Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3 Guide

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Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3 Guide
Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3 is the third stage of the event with the same name in Wuthering Waves. Check out how to beat it, the best Echoes, the characters you can use, and all the rewards here!

How to Beat Depths of Illusive Realm 3

Best Character Build

Character and Echo Combination

Best Character Best Echo
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Wuthering Waves - Inferno RiderInferno Rider

Character Upgrades

Upgrade Description
Efficiency Superimposition
Resonance Skill
Effect Replacement

After Resonance Skill is cast, 2 "Coordinated Silver Awls" will be generated, which lasts for 10 seconds, and will follow Baizhi to carry out Collaborated Attacks. Each Silver Awl deals 150% damage.
Threshold Response
Forte Circuit
Effect Replacement

When Baizhi consumes Concentration by casting Resonance Skill, every 1 Concentration consumed will generate 2 "Silver Awls" to attack the target. Eack "Silver Awl" deals 100% damage.
Variable Substitution
Resonance Liberation
Effect Enhancement

When casting Resonance Liberation, Baizhi will lose 50% of her current HP, and gain the "Protection of You'tan" for 5s, which: Restores HP 1 time(s) per second, and; Doubles the number of "Silver Awls" generated during this period, and; Turns all "Silver Awls" generated during this period into "Silver Kernels", dealing 300% damage.

You'll always have 3 Character Upgrades every run, and you can get more if you go through a Memory of Training door.

The idea for this build is that we'll want Baizhi to generate as many Silver Awls as possible so that we can maximize the amount of hits she does. This will make Inferno Rider and her on-hit Metaphors constantly proc, especially when combined with coordinated attacks.

List of Character Upgrades

Best Metaphors

Concerto Characters

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
・Mortefi will help carry your low damage output early game, and his coordinated attacks will also contribute to activating on-hit effects for Metaphors and Inferno Rider.
・You'll always want your first Concerto Character pick to synergize with your Echo, so Mortefi is a perfect first choice.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina
・Verina's Ultimate also provides coordinated attacks, although they're not as good as Mortefi's since his proc's twice as much as Verina's.
・She's also the only healer at the moment, making her very useful in case you get low on health.

Regular Metaphors

Metaphor Explanation
Scorching Sun in the Forest
Wuthering Waves - Fusion Wuthering Waves - Fusion
This is the most important Metaphor for this build since you'll be constantly hitting targets and activating its 800% ATK Meteor. When combined with Silver Awls and Mortefi's coordinated attacks, you'll be sending down Meteors non-stop.
+ Attack Speed Metaphors Since you'll be relying on a lot of hits from your Silver Awls, you'll want to increase your Basic Attack Speed for more hits per second. Some examples of Metaphors that give increased Attack Speed are a Lightweight Sabre and Nut.
Patterned Nut
Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves - Electro
Again, since you're relying on your Resonance Skill and Liberation for your damage output, you'll want this upgrade to reduce their cooldown after a Basic Attack hits. Pair this with other Resonance Cooldown Metaphors for a 100% uptime on those abilities.

The general idea of these Metaphors is that you'll be playing around Baizhi's multiple hits, so you'll want Metaphors that complement this playstyle. Besides the Metaphors mentioned above, you'll also be looking for +ATK and on-hit Metaphors, alongside any Metaphor that adds to Inferno Biker's ability upgrades.

List of Metaphors

Experiment With Your Own Playstyle

This is just a general guide that can help most players beat Difficulty 3 of the Depths of Illusive Realm. Since this is a rogue-lite game mode, there may be other builds that are stronger or better suited to your playstyle.

If you completed Difficulty 3 with a different or stronger build, let us know in the comments down below!

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Best Echoes to Use for Depths of Illusive Realm 3

Best Echoes for Trial Characters

Trial Character Recommended Echo
Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan
・Jiyan's natural grouping abilities combo well with Glacio Metaphor's and Bell-Borne Geochelone's final ability upgrade.
・Bell-Borne Geochelone's second ability generates Resonance Energy, allowing Jiyan to use his Ultimate more often.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
・Baizhi synergizes incredibly well with on-hit Metaphors thanks to the multiple coordinated attacks she can get.
・Fusion Metaphors also allow Baizhi to increase her very low attack speed.

Best Echoes by Playstyle

Offensive Defensive Mix of Both
Wuthering Waves - Inferno Rider
Inferno Rider
Bell-Borne Geochelone
Bell-Borne Geochelone
Wuthering Waves - Crownless

Inferno Rider Has Insane Damage Output

Since Inferno Rider needs a lot of Fusion Metaphors, your character's damage output will skyrocket the more of them you get. When paired with characters with multiple hits and high attack speeds, you can easily decimate any enemy or boss that you face.

Just be careful since Inferno Rider is more of a glass cannon Echo, and you'll be extremely squishy if you don't have any Glacio Metaphors.

Bell-Borne Geochelone Gives Near Infinite Survivability

The main draw of Bell-Borne Geochelone is that you'll get multiple ways to gain shields, making you nearly impossible to take down when combined with its freezing effect at higher ability levels.

Bell-Borne also provides strong damage output when stacked with Glacio Metaphors, but it doesn't match the DPS of Inferno Rider or Crownless builds.

Crownless Provides a Strong Mix of Offense and Defense

Crownless lends itself to a mixture of both playstyles. Once you're in the Crownless state, you will deal massive amounts of damage while also taking next to no damage since your chosen Resonator isn't the one tanking the hits.

The main downside, however, is that you're extremely reliant on getting Crown Power to Shapeshift into Crownless, and you're not as strong as the other Echo builds while you're using your selected Resonator.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3 Characters

Trial Characters

Depths of Illusive Realm 3 Trial Characters
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan

Baizhi and Jiyan are the Trial Characters you can use for Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3. If you have these characters at Level 60 and they have upgraded skills and weapons, we recommend using them instead of the Trial versions.

Other Playable Characters

Other Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 3 Rewards

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x150
Shell Credit Shell Credit x20000

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x300
Memory Points Memory Points x90

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List of Depths of Illusive Realm Upgrades

List of Upgrades
Metaphors Character Upgrades

All Depths of Illusive Realm Stages

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulties
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