Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Brant Best Builds and Teams

Wuthering Waves - Brant Character Info and Kit

Brant is a playable 5-star Fusion Sword character in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check out this guide for the best Brant build, Brant best teams, echoes, kit (skills), skill priority, and voice actor here!

Brant Character Overview

Brant Information

Resonator Information
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant
Rarity ★★★★★
Voice Actor (EN) Hyoie O’Grady

Brant Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Overall
SS Rank Icon S Rank Icon A Rank Icon S Rank Icon

How Would You Rate Brant?

SS 1331
S 54
A 8
B 3
C 10

Character Tier List

Brant Stats

Lv. 1 Lv. 90
HP 934 11675
ATK 30 375
DEF 107 1307
Energy Regen 100% -
Crit. Rate 5% -
Crit. DMG 150% -

Stat calculations does not include the Attribute Bonuses from Brant's Forte.

How Strong is Brant?

Versatile Fusion DPS. Can be played as a Main DPS or Sub-DPS
• Can provide heals and shields to team with Forte Circuit and Resonance Liberation
• Unique skill of ATK scaling with Energy Regen
• Great utility with Outro Skill that provides Fusion DMG and Resonance Skill DMG amplification
• Harder to build due to high stat requirements
• Limited Weapon options available
Prone to Interruptions. He relies on his Mid-air Combos for damage
• Has a hard time dealing with mobile bosses
• Grappling onto flying bosses is possible but difficult
• Versatility can be limiting to his team's potential

Brant is a unique Fusion unit that can be played as a main DPS or sub-DPS with healing and shielding capabilities.

His kit revolves around building Energy Regen as it gets converted into ATK, making him potentially have one of the highest ATK stats in the game if his Forte Circuit is maximized. His Outro Skill also buffs the next resonator, allowing him to fill in the Sub-DPS role.

Brant's Build Depends on the Weapon Used

As a DPS, Brant is harder to build as his best echo set, Tidebreaking Courage, requires his Energy Regen to reach 250% to get the 5-pc set bonus that significantly increases his damage potential.

This high requirement, however, is only achievable with a select number of weapons. To avoid DPS-loss, we recommend using his next best set, Molten Rift, to replicate his maximum damage potential.

Brant Can Be Used in Different, but Not Multiple Positions

Brant's versatility can be seen as a weakness as he fills in multiple roles while not excelling at any of them.

His unique position can affect the team's overall damage negatively if he is used in two or more roles at a given time. We recommend players to focus on utilizing Brant's kit for a specific role for him to work well in a team.

Brant Build Guide

Brant Best Build: Fusion DPS Build

Best Weapon
Alt. Weapons
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Tidebreaking Courage Tidebreaking Courage
Cost Pattern ④ ③ ③ ① ①
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Dragon of DirgeDragon of Dirge

Brant Best Echo Stats

Echo Main Stats Priority
④-Cost ③-Cost ①-Cost
CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Energy Regen or Fusion DMG ATK%
Echo Substats Tuning Priority
1. CRIT Rate ★★★
2. CRIT DMG ★★★
3. Energy Regen ★★★
4. Basic Attack DMG Bonus ★★
5. ATK% ★
6. Flat ATK ★

Brant's best Echo set is Tidebreaking Courage as he gets the extra attribute DMG by getting 250% Energy Regen which he should attain from his weapon and echoes. As he is primarily a damage dealer, all his echo stats and rolls should focus on adding to his overall damage.

Energy Regen is focused on main and sub-stats as his unique scaling allows him to get up to 2600 ATK with this stat. Ideally, balance your Crit. ratio with your 4-Cost Echo, and have two 3-Cost Echoes with Energy Regen. A 3-Cost Fusion DMG echo is also a good consideration if his Energy Regen exceeds 280% on his other pieces. As for substats, aim for more Energy Regen and Basic Attack DMG% as he scales off that.

250% Energy Regen is Only Recommended With Unflickering Valor

250% Energy Regen is required just to benefit from the 5-piece set bonus of Tidebreaking Courage. While this is easily achievable if you have Unflickering Valor on him, it will be a challenge, if not impossible, to achieve with any other weapon.

We recommend avoiding Tidebreaking Courage if you don't have Unflickering Valor. While Overture works with this set, 5-star weapons on other echo sets are better alternative options. That being said, aim to get as much Energy Regen as possible on him while also trying to go for his ideal substats.

