Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Prologue Act 2 Utterance of Marvels: II Quest Guide

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Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels: II

Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II is the second Act of Prologue of the Main Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Utterance of Marvels: II, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance

How to Unlock Utterance of Marvels: II

Complete Utterance of Marvels: I

Utterance of Marvels: II automatically unlocks after defeating the boss on previous main quest, Utterance of Marvels: I.

Utterance of Marvels: II Walkthrough

Find a Suitable Tacet Discord

Follow the yellow marker until the objective changes to "Defeat Stonewall Bracer". Defeat the enemy and a cutscene will play after.

List of All Enemies

Absorb Reverberation and Obtain Echo

Stand next to the defeated enemy and press the Absorb button. This adds Stonewall Bracer to the Echo Collection.

How to Absorb Echoes

Equip the Echo

Select the icon on the top-right corner to view the Attribute Details menu. From there click the icon with the red exclamation mark on the left side to view the Echo menu.

Click the circle with the plus icon on the right side. Select the Stonewall Bracer Echo and click the Equip button.

Defeat the two enemies nearby to progress to the next objective.

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Activate the Resonance Beacon and Head to Jinzhou

You can activate the Resonance Beacon as you make your way to Jinzhou to get Astrites and Union Experience and complete the optional objective.

Obtain the Sonance Casket

Follow the yellow marker as it leads you to a cliffside overlooking Jinzhou to get the Sonance Casket. Enter the city to complete the main quest.

Utterance of Marvels: II Information

Utterance of Marvels: II Quest Information
Questline Prologue
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Gorges of Spirits
Version Release 1.0

Utterance of Marvels: II Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Utterance of Marvels: II Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100

4-Star Resonator Chixia

Completing Utterance of Marvels: II unlocks Chixia, a 4-Star Fusion Resonator and Training Pistols that you can equip to her.
Chixia Character Info and Kit

From the New World Trophy

Completing Utterance of Marvels: II main quest rewards you with the From the New World Trophy, allowing you to claim 10 Astrites.

Trophy List and Rewards

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

Main Quest Walkthrough

Prologue Chapter
1 Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I 2 Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II
Chapter 1
1 Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance 2 Chapter 1 Act 2: Echoing Marche
3 Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star 4 Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades
5 Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops 6 Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm


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