ogham Farmlands Ogham Village The Manor Ramparts
Ogham Manor


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