Brant Best Echo Sets

Optimal Main Echo

Main Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Dragon of DirgeDragon of Dirge
Wuthering Waves -
・Passively increases Brant's Fusion DMG Bonus and Basic Attack DMG Bonus.
・The best-in-slot echo for Brant.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Inferno RiderNightmare: Inferno Rider
Wuthering Waves - Fusion
・A good option for a main DPS Brant as it passively increases his Fusion DMG Bonus and Resonance Skill DMG Bonus.
Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron
Wuthering Waves - Energy Regen
・Good echo choice for Brant as a Sub-DPS.
・Maximizes his outro skill buffs for the next resonator on the field.

Echo Tier List

Brant Best Sonata Effects

Echo Set Rating
Wuthering Waves - Tidebreaking Courage Tidebreaking Courage
★★★ - Best
The 5-pc Tidebreaking Courage set suits Brant perfectly as he automatically gets the attribute DMG bonus from him getting 250% Energy Regen which he should be building. All other stats provided by this set benefit Brant directly.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Molten Rift Molten Rift
★★☆ - 2nd Best
A good alternative option for Brant if you plan to make him the Main DPS. This set gives him a lot of Fusion DMG bonuses which he benefits from.
As Tidebreaking Courage requires a lot of Energy Regen to use the 5-pc set bonus, Molten Rift is great for giving him the buffs without having any requirements. This set is more forgiving and is great especially if you don't have Unflickering Valor as his weapon.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
★☆☆ - 3rd Best
A good option for Brant, if you have another DPS. This set gives Energy Regen which benefits him, while also improving upon his outro skill by adding even more buffs to the next resonator swapped in.

Recommended Main Echo:

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Brant Best Weapons

Best Weapons for Brant Ranked

Weapon Skill
1 Wuthering Waves - Unflickering Valor Unflickering Valor Laughter Prevails
Increase Crit. Rate by 8%. Casting Resonance Liberation gives 24% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 10s. Dealing Basic Attack DMG gives 24% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 4s.
2 Wuthering Waves - Red Spring Red Spring Beyond the Cycle
Increase ATK by 12%. When dealing Basic Attack DMG, the weilder gains 10% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 14s. This effect can be triggered once per second, stacking up to 3 times. When the weilder's Concerto Energy is consumed, gain 40% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 10s. This effect can be triggered once per second and ends when the weilder is switched off the field.
3 Wuthering Waves - Blazing Brilliance Blazing Brilliance Crimson Phoenix
ATK increased by 12%. The wielder gains 1 stack of Searing Feather upon dealing damage, which can be triggered once every 0.5s, and gains 5 stacks of the same effect upon casting Resonance Skill. Each stack of Searing Feather gives 4% additional Resonance Skill DMG Bonus for up to 14 stacks. After reaching the max stacks, all stacks will be removed in 12s.
4 Wuthering Waves - Emerald of Genesis Emerald of Genesis Stormy Resolution
Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When Resonance Skill is cast, increases ATK by 6%, stacking up to 2 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s.
5 Wuthering Waves - Overture Overture Ceaseless Aria
When Resonance Skill is cast, restore 8 Concerto Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.
6 Wuthering Waves - Lumingloss Lumingloss Pale Gale
When Resonance Skill is cast, increases Basic Attack DMG and Heavy Attack DMG by 20%, stacking up to 1 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s and can be triggered 1 time(s) every 1s.

List of All Weapons

Brant Best Weapon Explained

Unflickering Valor is the best weapon for Brant as it gives him Energy Regen, Crit. Rate, and Basic Attack DMG bonus which are well-suited for his stats and kit. If you don't have his signature weapon, other limited 5-star weapons are the most ideal options with Red Spring working well with his Basic Attack DMG scaling, and Blazing Brilliance for the stats it gives him.

Alternatively, you can use Emerald of Genesis and Overture on him for more F2P options as they help Brant achieve his Energy Regen requirements.

Brant Best Teams

Brant Premium Dual DPS Team

Main DPS 1 Main DPS 2 Support
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

Brant is best played with another Fusion DPS to deal higher overall damage. Brant's best team consists of Changli and Shorekeeper. Your goal is to maximize the outro skills of each resonator as they all give DMG amplifications to other party members.

