Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Key of Tremor, Tranquility, or Passion? Which Key To Choose

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Keys of Tremor, Tranquility, or Passion? Which Key to Choose

The Keys of Tremor, Tranquility, and Passion can be obtained from an Illusia Encounter in Wuthering Waves. Learn its effects and which key you should choose in this guide!

What are the Keys of Tremor, Tranquility, and Passion?

Grants Elemental Energy

Key Type Effects
Key of Tremor Obtain three "Electro".
Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves - Electro
Key of Passion Obtain three "Fusion".
Wuthering Waves - Fusion Wuthering Waves - Fusion Wuthering Waves - Fusion
Key Tranquility Obtain three "Glacio".
Wuthering Waves - Glacio Wuthering Waves - Glacio Wuthering Waves - Glacio

The Keys of Tremor, Tranquility, and Passion are Metaphors. Choosing a Key will only grant you three elemental energies of its associated attribute, and does not give any offensive or defensive buffs to your character in Depths of Illusive Realm.

List of Metaphors

Which Key Should You Choose?

Choose What Fits Your Echo's Elemental Energy

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Choose What Fits Your Echo
As all Keys grant three elemental energies of its associated attribute and nothing else, it is best to choose the key that would further the elemental energy of your Echo in order to level it up and unlock its unique skills.

If for example, your Echo lacks Electro elemental energy in order to level up, then the best Key to choose would be the Key of Tremor.

How to Get Keys of Tremor, Tranquility, and Passion

Obtain in an Illusia Encounter

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Shadow of a Man Illusia Encounter
Encountering the Illusia Shadow of a Man inside a Memory of Unknown will grant you the option to pick between one out of the three Keys Tremor, Tranquility, and Passion.

List of Memory Doors and Illusia Encounters

Obtain From the White Cat

Wuthering Waves -Depths of Illusive Realm - Obtain Keys From the White Cat
The white cat may also grant you the option to choose one of the Keys from a pool of three Metaphors.

Buy From the Ebony Gatekeeper

Wuthering Waves -Depths of Illusive Realm - Key of Tremor Transaction
The Keys often show up at the Ebony Gatekeeper's shop, where you can obtain a Key of Tremor, Tranquility, or Passion for 200 Dream Fragments.

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List of Memory Doors and Illusia Encounters Key of Tremor, Tranquility, or Passion?

List of Depths of Illusive Realm Upgrades

List of Upgrades
Metaphors Character Upgrades


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