Elden Ring

Character Creation Guide and Features

Elden Ring - Character Creation Guide and Features
Elden Ring's character creator has been revealed! Read on to know all about Elden Ring's character creation and how to change your character's appearance later on in the game!

Character Creation Features

Select Your Class

Starting Classes Screen - Elden Ring
When first creating your character, you'll be asked to select your starting class. There are 10 classes in total to choose from.

Customize Your General Appearance

The next section allows you to change your character's general features, such as a base template for their appearance along with their name, body type, and age. You can also select your starting Keepsake at this point.

Best Starting Keepsake: Which Keepsake Should You Choose?

Detailed Customization

If you want to change more of your character's features, you can make more detailed alterations. This section allows you to customize your hairstyle and facial features, as well as your body and voice.

Character Creation Video Guide

How to Change Your Character's Appearance

Travel to the Roundtable Hold

Roundtable Hold Entryway for Changing Appearance - Elden Ring
To change your character's appearance, you'll need to travel to the Roundtable Hold.

If you haven't reached this area yet, you'll need to progress in the game until Melina appears to the player while resting at a Site of Grace and offers to take you to the hold.

From your starting point at the Roundtable Hold, head to the entryway right in front of you into Fia's room.

Use the Dressing Table in Fia's Room

Use Dressing Table to Change Appearance - Elden Ring
You'll see a dressing table here that's used for changing your appearance. This is free of charge and has unlimited uses.

All Starting Classes

Your Class will Affect Your Character's Initial Stats, Weapons, and Equipment

Elden Ring - Your Class will Affect Your Character

While you are free to design your character's appearance, their starting equipment and stats will be decided by the class you choose.

Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing a starting class that suits your playstyle is always ideal. Take note that stat progression is always up to the player so you won't necessarily be locked from certain builds based on your starting character.

There are 10 starting classes to choose from.

Starting Classes
Vagabond Hero
Warrior Prisoner
Bandit Astrologer
Confessor Samurai
Wretch Prophet

The Best Starting Classes

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