With this, Brant and Changli act as co-DPS units since they amplify each others' Fusion DMG. Brant also gives Resonance Skill DMG, which Changli scales off of, whereas Changli amplifies Brant's Resonance Liberation DMG.

Shorekeeper is the recommended support, offering buffs through her Resonance Liberation and Outro Skills to enhance on-field damage. This makes rotations simple, swapping in Changli or Brant as needed.

High Investment, High Reward Brant Team

This is Brant's best team as it clears end-game content easily, but requires high investment due to the number of limited 5 star units and weapons in the party.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina's healing and Damage Deepen buff from her Outro Skill makes her a viable support replacement.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
Great 4-star option for healing and buffs if you don't have 5-star supports.
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Sub-DPS Replacement
Sanhua can replace the Support role as a Sub-DPS, for a more damage-oriented team. Since Brant provides some sustain, this allows a sub-DPS to take up the third position for higher damage.

General Rotation

1 Initiate combat with Shorekeeper and cycle through her kit before finishing with her Resonance Liberation to summon her Stellarealm.
2 Once the Concerto Gauge is maxed out, switch to Brant and do a Normal Attack to immediately enter the air and do a Mid-air Attack Stage 2. Each Mid-air attack can prolong his aerial combat by casting normal attacks right after he flips backward. His Mid-air attacks also generate more of his Bravo.

Make sure not to use Resonance Liberation unless you have it full at the start of combat as this will lead to DPS loss.
3 Stay in the air as much as possible by utilizing his dodge resets when he flips backward. Fill his Bravo energy and cast his Skill when in the ground to continue doing Mid-air combos. Do this until he fills his Concerto Gauge before switching to Changli to buff her damage.
4 Go through Changli's optimal combos to maximize her on-field damage quickly. After filling her Concerto Gauge, switch back to Brant to increase his damage.
5 Use his Resonance Liberation to enter the Aflame state. While in his Aflame state, his Mid-air combos and overall damage increases. Cast Skill when his Bravo reaches 100 to do Returned from Ashes, dealing massive damage to enemies.
6 Repeat until enemies have been defeated.

Brant Main DPS Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

A team Brant can be played on is with him as the main DPS. Due to him having potentially one of the highest ATK stats in the game with his unique Energy Regen scaling, Brant's team funnels as much buffs towards him so he can maximize the damage from his Forte Circuit.

Brant's Team Amplifies His Damage

As most of Brant's damage is considered as Basic Attack DMG, Sanhua fills in the role of the Sub-DPS as she provides him 38% amplification on-field. When played with Shorekeeper, Brant receives multiple buffs that allow him to dish out high amounts of damage to multiple enemies at a given time.

As a main DPS, your goal is to stack Brant's Bravo and have him stay in the Aflame state as much as possible. While on-field, have him generate stacks by staying Mid-air and casting Skill and Liberation when possible.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia Sub-DPS Replacement
Roccia's Outro Skill buffs Basic Attack DMG by 25%, making her a good Sub-DPS alternative.
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Sub-DPS Replacement
Mortefi gives Coordinated Attacks with his Ultimate and at S6 provides an ATK boost to Brant.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina's healing and Damage Deepen buff from her Outro Skill makes her a viable support replacement.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
If you do not have Verina or Shorekeeper, Baizhi is the next best option since she can buff and heal as well.

General Rotation

1 Start combat with Sanhua and do her optimal combos. Have her Ice Structures up and detonate it. Do this until her Concerto Gauge fills up and switch to Brant.
2 For Brant's first rotation into combat, make sure to not use Resonance Liberation unless it is already available. Do basic attacks in the air to do his Mid-air combos and generate 100 Bravo quickly.
3 Cast Resonance Skill, Returned from Ashes, dealing high damage and generating a shield. Note that his Skill is considered as Basic Attack DMG, which is amplified by Sanhua's outro skill.
4 Upon losing Bravo stacks, switch to Shorekeeper and rotate through her kit before casting Stellarealm, providing buffs to the entire party. Fill her Concerto gauge and switch to Sanhua afterwards to make use of her party-wide DMG amplification.
5 Go through Sanhua's abilities once again and fill her Concerto gauge quickly to amplify Brant's damage through her Outro Skill.
6 Switching to Brant, use his Resonance Liberation to enter the Aflame state, giving him more ATK. Generate Bravo stacks quickly and use his transformed skill once reaching max stacks to deal high damage.
7 Enter the air again with his skill and do his mid-air combos. Do this until he reaches max Bravo and can cast his transformed skill again.
8 Repeat until combat ends.

