Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Encore Moment Guide | By Moon's Grace

Version 2.1 is out now!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┣ Materials: Blazing Bones, Golden Fleece
Character Tier List | All Active Banners
┣ New Event: Tactical Simulacra III, Infinite battle Simulation II
┗ Phase 2 Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Encore Companion Guide
You can use Encore as your companion during the By Moon's Grace Event in Wuthering Waves 1.2. See how to unlock Encore as your companion, her best event stats and how to increase it, and her companion info in this guide!

How to Unlock Encore in By Moon's Grace

Complete Fireworks Shop's Side Quest

Complete Fireworks Shop
To unlock Encore, you have to have built the Fireworks Shop stall and completed its side quest, Encore's Steaming Adventure!.

Fireworks Shop Stall and Side Quest Guide

Encore Best Stats in By Moon's Grace

Encore Best Stat

Encore Best Stats
Action Teamwork

Encore excels with the Action and Teamwork stat, so if your Wishes require these stats to succeed, Encore is a good choice!

Companion Stats

Lv. Stats
Knowledge Action Teamwork
1 4 28 8

Please note that the numbers may be unique for every player, but characters will still have higher numbers for the stats they excel at.

How to Increase Encore's Event Stats

Interact With Her

Interact to Increase Stats
To increase her companion stats, you can interact with Encore. You can use 4 interactions with her: Chat, Gift, Preparations, and Travel.

To do this, you have to spend the Wish currency you can get during the event. Of all the interaction, you can gain the most with Travel, which costs 16 Wishes.

Complete Lodge Wishes

Complete Wishes from the Lodge Wishes
You can also increase Encore's stats just by doing Lodge Wishes. This can level her up after completing them. To these lodge wishes, you need Preparation Credits and Operation Funds, so be sure to stock up on those!

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - By Moon
By Moon's Grace Event Guide

By Moon’s Grace Tips and Tricks

Event Guides
1.2 Character Locations How to Farm Popularity
How to Get Operation Funds How to Spend Preparation Credits

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All Lodge Tales Guides
Moonlit Reunion Wish Upon the Moon I Wish Upon the Moon II
Wish Upon the Moon III Wish Upon the Moon IV Chasing the Moon's Glory

Stall and Side Quests Guides

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Companion Guides

All Companion Guides
Rover CompanionRover Sanhua CompanionSanhua Chixia CompanionChixia
Encore CompanionEncore Changli CompanionChangli Yangyang CompanionYangyang
Lingyang CompanionLingyang Jianxin CompanionJianxin Jiyan CompanionJiyan
Yinlin CompanionYinlin Zhezhi CompanionZhezhi Jinhsi CompanionJinhsi
Xiangli Yao CompanionXiangli Yao


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