Brant Sub-DPS Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

Another one of Brant's teams is with him as the sub-DPS. Brant is a premium buffer for other Main DPS units like Carlotta and Jinhsi as he can buff Resonance Skill DPS characters. Brant fills in the Sub-DPS position well as he dishes out high amounts of damage while providing buffs together with Support units like Shorekeeper.

Apart from this, Brant also acts as a secondary Support unit due to his shield from his Forte Circuit and multiple healing abilities such as his Resonance Liberation and Bravo stacks.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Main DPS Replacement
Jinhsi's main source of damage is her Resonance Skill. Brant directly buffs her with his Outro Skill.
Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Main DPS Replacement
Chixia benefits from Brant's Fusion DMG amplification and Resonance Skill Amplification.
Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Main DPS Replacement
Encore as a Fusion DPS benefits from Brant's Outro Skill, increasing her overall potential.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina's healing and Damage Deepen buff from her Outro Skill makes her a viable support replacement.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
If you do not have Verina or Shorekeeper, Baizhi is the next best option since she can buff and heal as well.

General Rotation

1 Rotate through Shorekeeper's kit and cast her Stellarealm. Switch to Brant once his icon glows to give the party extra DMG amplification.
2 Once Brant is on-field, do his optimal combos and fill his Bravo and Concerto Gauge as quickly as possible.
3 Swap to Carlotta using Brant's Outro Skill to give 25% Resonance Skill DMG amplification. Do Carlotta's optimal combos and deal as much damage to the enemies. Switch to Brant afterwards.
4 Cast Brant's Resonance Liberation to deal damage and enter the Aflame state. Fill his Bravo and cast Resonance Skill, Return from Ashes to enemies. This provides a shield for better sustainability.
5 Repeat steps until combat is finished.

How to Play Brant

Brant Gameplay Guide

Go Up in the Air with Intro or Skill

Start Mid-Air Combat with Skills

Resonance Skill

Intro Skill

Brant's gameplay focuses on fighting enemies while in the air. To go up, cast Resonance Skill Anchor's Aweigh! to launch him into the air. If Brant enters combat with his Intro Skill, he automatically joins the fight in the air and can do Mid-air combos.

Note that it takes some getting used to playing Brant mid-air as his attacks must connect with enemies to continue his Mid-air sequence. If he fails to connect, he immediately casts a Plunging Attack, taking him into the ground once again.

Do Mid-air Combos

Mid-air Stages

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Mid-air combos are the bread and butter of Brant's gameplay. Once in the air, he grapples onto enemies and immediately starts his Mid-air Attack sequence. The sequence consists of four Mid-air Attack stages.

Each stage causes him to do multiple hits against enemies before flipping backwards. A flip also deals damage to enemies. Start the next stage by doing a normal attack after each flip.

Utilize His Dodge Resets

Dodge after Brant Flips Backward

Dodge after Stage 1

Dodge after Stage 2

Dodge after Stage 3

Your dodge resets after each flip in the middle of Mid-air Attack Stages.

Enter the Aflame State with Ultimate

The Aflame state is an important aspect of Brant's kit as it grants an increase in Bravo generation while also boosting his Energy Regen to ATK conversion.

Heal with Bravo

Brant obtains Bravo whenever he casts Normal Attacks, Resonance Skill, and Intro Skill. He holds up to 100 Bravo, and every 25 Bravo heals his team.

Provide Shields with Transformed Resonance Skill

Upon reaching 100 Bravo, his Resonance Skill transforms into Returned from Ashes, which deals a massive amount of damage to enemies and provides a shield to the whole team.

Note that Returned from Ashes can be cast as long as you have 100 Bravo and does not require him to be in the Aflame state.

Brant Recommended Combos

Main Damage Rotation

Resonance Skill -> Mid-Air Attack Stage 1 (Hold) -> Mid-air Attack Stage 2 (Hold) -> Mid-air Attack Stage 3 -> Mid-air Attack Stage 4 -> Resonance Skill -> Mid-air Attack Stage 1 (Hold) -> Mid-air Attack Stage 2 (Hold) -> Resonance Skill (Returned from Ashes)

Brant can get full Concerto energy with 2 rotations of his Skill and Mid-air combos. Initiate with Skill to go up in the air and go through his Mid-air stages. Make sure to do the charged versions of Stage 1 and 2 to maximize Bravo gain.

Resonance Skill, Returned from Ashes fills up his Concerto Gauge quickly, allowing him to do quickswap rotations with other DPS characters.

Fast Max Bravo Stacks Combo

Intro Skill → Mid-air Attack Stage 2 (Hold) → Mid-Air Attack Stage 3 → Mid-air Attack Stage 4 → Skill → Mid Air Attack Stage 1 (Hold) → Mid-Air Attack Stage 2 (Hold)

This combo is the fastest way to get full stacks on Brant's Bravo so he can cast Returned from Ashes. Brant immediately enters the air after his intro, reducing his cast time and improving overall DPS and Bravo generation.

An alternative way to do this is by using Resonance Skill and Mid-air Attack Stage 1. However, Intro Skill to Stage 2 gives more energy due to the mini-combo he does with his Intro.

Fast 50 Bravo Stacks Combo

Skill → Mid-air Attack Stage 1 (Hold) → Mid-air Attack Stage 2 (Hold) → Mid-air Attack Stage 3

This combo allows Brant to reach 50 Bravo quickly. This makes use of just one rotation with his Skill and Mid-air attacks, making this a good way to quickly heal your team when in combat.

Brant Materials: Ascension and Forte

Brant Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Forte Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

Ascension Materials Per Rank

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90

Total Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
Inherent Skill 2

Brant Skill Priority and Forte List

Forte Tree Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Normal Attack ★★★★ Mid-air attacks play a significant role in him dealing damage to enemies. Prioritize this after his Forte Circuit.
Resonance Skill ★★☆☆☆ Brant's Resonance Skill does not contribute much to his overall damage and is mainly used to deal some damage before going up in the air. Level this up after his Normal Attacks and Forte Liberation.
Forte Circuit ★★★★★ This increases his healing, shield, and main damage source. Prioritize upgrading this skill first.
Resonance Liberation ★★★★ His Resonance Liberation contributes well to his damage and healing. Level this after his Forte Circuit.
Intro Skill ☆☆☆☆ His Intro Skill lets you start your mid-air combo immediately after entering the battlefield. This allows you to do your rotations faster but doesn't increase much damage-wise when upgrading. Prioritize other skills first.

Normal Attack

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Captain's Rhapsody
Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heavy Attack:
Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.

Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff:
Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
- After performing Basic Attack Stage 2 or Stage 4, hold Normal Attack to perform Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff.
- After performing Mid-air Attack Stage 4, press Normal Attack to perform Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff.

Mid-air Attack:
Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
Press Normal Attack following Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 to swing to the target with Grapple. Brant will attack the target if he reaches them with the swing. Release while in action to flip backward after the attack hits; or hold Normal Attack to attack the target continuously and flip backward after the finishing move. Brant flips backward automatically after Mid-air Attack Stage 3. Press Normal Attack after each flip to perform the next stage of Mid-air Attack. Flip resets Mid-air Dodge Attempts.
- If Brant fails to reach the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1, he instead performs a slash forward, dealing Fusion DMG.
- If Brant reaches the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 but the attack fails to hit the target, he will drop down after a temporary suspension in mid-air.

Dodge Counter:
Press Normal Attack right after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Stage 1 DMG 25.42%
Stage 2 DMG 25.50%+25.50%
Stage 3 DMG 11.10%*3+16.64%*5
Stage 4 DMG 14.10%+11.28*5
Heavy Attack DMG 99.37%
Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff DMG 85.00%
Mid-air Attack Stage 1 DMG 61.80%
Mid-air Attack Stage 1: Charged Attack DMG 16.72%+25.08%+20.90%*6
Mid-air Attack Stage 1: Flip DMG 17.00%+29.75%
Mid-air Attack Stage 1: Slash DMG 14.17%*3
Mid-air Attack Stage 2 DMG 42.72%+42.72%
Mid-air Attack Stage 2: Charged Attack DMG 16.54%*6
Mid-air Attack Stage 2: Flip DMG 17.00%+29.75%
Mid-air Attack Stage 3 DMG 14.17%*6
Mid-air Attack Stage 3: Flip DMG 17.00%+29.75%
Mid-air Attack Stage 4 DMG 51.07%+12.77%*3+38.31%
Dodge Counter DMG 19.13%*3+28.69%*2
Heavy Attack STA Cost 25
Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff STA Cost 25
Mid-air Attack STA Cost 5

Resonance Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Anchors Aweigh!
Brant launches himself into the air and blasts all targets in an area, dealing Fusion DMG. While in mid-air, if Bravo is not full, Resonance Skill Anchors Aweigh! is replaced with Plunging Attack.
Plunging Attack:
Plunge at the target at the cost of STA, dealing Fusion DMG, which is considered Basic Attack DMG.
- If Brant fails to reach the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1, he instead performs a slash forward. Afterward, press Normal Attack to perform Plunging Attack.
- If Brant reaches the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 but the attack fails to hit the target, press Normal Attack to perform Plunging Attack during the suspension.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. ATK +1.80%.
2. ATK +4.20%.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill DMG 100.77%+67.18%
Plunging Attack DMG 52.70%
Plunging Attack STA Cost 30
Cooldown 4s
Concerto Regen 10

Forte Circuit

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Ocean Odyssey
Theatrical Moment:
Brant gains additional ATK based on his Energy Regen: For every 1% of his Energy Regen over 150%, Brant gains additional 12 points of ATK, up to 1560.

Waves of Acclaims:
Heal all nearby Resonators in the team when Bravo reaches 25,50,75, and 100.

Returned from Ashes:
When Bravo is full, replace Resonance Skill Anchor Aweigh! with Returned from Ashes. Consume all Bravo to perform Returned from Ashes, dealing Fusion DMG, considered Basic Attack DMG, and generate a shield. Casting this skill when in Aflame ends this state after Returned from Ashes ends.

Brant can hold up to 100 Bravo.
- Obtain Bravo when Normal Attacks hit the target.
- Obtain Bravo when Intro Skill hits the target.
- Obtain Bravo when Resonance Skill hits the target.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Returned from Ashes DMG 23.75%*2+47.50%+95.00%*2+665.00%
Waves of Acclaims Healing 312+1.09*per 1% Energy Regen
Shield 2500+9
  • per 1% Energy Regen
  • Shield Duration 30
    Returned from Ashes Concerto Regen 20

    Inherent Skills

    Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
    Inherent Skill 1:
    Voyager's Blaze
    Healing provided by Waves of Acclaims is increased by 20%
    Inherent Skill 2:
    Trial by Fire and Tide
    Brant's resistance to interruption is increased during Mid-air Attacks and gains 15% Fusion DMG Bonus.

    Resonance Liberation

    Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
    To the Horizon
    Deals Fusion DMG to targets within the range and heal all nearby Resonators in the team before entering the Aflame state. Can be cast in mid-air.
    The efficiency of gaining Bravo is increased by 100% when Normal Attack or Resonance Skill Anchors Aweigh! hits the target. Meanwhile, Forte Circuit Theatrical Moment is replaced by My Moment.

    My Moment:
    Brant gains additional ATK based on his Energy Regen: For every 1% of his Energy Regen over 150%, Brant gains additional 20 points of ATK, up to 2600.

    Attribute Bonuses:
    1. ATK +1.80%.
    2. ATK +4.20%.

    Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
    Skill DMG 42.78%*4+171.12%
    Healing 500+1.75
  • per 1% Energy Regen
  • Aflame Duration 12s
    Cooldown 24
    Resonance Cost 175
    Concerto Regen 20.00%

    Intro Skill

    Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
    Applaud for Me!
    Deals Fusion DMG to targets within the range and heal all nearby Resonators in the team before entering the Aflame state. Can be cast in mid-air.
    Interlufe Applause:
    The next Mid-air Attack begins at Stage 2. This effect ends when Brant lands early or is switched out.

    Attribute Bonuses:
    1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
    2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

    Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
    Skill DMG 102.00%+25.50%
    Concerto Regen 10

    Outro Skill

    Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
    The Course is Set!
    Amplify the incoming Resonator's Fusion DMG by 20% and Resonance Skill DMG by 25% for 14s or until the Resonator is switched out

    Brant Resonance Chain

    Recommended Sequence Nodes

    Why We Recommend It
    S1 ★★★★★ - Amazing
    Brant's first Resonance Chain node increases his damage up to 60%, while reducing enemies' movement. This is worth pulling as it makes his combos much easier to do and allows him to have more chances to dodge/parry enemies.
    S2 ★★★★☆ - Great
    His second node increases his Crit. Rate and adds more to his damage off-field. This is a good stopping point for most players.
    S3 ★★★☆☆ - Good
    The third node increases his main source of damage by 42%. This is good as it gives a boost to his overall damage towards enemies.
    S4 ★★★☆☆ - Good
    Brant's fourth node improves his shielding and healing. This improves his overall sustain which is a good investment, making him comparable to other top-tier supports in the game.
    S5 ★★☆☆☆ - Okay
    His fifth chain node gives Basic Attack DMG bonus which gives a significant boost to his overall damage. His primary sources of damage scale with Basic Attack DMG, which increases his damage potential. However, as a standalone node, it is not worth pulling for it unless you want to get S6.
    S6 ★★★★☆ - Great
    One of Brant's main sources of damage is his Mid-air attacks, which is further increased by this node. It also adds a secondary blast that deals even more damage when casting Returned from the Ashes. His S6 is great to have if you're aiming to fully get the best of Brant's kit.

    All Sequence Node Effects

    S1 By Currents and Winds
    Returned from Ashes temporarily causes nearby targets to stagnate while casting. The stagnation effect is removed when Brant is switched off the field. After casting Intro Skill Appluad for Me! or each flip folllowing Mid-air Attack, Brant's DMG dealt is increased by 20% for 5s, stacking up to 3 times.
    S2 For Smiles and Cheers
    Casting Mid-air Attack and Returned from Ashes increases Brant's Crit. Rate by 30%.
    Brant's Outro Skill The Course of Set! gains a new enchancement: When Resonance Skill cast by the incoming Resonator (or nearby Resonators who activate Brant's Outro Skill) hits a target within 20s after Brant's Outro Skill, Brant blasts the hit target, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 440% of Brant's ATK (considered as Basick Attack DMG). This explosion can be triggered 1 time per second, up to 2 explosions in total.
    This effect remains active when Brant is switched off the field.
    S3 Through Storms I Sail
    The DMG Multiplier of Returned from Ashes is increased by 42%.
    S4 To Freedom I Sing
    The Shield obtained from Returned from Ashes is increased by 20%. Casting Returned from Ashes restores HP for all nearby Resonators in the team (6.60 HP for every 1% Energy Regen).
    S5 All the World's an Actor's Stage
    Dealing Basic Attack DMG gives Brant 15% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 10s.
    S6 All the World's a Captain's Carnevale
    Mid-air Attack's DMG Multiplier is increased by 30%. Casting Returned from Ashes causes a secondary blast, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 30% of the DMG dealt by Returned from Ashes, considered Basick Attack DMG.

    How to Get Brant

    Featured in a Limited Banner

    Limited Banner
    Wuthering Waves - Blaze Across the Deep
    Blaze Across the Deep
    Version 2.1 - Phase 2
    March 6, 2025 - March 26, 2025

    You can get Brant by pulling in the Character Event Convene called Blaze Across the Deep which is available in Version 2.1 from March 6, 2025 to March 26, 2025 (UTC-5).

    Brant Voice Actor and Lore

    Brant Voice Actors

    Brant Voice Actor List
    EN Hyoie O’Grady
    JP Daisuke Kishio
    CN Ray Mo
    KR Lee Ju Seung

    List of All Voice Actors

    Brant In-Game Lore

    Gender Male
    Birthplace Rinascita
    Affiliation Troupe of Fools

    List of All Factions

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    Characters by Rarity

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    Characters by Element

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    All Playable Characters

    Playable Characters
    Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya
    Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore
    Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan
    Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia
    Wuthering Waves - Rover (Havoc)Rover (Havoc) Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
    Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
    Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
    Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
    Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi
    Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu

    Upcoming Characters

    Upcoming Characters
    Wuthering Waves - ZaniZani Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella Wuthering Waves - Rover (Aero)Rover (Aero)


    58 Anonymous7 days

    i hope you hang yourself and no one likes you <3

    57 Anonymous7 days

    lol who cares if u lose ur 5050


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